Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Tell you what, if some local rabble rouser made a statement that he was ready to mobilize and army and march to "take the sons of bitches out" he would be watching CNN from behind bars. Yet we have a (criminal?) conspiracy which includes the top union leader and the president and the left thinks it's business as usual.

A criminal conspiracy?





I remember a time when you asshats were whining about some grading markers being targets for democrat politicans whats the difference?

Do you remember a time when the left called that a criminal conspiracy? What I gather from your post and the posts of other conservatives, is that you're a bunch of hypocrites. It's perfectly fine when conservatives use that type of rhetoric, and any liberals who criticizes them is a whiner. But then a liberal uses similar rhetoric and all of a sudden they're violent thugs bent on the destruction of America. So which is it? Is it okay to uses these types of metaphors when riling up your base, or is it irresponsible because it incites people to violence? You can't have it both ways.
They can't?...

You Silly... Beltway Sniper and Boytoy were not Conservatives, Homie... :thup:

Well, they were Islamists... Is that Conservative?

MeThinks they weren't big Fans of the REPUBLICan Party.




Religious ex vets aren't conservative?

News to me.

The things you learn here.:lol:
Islam is a cult not a religion.

See? I think all religions are basically cults!

We agree!
They can't?...

You Silly... Beltway Sniper and Boytoy were not Conservatives, Homie... :thup:

Well, they were Islamists... Is that Conservative?

MeThinks they weren't big Fans of the REPUBLICan Party.




Religious ex vets aren't conservative?

News to me.

The things you learn here.:lol:

Wait a minute, the jihad Major killed a dozen of his own men and the left is afraid that religious ex-vets are a threat? What are ex-vets anyway?

Vets with an "X" on their heads.
You mean those targetting states and districts....not specific people?

How about this???


Each one of those red targets represents a “Targeted Republican” like this one:

But the Dems would NEVER do that, now would they?????

here's the legend to go with those Dem maps...

Eat it, bitch.

I wish to congratulate you for being the FIRST and only one to show me a map of a specific targetted Republican. That is just as wrong as the Palin cross hairs map. Isn't it a pity that no one before you could do so, even tho they said they could and I kept asking. You succeeded where others failed....and despite your rudeness...I salute your success.

now... show me where Palin targeted an individual, and not a district.
Who keeps this "target" etc crappe debate going anyway- it's a metaphor- The problem is LYING about people- "socialists, Marxists,communists, Kenyans , muslims, etc, etc, come to mind...."ACORN stealing the election, death panels" coming from political leaders is the real problem, and celebrity a-holes like Rush and Sean, with audiences in the millions, qualify. . Equating speech from union leaders and bloggers is disengenuous tripe.
Hoffa is NOT a politician, and said "take Pubs out of congress" ANYWAY- can dupes not handle quotes more than 5 words in length?

I recognize that you are mentally deficient. Ok. SO that's obvious. But even so, are you so completely mentally deficient that even a dipshit like YOU can't figure out (a) that what Hoffa said is wrong and (b) for President Civility's FAILURE to "call" Hoffa on his message, the President is also wrong?
Who keeps this "target" etc crappe debate going anyway- it's a metaphor- The problem is LYING about people- "socialists, Marxists,communists, Kenyans , muslims, etc, etc, come to mind...."ACORN stealing the election, death panels" coming from political leaders is the real problem, and celebrity a-holes like Rush and Sean, with audiences in the millions, qualify. . Equating speech from union leaders and bloggers is disengenuous tripe.

It is not disingenuous tripe, the people know full well what they are saying and doing, and what they want to accomplish. And they have done exactly what they wanted which was to get on the news and get people talking about it as well as stir up the base.
The Pub Propaganda Machine is an unbelievable POS. Poor Pub Dupes LOL!

Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence
September 05, 2011 4:55 pm ET by Matt Gertz

Right-wing bloggers misled by dishonest Fox News video editing are attacking Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr. for supposedly urging violence against Tea Party activists during a Labor Day speech. Conservatives are also attacking President Obama, who appeared at the event, for "sanctioning violence against fellow Americans" by failing to denounce Hoffa. But fuller context included in other Fox segments makes clear that Hoffa wasn't calling for violence but was actually urging the crowd to vote out Republican members of Congress.

During the segment that the bloggers have latched onto, Fox edited out the bolded portion of Hoffa's comments:

HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!

In an initial report on Hoffa's speech at 1 p.m. on Fox News, Ed Henry reported that Hoffa said that "we'll remember in November who's with the working people" and "said of the Tea Party and of Republicans, 'let's take these sons of bitches out.'"

Henry made clear during that segment that Hoffa's comments were references to voting out Republican members of Congress, not to violence. And roughly 20 minutes later, he explained on Twitter that the "full quote" of the "take these son of a bitches out" comment is "Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back & keep the eye on the prize, let's take these sons of bitches out":

But in a second segment that ran at roughly the same time as Henry's tweet, Fox News dishonestly edited the speech in the manner seen above. Andrew Breitbart's Big sites, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Caller, the Media Research Center, and the Drudge Report have all highlighted that footage, using it to condemn "the violence emanating from union thug bosses" and demand that Obama "denounce" the comments.

Link- Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence | Media Matters for America

Another Pub circle jerk for the dupes- from media matters...

servaors marks are giving orders to shoot democrats
Saying take these Son of a bitches out in reference of tea party members and those who they support is nothing?

Well here's something hoffa's a punk and should meet his father real soon.
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

MSNBC and CNN to.
It's GREAT that you Liberals are having to come out and defend these IDIOTS every 2 minutes.

Here's what Jimmy Hoffa said today--in front of a largely union crowd--aka Obama fainters--

Cranking up the anti-Tea Party rhetoric, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa called on workers to "take these son-of-a-bitches out" as he warmed up a crowd Monday in Detroit ahead of President Obama's Labor Day speech.



It's on video too.

I think I remember another perfectly pronounced speech regarding civil discourse from Obama?---:lol::lol:

HOW BRAINWASHED CAN YOU GET???:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Hoffa is on video for making this comment--tomorrow when it's posted I will be glad to drag it up for you--so you can view it yourself---:razz: I already saw it on Fox News--and he did indeed make these comments.

Now you can twist his meaning of his statements all you want-in your futile effort-to cover his ass--but he did say it.

Yes, Fox showed it in full. Imagine.... Jimmy Hoffa's son, Jimmy Hoffa, advocating taking someone out..:lol: And he did say, it BUT meant it as a figure of speech and not a call to illegal action. Of course, some people will disagree with that. I say let politicians drop the PC crap and say it as they mean it. It tells us, the voters, so much more about THEM.
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

MSNBC and CNN to.

Nothing in comparison to FOX and Rush- MSNBC is mainly a FOX fact checker...
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

mega rich pubs? What the fuck is a PUB? Oh you mean Republicans. Do you know how to spell Republican, or are you to fucking lazy to spell it or just to dumb?

Now Those rich republicans you are talking about have you ever did a search of the richinst poticans? Out of the Top ten 7 are democrats and the top six combined are worth over 2 trillion dollars.

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