Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Rush is not news, he is an opinion show. Is for the cable news channels, its been pretty balanced. Rush wont be. He is not paid to be balanced.
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

mega rich pubs? What the fuck is a PUB? Oh you mean Republicans. Do you know how to spell Republican, or are you to fucking lazy to spell it or just to dumb?

Now Those rich republicans you are talking about have you ever did a search of the richinst poticans? Out of the Top ten 7 are democrats and the top six combined are worth over 2 trillion dollars.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

Looks like the one lying isn't fox news but whomever told you they were lying

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]
That is sooo profound. Is that teabagger logic...?

Another lefty asking for someone's balls in their mouth. Why are you lefty folks so obsessed with this particular sexual act? At any rate, better to be a teabaggER than a teabaggEE.

And, there is nothing wrong with the logic, it's perfectly sound. You may be in denial, but that's to be expected.

Isn't the Teabaggers that actually introduced the term themselves?

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur | Crooks and Liars


dude read the link and look at their "proof"

That article is misleading, it actually doesn't prove its claim that the teapartiers introduced the term.

The first evidence is that some fox news reporter, not a teapartier, said to send tea bags to the white house. The 2nd evidence is that Charles Krauthammer, a fox news analyst, called them the "tea bag protests". Both claims as proof that teapartiers gave themselves the nickname teabaggers are just flat out wrong on their face. If you look deeper you will also find that even IF one of them DID say it neither one is actually a teapartier so the article would still be wrong.

Oh and check this bad jackson out! Great price!

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Oh so now you admit the violence?

Is that what I said? I said they push back - which inherently means they were pushed first. Do you have access to any dictionaries or encyclopedias or such?

No, they pushed first with their progressive socialist bullshit in a nation where the concept of communism is fucking illegal...

This isn't the USSR you dumb motherfucker..

So who pushed first???

Who's the one demanding communal/public ownership over the means of production in a nation that that allegedly supports private ownership.... Who's challenging the economic model and demanding that it be changed or "otherwise?"

It's certainly not the tea party that is sticking to the roots of this country and her founding principals...
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The truth is these labor unions are nothing more than a bunch of radical socialists.....

They want the wealth of the business owner to be redistributed collectively or other wise they will shove all kinds of shit up everyones ass.
In less than 24hrs after Teamster Boss James Hoffa said his awful comments about what he wanted to do to the Tea Party, Governor Sarah Palin has written a retaliatory response which she publicly calls him out by name and labels him a greedy thug who only wants a paycheck and who doesn't represent the real interests of working men and women and that the Tea Party does which is the truth. So far she is the only person to do this out of the other GOP candidates even though she is not one.....yet. Not one peep has come out of Perry, Bachmann or Romney's mouths. With this response and done so quickly, it makes me more confident that she will enter the race. In reading her attack on Hoffa and Obama and her praise for the common union individual worker, it is clear that she understands what is going on within the union bosses. She explains basically that they are backstabbers. Reading this, she is the only out there who gives any indication that she would be willing to take on corruption in this country, especially with union bosses like Hoffa. It feels like I'm back in the 60s when Bobby Kennedy was taking on senior Hoffa reading Palin's brutal attack on junior Hoffa and the president who clearly agreed with his vitriol yesterday. I believe that is why the establishment is afraid of her...on both sides of the aisle. She did take on corruption in Alaska and I think we are getting a taste of it here in this response in the link.


I once watched Fox and they showed a clip of Obama saying, "I will raise your taxes" with lots of conviction. I thought it strange for a politician of his savvy.

I turned the channel over to CNN and they were running the SAME speech. Except the entire quote was, "Republicans keep saying - I will raise your taxes".

Leaving out, "Republicans keep saying" was a silly mistake. Unless it wasn't a mistake. In that case, it was a lie through omission. But hey, he's black. So it must be OK.
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In less than 24hrs after Teamster Boss James Hoffa said his awful comments about what he wanted to do to the Tea Party, Governor Sarah Palin has written a retaliatory response which she publicly calls him out by name and labels him a greedy thug who only wants a paycheck and who doesn't represent the real interests of working men and women and that the Tea Party does which is the truth. So far she is the only person to do this out of the other GOP candidates even though she is not one.....yet. Not one peep has come out of Perry, Bachmann or Romney's mouths. With this response and done so quickly, it makes me more confident that she will enter the race. In reading her attack on Hoffa and Obama and her praise for the common union individual worker, it is clear that she understands what is going on within the union bosses. She explains basically that they are backstabbers. Reading this, she is the only out there who gives any indication that she would be willing to take on corruption in this country, especially with union bosses like Hoffa. It feels like I'm back in the 60s when Bobby Kennedy was taking on senior Hoffa reading Palin's brutal attack on junior Hoffa and the president who clearly agreed with his vitriol yesterday. I believe that is why the establishment is afraid of her...on both sides of the aisle. She did take on corruption in Alaska and I think we are getting a taste of it here in this response in the link.


So, did my mail lady and I have more respect for her. She's out delivering mail in 115 degree heat.
The truth is these labor unions are nothing more than a bunch of radical socialists.....

They want the wealth of the business owner to be redistributed collectively or other wise they will shove all kinds of shit up everyones ass.

They want the wealth, not to redistributed amoung the unions but the union bosses.
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..

she talks of me dying and Im the bad guy huh Cali?

You have no moral code

OMG. you can't be serious? I was talking about the DEMOCRAT PARTY. where is your NAME mentioned...?
good grief.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
When Obama says he wants us to be Civil. He means he wants his Critics to be nice to him, he never meant it to apply to his supporters. He has no problem with them being as uncivil as they want.
There are so many threads on this..one more couldn't possibly hurt! :lol:

That's right fuzz face. Be a good nazi and support nut cases like Hoffa when they pledge an army to march in support of Barry.


What nazi? Nazis hated Unions..and people like Hoffa. They didn't really like people in general. Sound more up your alley.

And who is Barry?
Nazi's loved unions as long as they remained useful idiots.
Who keeps this "target" etc crappe debate going anyway- it's a metaphor- The problem is LYING about people- "socialists, Marxists,communists, Kenyans , muslims, etc, etc, come to mind...."ACORN stealing the election, death panels" coming from political leaders is the real problem, and celebrity a-holes like Rush and Sean, with audiences in the millions, qualify. . Equating speech from union leaders and bloggers is disengenuous tripe.

It is not disingenuous tripe, the people know full well what they are saying and doing, and what they want to accomplish. And they have done exactly what they wanted which was to get on the news and get people talking about it as well as stir up the base.

well goody for them, cause they lost Michigan, and all that money for their RECALLS (that FAILED) and now they might lose the Post Office. man they are batting a 1000..yeah, If I was their base I'd be damned impressed.

Poor Obama, he be following the wrong "in" crowd..Oh well:lol:
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