Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

That's the thing. Democrats can't inspire crazies like the Republicans can.

What's your secret?
Excuse me?!?!?!

Please explain the following groups:

RNC Welcoming Committee
The Ruckus Society
SEIU at the Tea Parties
The New Black Panthers
The Weather Underground
Earth Liberation Front
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The Nation of Islam
International ANSWER
Code Pink
The World Worker's Party
Amnesty International
Nature Conservancy

All very left wing.
All fucking nutty as the day is long with their own particular screed of leftwing politics, class warfare, race war, anti-war activism, anti-capitalism and anti-individual freedom.

Show me equivalent groups on the right. Please. And don't try the crazed individual either. We are talking about GROUP INDOCTRINATION to insanity and violence.


I'm still waiting for a valid rebuttal of some sort.

Could it be that your premise is a fucking lie? Hmmmm could very well be there is no equivalency for the crazy on the left.

From a helicopter.

That's only for wolves that over populate which leads to a low herd count of moose and caribou which many Alaskans hunt (aka substance) in order to live.

Are you equating Gifford to a wolf? Shame on you!
He didn't hear Obama's speech on vitriol...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMSVEyqMlg4&feature=player_embedded]Obama Calls For Civility In Wake Of Tucson Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

Nevermind Obama completely ignores it...

That didn't pertain to us.
Where are the matresses?

Judging by the little icon it seems moonie was born yesterday and was raised on video games. For the record "going to the matresses" is a Mafia gang war expression originating from the matresses supplied for organized crime soldiers in safe houses after the murder of a member rival group. Jimmy Hoffa opened the the hostilities by claiming the loyalty of an army of workers marching to "take the sons of bitches (conservatives?) (republicans?) (American citizens?) out".

It's spelled....."mattress".
Pretty ironic that Mrs Palin seems to be the only republican with a pair of balls so far. Hoffa didn't threaten the Tea Party. He threatened every American who doesn't get out of the way of his little army marching in support of Obama.
No one was shouting "Don't Retreat - RELOAD!" in the background.
No, the left prefers to set cars on fire, throw shit and piss bomb, and manufacture secretly melee weapons like nail studded bats for use on police and smash every window they can find and then let their vermin come in afterwards and loot the wreck they make.

At least that's what I witnessed at the 2008 RNC convention week in downtown St. Paul and heard about the arrests of 'activists' who bore more in kind to PLO terrorists than advocates of free speech.
That's the thing. Democrats can't inspire crazies like the Republicans can.

What's your secret?
Excuse me?!?!?!

Please explain the following groups:

RNC Welcoming Committee
The Ruckus Society
SEIU at the Tea Parties
The New Black Panthers
The Weather Underground
Earth Liberation Front
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The Nation of Islam
International ANSWER
Code Pink
The World Worker's Party
Amnesty International
Nature Conservancy

All very left wing.
All fucking nutty as the day is long with their own particular screed of leftwing politics, class warfare, race war, anti-war activism, anti-capitalism and anti-individual freedom.

Show me equivalent groups on the right. Please. And don't try the crazed individual either. We are talking about GROUP INDOCTRINATION to insanity and violence.


I'm still waiting for a valid rebuttal of some sort.

Could it be that your premise is a fucking lie? Hmmmm could very well be there is no equivalency for the crazy on the left.


I like my parent's group:

That's only for wolves that over populate which leads to a low herd count of moose and caribou which many Alaskans hunt (aka substance) in order to live.

Are you equating Gifford to a wolf? Shame on you!
He didn't hear Obama's speech on vitriol...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMSVEyqMlg4&feature=player_embedded"]Obama Calls For Civility In Wake Of Tucson Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

Nevermind Obama completely ignores it...

That didn't pertain to us.

Translation: "what"?
No one was shouting "Don't Retreat - RELOAD!" in the background.
No, the left prefers to set cars on fire, throw shit and piss bomb, and manufacture secretly melee weapons like nail studded bats for use on police and smash every window they can find and then let their vermin come in afterwards and loot the wreck they make.

At least that's what I witnessed at the 2008 RNC convention week in downtown St. Paul and heard about the arrests of 'activists' who bore more in kind to PLO terrorists than advocates of free speech.

I heard vests were the in thing this year.
Pretty ironic that Mrs Palin seems to be the only republican with a pair of balls so far. Hoffa didn't threaten the Tea Party. He threatened every American who doesn't get out of the way of his little army marching in support of Obama.
That's exactly what Hoffa did. He and his union goons are afraid of the challange of thier power through the money-laundering with the Statist Democrats.

Hoffa is nothing more than a Gangster thug like Al Capone of the 1920's/30's in which he learned from his daddy.
The Pub Propaganda Machine is an unbelievable POS. Poor Pub Dupes LOL!

Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence
September 05, 2011 4:55 pm ET by Matt Gertz

Right-wing bloggers misled by dishonest Fox News video editing are attacking Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr. for supposedly urging violence against Tea Party activists during a Labor Day speech. Conservatives are also attacking President Obama, who appeared at the event, for "sanctioning violence against fellow Americans" by failing to denounce Hoffa. But fuller context included in other Fox segments makes clear that Hoffa wasn't calling for violence but was actually urging the crowd to vote out Republican members of Congress.

During the segment that the bloggers have latched onto, Fox edited out the bolded portion of Hoffa's comments:

HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!

In an initial report on Hoffa's speech at 1 p.m. on Fox News, Ed Henry reported that Hoffa said that "we'll remember in November who's with the working people" and "said of the Tea Party and of Republicans, 'let's take these sons of bitches out.'"

