Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

There is no comparison. "Crosshairs" is a harmless common term and so is "targeted" in political and marketing jargon. What Hoffa said was that he had an army ready to march and "take the sons of bitches out". That's a serious threat.
But he wasn't telling people to vote, he was talking about starting a war and taking people out ravi.

I remember you being mad about Palin saying something very similar...where is your outrage now? Wrong party?
There's really no reason to lie, PP.

I agree

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso&feature=related"]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

"blow em away" "at war with them" "take them out"

Yeah no violent rhetoric.
Only when dishonestly taken out of context!

Here's the context so even YOU can't miss it, but you will still pretend to miss it to continue your false outrage!

"But everybody here's got to vote."
That's the thing. Democrats can't inspire crazies like the Republicans can.

What's your secret?

They can't?...

You Silly... Beltway Sniper and Boytoy were not Conservatives, Homie... :thup:

Well, they were Islamists... Is that Conservative?

MeThinks they weren't big Fans of the REPUBLICan Party.




Religious ex vets aren't conservative?

News to me.

The things you learn here.:lol:
Islam is a cult not a religion.
That's the thing. Democrats can't inspire crazies like the Republicans can.

What's your secret?

They can't?...

You Silly... Beltway Sniper and Boytoy were not Conservatives, Homie... :thup:

Well, they were Islamists... Is that Conservative?

MeThinks they weren't big Fans of the REPUBLICan Party.




Religious ex vets aren't conservative?

News to me.

The things you learn here.:lol:

Wait a minute, the jihad Major killed a dozen of his own men and the left is afraid that religious ex-vets are a threat? What are ex-vets anyway?
Hoffa's comments remind me of Johnson's hearts and minds campaign in Vietnam.

Say what you will about the DemocRats butt

at least they are consistent
So what have we learned?

We've learned that teapees love to threaten violence against anyone that doesn't agree with them. But when someone uses hyperbole to encourage people to vote, the teapees start crying like four year olds.

I read a paragraph of Hoffa's statement about how this was war with the tea party. I didn't see the word vote anywhere in that paragraph Rav. Now, I'm not denying that Hoffa may have said vote somewhere along the line, but when I heard him say it and when I read what he said, he really didn't seem to imply that he was talking about voting at all.
That is, of course, only because you limit yourself to the dishonest editing of GOP hate media!!!

Here's what he said so even you can't miss it!!!

"President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march But everybody here's got to vote. If we go back, and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son-of-a-bitches out."
Ok my first post here..interesting...why are they calling so much attention to Hoffa? A big to do about nothing...this guy did not threaten Tea party members but the GOP certainly was in poor taste when they held their GUN raffle in Gifford's district....

You should have been here before Giffords got a bullet to the head.

They denied all the guns and gun talk had ANY effect.

now all of the sudden they are iunsensed by a war referance in a political fight.
steph you are going to be suicidal when the election is over.

Remember everything will be OK and dont harm yourself.

No one wants you to harm yourself.

Even me who you hate irrationally wants you to live a long long life.

What kind of sick freak are you to even think such things of others?

Man, I am so grateful that I am not like you... you are a bitter, sick, irrational racist bitch.
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..

she talks of me dying and Im the bad guy huh Cali?

You have no moral code
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..

she talks of me dying and Im the bad guy huh Cali?

You have no moral code

She's not talking about you dying, goofy, she's talking about your party dying.
Tell you what, if some local rabble rouser made a statement that he was ready to mobilize and army and march to "take the sons of bitches out" he would be watching CNN from behind bars. Yet we have a (criminal?) conspiracy which includes the top union leader and the president and the left thinks it's business as usual.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uzJCqQ5aZU]Palin: Don't Retreat! Reload - YouTube[/ame]

We generally don't put people in jail for saying stupid shit. We put them on tv. :eusa_whistle:

First Gabby Giffords now Palin. what's the matter you can't FIND some MAN who say's STUPID SHIT?

Now why would I be looking for men? :eusa_eh:

Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..

she talks of me dying and Im the bad guy huh Cali?

You have no moral code

where did she say she hoped you die, asshat?

where did she say you should die, dip-shit?

she didn't.

were you good when the dems used targets on a map of opponents?

You mean those targetting states and districts....not specific people?

How about this???


Each one of those red targets represents a “Targeted Republican” like this one:

But the Dems would NEVER do that, now would they?????

here's the legend to go with those Dem maps...

Eat it, bitch.

I wish to congratulate you for being the FIRST and only one to show me a map of a specific targetted Republican. That is just as wrong as the Palin cross hairs map. Isn't it a pity that no one before you could do so, even tho they said they could and I kept asking. You succeeded where others failed....and despite your rudeness...I salute your success.
The NSDAP Nuremburg rallies of the 30's showed similar rabble rousing speeches and threats of "armies marching" to "take the sons of bitches out" but in that case it was the Jews. Next time it will be the Christians and the Conservatives if Jimmy and Barry have their way.
The NSDAP Nuremburg rallies of the 30's showed similar rabble rousing speeches and threats of "armies marching" to "take the sons of bitches out" but in that case it was the Jews. Next time it will be the Christians and the Conservatives if Jimmy and Barry have their way.

The Nazis were Christian and Conservative. :lol:
Then why did the corporation Target pick a target as its logo instead of a crosshair?

Because they do not have the same connotation.
Tell you what, if some local rabble rouser made a statement that he was ready to mobilize and army and march to "take the sons of bitches out" he would be watching CNN from behind bars. Yet we have a (criminal?) conspiracy which includes the top union leader and the president and the left thinks it's business as usual.

A criminal conspiracy?




That is sooo profound. Is that teabagger logic...?

Another lefty asking for someone's balls in their mouth. Why are you lefty folks so obsessed with this particular sexual act? At any rate, better to be a teabaggER than a teabaggEE.

And, there is nothing wrong with the logic, it's perfectly sound. You may be in denial, but that's to be expected.

Isn't the Teabaggers that actually introduced the term themselves?

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur | Crooks and Liars


Either way it all works out well for you, eh Swallow?

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