Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

steph you are going to be suicidal when the election is over.

Remember everything will be OK and dont harm yourself.

No one wants you to harm yourself.

Even me who you hate irrationally wants you to live a long long life.

whatever you my dear, whatever you say.

I'm not the who is mental, I don't sit here and have 33.000 post since 2007...Hell I've been here since 2004 and I ONLY HAVE 12.000.
so who has PROBLEMS? And I don't HATE YOU OR ANYONE here, I just DON'T CARE about some of you. It's not worth my time.

You mean..you don't hate me! :razz:


Ok my first post here..interesting...why are they calling so much attention to Hoffa? A big to do about nothing...this guy did not threaten Tea party members but the GOP certainly was in poor taste when they held their GUN raffle in Gifford's district....
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..


So you think Unions are commie? Which commie country has unions? :lol:
THE GOVERNMENT IS THE UNION IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES!!:cuckoo::cuckoo: and no matter how much the government helps you will always be a loser....LOSER!!:lol:
It makes no sense arguing with these idiots over signs, violent talk, stupid targets on maps.. etc etc.

WE SAW all the same and MORE during the Bush administration so it doesn't matter what they say.
AS for Hoffa, he can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. His rhetoric is just that. They know they are losing so they have NOTHING ELSE.
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Wouldn't you think the president would want to distance himself from this nut case union leader? The sad thing is it's all he has left.

How is he a nut case for firing up his members to vote.......oh yeah, you forgot to mention THAT part of his speech, didn't you?
His MessiahRushie edited that part out of his sound bite because of time constraints only :eusa_liar:, he said because he has a strict requirement of sound bites being limited to 60 seconds. When a caller attacked him for his dishonest editing, the pathological liar pretended not to know that VOTE the SOBs out part made a difference. He eventually played the whole quote without the dishonest editing and low and behold the unedited sound bite took 58 seconds!!!
What a major league :asshole:
So what have we learned?

We've learned that teapees love to threaten violence against anyone that doesn't agree with them. But when someone uses hyperbole to encourage people to vote, the teapees start crying like four year olds.

I read a paragraph of Hoffa's statement about how this was war with the tea party. I didn't see the word vote anywhere in that paragraph Rav. Now, I'm not denying that Hoffa may have said vote somewhere along the line, but when I heard him say it and when I read what he said, he really didn't seem to imply that he was talking about voting at all.

Perhaps, if the SEIU hadn't physically beaten people at the town hall meetings last fall, people on the right would be a little more willing to believe it was hyperbole. Instead, I'm inclined to take him at his word. Too bad for him the tea party outnumbers union members these days. It would be a VERY short war if he'd like to have it.
President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. And, President Obama we want one thing – jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. That’s what we’re going to tell him. When he sees what we’re doing here he will be inspired. But he needs help. And, you know what. Everybody here’s gotta vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.

Get Hoffa His Back, Already | Wizbang
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..


So you think Unions are commie? Which commie country has unions? :lol:
THE GOVERNMENT IS THE UNION IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES!!:cuckoo::cuckoo: and no matter how much the government helps you will always be a loser....LOSER!!:lol:


Government and Unions are different.

Look it up.

So you think Unions are commie? Which commie country has unions? :lol:
THE GOVERNMENT IS THE UNION IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES!!:cuckoo::cuckoo: and no matter how much the government helps you will always be a loser....LOSER!!:lol:


Government and Unions are different.

Look it up.

He wants to look it up, but he can't find a dictionary written in idiot.

TM took them out of the library, and never returned them.
Has the gauntlet been thrown down? God help this Country in 2012 when Obama loses and angry nut cases like Hoffa are ready, willing and able to mobilize an army to march and "take the sons of bitches out" . God help us when Hoffa is supported by ignorant left wing radicals and ignored by the left wing media and law enforcement. It might make Bill Ayers domestic terrorism of the 60's and 70's look like child's play.
socialism can never be enforced without force.....conservatives know this.....that is why they support the 2nd Amendment....because in the end....if socialism takes over.....it WILL take guns to stop guns...

That is sooo profound. Is that teabagger logic...?

Another lefty asking for someone's balls in their mouth. Why are you lefty folks so obsessed with this particular sexual act? At any rate, better to be a teabaggER than a teabaggEE.

And, there is nothing wrong with the logic, it's perfectly sound. You may be in denial, but that's to be expected.

Isn't the Teabaggers that actually introduced the term themselves?

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur | Crooks and Liars

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THE GOVERNMENT IS THE UNION IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES!!:cuckoo::cuckoo: and no matter how much the government helps you will always be a loser....LOSER!!:lol:


Government and Unions are different.

Look it up.

He wants to look it up, but he can't find a dictionary written in idiot.

TM took them out of the library, and never returned them.

She tried, but the door on the library said 'pull' and she kept trying to push.

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