Henry made clear during that segment that Hoffa's comments were references to voting out Republican members of Congress, not to violence. And roughly 20 minutes later, he explained on Twitter that the "full quote" of the "take these son of a bitches out" comment is "Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back & keep the eye on the prize, let's take these sons of bitches out":

But in a second segment that ran at roughly the same time as Henry's tweet, Fox News dishonestly edited the speech in the manner seen above. Andrew Breitbart's Big sites, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Caller, the Media Research Center, and the Drudge Report have all highlighted that footage, using it to condemn "the violence emanating from union thug bosses" and demand that Obama "denounce" the comments.

Link- Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence | Media Matters for America

Another Pub circle jerk for the dupes- from media matters...
funny an admitted self proclaimed communist like yourself defends Obama ..........:eusa_whistle:
Got your guns ready? Tea baggers?

Gonna cap another democrat?


We're gonna do worse.....

We're gonna call him Barack Hussein Obama!!!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......you racists!!!

Btw.......that numb-nuts who shot Gabby was a college student.....or what most people call a liberal.
Avid leftist. Whoops!:eek:
I love Greg Sargent.

The Tea Party’s ridiculous hissy fit over Jimmy Hoffa - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

As you may have heard, Tea Party conservatives and right-wing bloggers are having a grand old time faking outrage over James Hoffa’s Labor Day speech, in which he said of Tea Partyers: “Let’s take these son of bitches out.”

The full context of the quote clearly shows that Hoffa was referring to his desire to see Tea Party Republicans voted out of office, not physically rubbed out by mafia goons or labor thugs or what have you. But that hasn’t stopped the conservative outrage machine from chugging along at full throttle — some conservatives are comically obvious about their unending hunt for anything that they can portray as “union thuggery” — and many critics are relying on dishonestly cropped footage that removes Hoffa’s phrase from its electoral context.
Judging by the little icon it seems moonie was born yesterday and was raised on video games. For the record "going to the matresses" is a Mafia gang war expression originating from the matresses supplied for organized crime soldiers in safe houses after the murder of a member rival group. Jimmy Hoffa opened the the hostilities by claiming the loyalty of an army of workers marching to "take the sons of bitches (conservatives?) (republicans?) (American citizens?) out".
The latter. Obama had noting to say but to think his fellow thug for being there. The DNC refuses to call out Hoffa...we see who's side they are on and it isn't the people.

It's not you people's side.

Who is you people's?
Pretty ironic that Mrs Palin seems to be the only republican with a pair of balls so far. Hoffa didn't threaten the Tea Party. He threatened every American who doesn't get out of the way of his little army marching in support of Obama.

Threatened them with voting....yes, I can see that giving you the shivers.
The Pub Propaganda Machine is an unbelievable POS. Poor Pub Dupes LOL!

Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence
September 05, 2011 4:55 pm ET by Matt Gertz

Right-wing bloggers misled by dishonest Fox News video editing are attacking Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr. for supposedly urging violence against Tea Party activists during a Labor Day speech. Conservatives are also attacking President Obama, who appeared at the event, for "sanctioning violence against fellow Americans" by failing to denounce Hoffa. But fuller context included in other Fox segments makes clear that Hoffa wasn't calling for violence but was actually urging the crowd to vote out Republican members of Congress.

During the segment that the bloggers have latched onto, Fox edited out the bolded portion of Hoffa's comments:

HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!

In an initial report on Hoffa's speech at 1 p.m. on Fox News, Ed Henry reported that Hoffa said that "we'll remember in November who's with the working people" and "said of the Tea Party and of Republicans, 'let's take these sons of bitches out.'"

Henry made clear during that segment that Hoffa's comments were references to voting out Republican members of Congress, not to violence. And roughly 20 minutes later, he explained on Twitter that the "full quote" of the "take these son of a bitches out" comment is "Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back & keep the eye on the prize, let's take these sons of bitches out":

But in a second segment that ran at roughly the same time as Henry's tweet, Fox News dishonestly edited the speech in the manner seen above. Andrew Breitbart's Big sites, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Caller, the Media Research Center, and the Drudge Report have all highlighted that footage, using it to condemn "the violence emanating from union thug bosses" and demand that Obama "denounce" the comments.

Link- Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence | Media Matters for America

Another Pub circle jerk for the dupes- from media matters...
funny an admitted self proclaimed communist like yourself defends Obama ..........:eusa_whistle:

You are a LIAR and out of your tiny little mind- pretty typical brainwashed ignorant Pub Dupe.
I love Greg Sargent.

The Tea Party’s ridiculous hissy fit over Jimmy Hoffa - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

As you may have heard, Tea Party conservatives and right-wing bloggers are having a grand old time faking outrage over James Hoffa’s Labor Day speech, in which he said of Tea Partyers: “Let’s take these son of bitches out.”

The full context of the quote clearly shows that Hoffa was referring to his desire to see Tea Party Republicans voted out of office, not physically rubbed out by mafia goons or labor thugs or what have you. But that hasn’t stopped the conservative outrage machine from chugging along at full throttle — some conservatives are comically obvious about their unending hunt for anything that they can portray as “union thuggery” — and many critics are relying on dishonestly cropped footage that removes Hoffa’s phrase from its electoral context.

And this is terribly, terribly Ironic considering the origin of Labor Day.
I just love being presented with a Fox video to prove Fox didn't doctor the video. Now that's real evidence...

Actually I played the video backwards, and saw Rush Limbaugh in devil horns giggling frantically at his Mac book pro, editing some video or something.

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