Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

oh looky.....liberal whine....so typical....

try to look at the bigger picture.....when we conservatives join in the war declared by BO's union leader....PC liberals need to stop WHINING about language...

we have you SONS OF BITCHES in our CROSSHAIRS next election....and we will TAKE YOU OUT....!

ahh that felt good...:cool:

Let me get this straight: you're accusing liberals of whining on a thread started by a conservative who is himself whining about Hoffa's speech?:cuckoo: :lol::lol::lol:
Let me get this straight: you support Hoffa's nasty "hate speech"...yet you condemn Tea Party "hate speech"....?

who's the BIGGER hypocrite...? :lol:

Nice deflection. I never said that I support Hoffa's rhetoric. And I never said that I didn't. What I said was that I find it funny that some of you conservatives are criticizing Hoffa for using similar rhetoric that some on the right have used. And you fail to see the irony.
Unlike democracy, at the core of socialism you will always find force.....Barry's union thugs fill the bill...

1. Obama is not a socialist 2. The name is Barrack 3. They're not union thugs, they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining 4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.

1. Right, he's a Marxist. 2. He goes by "Barry" as well. 3. Yes, they are thugs. 4. Linkypoo?

How many unions are in commieland? Generally commies hate unions.
That's the thing. Democrats can't inspire crazies like the Republicans can.

What's your secret?
Excuse me?!?!?!

Please explain the following groups:

RNC Welcoming Committee
The Ruckus Society
SEIU at the Tea Parties
The New Black Panthers
The Weather Underground
Earth Liberation Front
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The Nation of Islam
International ANSWER
Code Pink
The World Worker's Party
Amnesty International
Nature Conservancy

All very left wing.
All fucking nutty as the day is long with their own particular screed of leftwing politics, class warfare, race war, anti-war activism, anti-capitalism and anti-individual freedom.

Show me equivalent groups on the right. Please. And don't try the crazed individual either. We are talking about GROUP INDOCTRINATION to insanity and violence.
Sharron Angle: "Second Amendment Remedies"

Michele Bachmann: "Armed and Dangerous"

Sarah Palin: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"

Jackson Williams: Arizona and "Second Amendment Remedies"

Palin tells followers to ‘reload’ and ‘aim for’ Democrats | The Raw Story

seems like anything to do with guns (2nd, armed, reload) is "hate speech" to lefties....

however anything demeaningly sexual (sons of bitches) is considered ok speech...

guess that stands to reason....conservatives believe in the Second Amendment, lefties don't.....lefties believe in obscene indecency, conservatives don't....

JosefK said:
Nice deflection. I never said that I support Hoffa's rhetoric. And I never said that I didn't. What I said was that I find it funny that some of you conservatives are criticizing Hoffa for using similar rhetoric that some on the right have used. And you fail to see the irony.
what's really ironic is the Left started the whole "hate speech" deal in the first place....
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..
Sharron Angle: "Second Amendment Remedies"

Michele Bachmann: "Armed and Dangerous"

Sarah Palin: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"

Jackson Williams: Arizona and "Second Amendment Remedies"

Palin tells followers to ‘reload’ and ‘aim for’ Democrats | The Raw Story

seems like anything to do with guns (2nd, armed, reload) is "hate speech" to lefties....

however anything demeaningly sexual (sons of bitches) is considered ok speech...

guess that stands to reason....conservatives believe in the Second Amendment, lefties don't.....lefties believe in obscene indecency, conservatives don't....

JosefK said:
Nice deflection. I never said that I support Hoffa's rhetoric. And I never said that I didn't. What I said was that I find it funny that some of you conservatives are criticizing Hoffa for using similar rhetoric that some on the right have used. And you fail to see the irony.
what's really ironic is the Left started the whole "hate speech" deal in the first place....

They're always a mere moment away from the next goofy whackaloon talking point...
None of which describes the Obama administration.

Yawn, Obama's fascist care.

Nuff said,

:lol::lol::lol: SO, if Obamacare is facism at work, then what is Romneycare? Did you just call Romney a fascist?:cuckoo:

He went by Barry at one time. He doesn't anymore. It is not his name.

It is his name, the one on high school and college transcripts.

Wait. The right has been bitching that they want to see Obama's (meaning they haven't actually seen them) school transcripts, and now you want me to believe that you know for certain that Obama used the name Barry on his school transcripts? Not that it really matters, but....link.

:lol::lol::lol: What? Unions are the main cause of the nation's economic problems? I'm sure you have proof, right? :cuckoo:

Do you use drugs?

{State pension and retiree benefits have quintupled since 1998 and over 12,000 former state and local government workers collect pensions of over $100,000 a year}

Reason Foundation - Public Pension Crisis Threatens to Bankrupt California

I'm not on drugs but it seems like you are. Union retiree and pension benefits have risen. So has the cost of living, insurance premiums, gas prices, and CEO pay. But you want me to believe that union benefits are the only cause of the US's economic troubles. :lol::lol::lol: Ok, you keep thinking that.

Bullshit? Too bad for you, the facts are not on your side.I've already posted this about 4 times. You must have missed it. Here you go:

I see no threats to "take them out" or other open calls for violence such as Hoffa and Obama issued.

Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"

And then there's Angle's famous "second amendment remedies" remark. You still want to deny that some on the right have used violent rhetoric? You do know that we're on the internet, right? All one has to do is Google it.
steph you are going to be suicidal when the election is over.

Remember everything will be OK and dont harm yourself.

No one wants you to harm yourself.

Even me who you hate irrationally wants you to live a long long life.
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..


So you think Unions are commie? Which commie country has unions? :lol:
And we all know if THE Hufferpost AND Raw story says it's TRUE, then by golly it MUST BE.


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