Hoe Kamala Harris

Donald Trump was a self admitted hoe and a John who paid for sex. His accomplishments pale in comparison to being a Senator and District Attorney. Yet, as a white dude you guys have no problem. Hmmm.
Trump's accomplishments are ENORMOUS. As a leftist OMISSION media dupe, you would have no idea.
Trump’s gut is enormous.. his accomplishments, not so much.
Trump’s gut is enormous.. his accomplishments, not so much.
Whenever I hear leftists minimizing Trump's accomplishments, I ask them to state what they know of his accomplishments. Typically, they know next to noting about his accomplishments, because they confine themselves to liberal OMISSION media, which carefully keeps his accomplishments hidden from view, so you'll mistakenly think there weren't very many.

The fact is (unknown to information-deprived liberals) his accomplishments are enormous. Let's do a comparison. You post a list of what you know Trump's accomplishments to be, and I'll post a list too, and then we'll compare.
Trump’s gut is enormous.. his accomplishments, not so much.
Whenever I hear leftists minimizing Trump's accomplishments, I ask them to state what they know of his accomplishments. Typically, they know next to noting about his accomplishments, because they confine themselves to liberal OMISSION media, which carefully keeps his accomplishments hidden from view, so you'll mistakenly think there weren't very many.

The fact is (unknown to information-deprived liberals) his accomplishments are enormous. Let's do a comparison. You post a list of what you know Trump's accomplishments to be, and I'll post a list too, and then we'll compare.
I’ll start. These are my favorite Trump accomplishments so far in his life:
  1. Trump Airlines
  2. Trump Vodka
  3. Trump Mortgage
  4. Trump: The Game
  5. Trump Entertainment Corp
  6. Trump Steak
  7. Trump Magazine
  8. Go.trump dot com
  9. Trump University
  10. Healthcare reform (repeal and replace)
  11. Mexico paying for the wall
  12. Coronavirus response
  13. Simplified Tax structure
  14. Unemployment
  15. Racial unrest
  16. Turnover rate of federal leaders
  17. Convicted felons in leadership
  18. Leaking confidential information to enemies
  19. Deficit control
  20. Infrastructure bill
  21. Impeachable based on obstruction
  22. Deferring military funds for wall that has been 90% replacement
  23. Did not bring manufacturing back
  24. Before pandemic he never economy over 3%
  25. Guaranteed 6 week leave is no where
  26. Hillary is in jail I think.
  27. Iran deal is worse now. There is none
  28. Abandoned 1% cut a year in budget
  29. Has not changed or addressed supposed wasted spending as promised
  30. China is still in WTO, we have worse trade now, and lining pockets of big Agriculture with tax dollars
  31. Has not banned lobbyist from being recent administration and congressional employees
  32. Has not froze federal hiring
  33. Federal debt is not 4 years from being eliminated as promised
  34. Has not balanced the budget but ran the largest deficits ever even in growth economy
  35. Hasn’t eliminated carried interest loop hole
  36. Has not released his tax records now that fake audit is over
  37. Hasn’t sued his sexual assault victims for supposedly lying.
  38. Fidelity with wives
  39. Noble Prize - whatever that is
  40. Kept his weight under 250lbs. Uh huh.

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