Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Why does the GOP have such a hatred towards the average worker who wakes up, goes to work day in and day out, and gets paid a good wage while being a member of a union? It is so apparent that they hate the middle class its unreal. What is going on in this country? A hatred for some person making $45,000 with some benefits like they are the demon. They must want to see all wages for middle and lower class people go down. Sick.
Why does the GOP have such a hatred towards the average worker who wakes up, goes to work day in and day out, and gets paid a good wage while being a member of a union? It is so apparent that they hate the middle class its unreal. What is going on in this country? A hatred for some person making $45,000 with some benefits like they are the demon. They must want to see all wages for middle and lower class people go down. Sick.

Oh brother, so it's just the GOP who hates Unions? So you are telling us ALL DEMOCRATS love Unions? So you are saying all them "people" who voted in Michigan for a Republican Governor and then voted DOWN the union backing RECALL for Republican Representatives, all HATE THE UNIONS and the people who WORK FOR THEM?
please, we've heard all this BEFORE.
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LOL, so the Tea Party is throwing a hissy fit huh.

Oh well. But whatever you all do. Don't yell out the Obama is a liar while he addressing Congress..

Now that was when we all saw a HIIISSSSSSY FIT. and I laughed my ass off.

We don't care what Hoffa says. Obama is LOSING and the people are sick of him and his irrational vulgar hateful SUPPORTERS. they are tired of being called a racist, a terrorist, hostage takers blaaa blaaa blaaa.

They will see A war in the 2012 elections..I believe the people will SPEAK loud and CLEAR like they did in the last HISTORIC midterm elections last November.

lets roll folks.

Jobs, jobs, jobs! LOL...Duped AGAIN! D'OH!!

I guess respecting the presidency isn't important when he's black...
Fuck the race card. It's over. It means nothing.
I guess you LIKE being FOS...LOL

I heard he put out crosshairs on people he didnt like and one of them was shot...no, wait, that wasnt him. That was Palin right?
So, Palin influenced that crazy lefty?

Got solid proof?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So a lefty shot a democrat. Oh yeah...this makes sense. Palin put cross hairs on her and she was shot. Tiller the killer ..that was repeated so many times by Bill O and he was shot.

Oh yeah, its OUR side doing this shit. You got nothing hack. Nothing. Our side did not tell that right wing nut to shoot Gifford, your side did.
I heard he put out crosshairs on people he didnt like and one of them was shot...no, wait, that wasnt him. That was Palin right?
So, Palin influenced that crazy lefty?

Got solid proof?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So a lefty shot a democrat. Oh yeah...this makes sense. Palin put cross hairs on her and she was shot. Tiller the killer ..that was repeated so many times by Bill O and he was shot.

Oh yeah, its OUR side doing this shit. You got nothing hack. Nothing. Our side did not tell that right wing nut to shoot Gifford, your side did.
Lizzy Borden... white courtesy phone. Lizzy Borden to the white courtesy phone.
I heard he put out crosshairs on people he didnt like and one of them was shot...no, wait, that wasnt him. That was Palin right?
So, Palin influenced that crazy lefty?

Got solid proof?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So a lefty shot a democrat. Oh yeah...this makes sense. Palin put cross hairs on her and she was shot. Tiller the killer ..that was repeated so many times by Bill O and he was shot.

Oh yeah, its OUR side doing this shit. You got nothing hack. Nothing. Our side did not tell that right wing nut to shoot Gifford, your side did.

get a grip, both of those people WERE NUTJOBS. they NEEDED no friggen influence except their own WARPED VIEWS.. and you really aren't going to try and say cross hairs on a map made some nut job say, hey I get what she means, I'm going to shoot that woman in that district....now do you see how dumb you sound..
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.
No she's not.

She's never been CEO of anything. "Drill baby, drill!" was a good idea and I support that. I also support her overtures at taking on the biased media (when it happened). I support her actions as governor in looking out for the best interests of her state.

But at best she's just better than the incumbent, that's it.

She has no qualifications to be "America's CEO." She's more qualified than Obama, but that's not saying much.
Governor is NOT an Executive position? Really Since when? Are you a typical statist moving the terms? Goalposts to suit yourself?

Go fuck yourself and then read my posts.

Really? You're calling conservatives who don't like Palin statists?
First? I won't take up your habits...second? She is better qualified than Obama ever was or ever will be.

Get it?
Why does the GOP have such a hatred towards the average worker who wakes up, goes to work day in and day out, and gets paid a good wage while being a member of a union? It is so apparent that they hate the middle class its unreal. What is going on in this country? A hatred for some person making $45,000 with some benefits like they are the demon. They must want to see all wages for middle and lower class people go down. Sick.

The GOP doesn't hate anyone. It is a political ideal system. The people that pay taxes are "offended" that the people whose salaries are paid by them are using "lobbyist" to get into bed with politicians that set their pay (notice I didn't mention party, they both do it). Those benefits and salaries package are way larger than what the taxpayer earns for the same amount of work. The taxpayer doesn't think that a NYC blue collar worker should make $775,000 in one year, when a taxpayer working 80 hour weeks can only make ~$150,000 in the same amount of time for similar work. The unions have priced US labor out of competition with the rest of the world, and now the jobs are going, going, gone. If you try to talk to union leadership about it, they want to declare that there is money enough to go around. They will not tell you that money is, now, going aroung to other parts of the world, in part, thanks to their unreasonable, unsustainable demands. You can let organized labor rule the country and have few jobs, or you can allow businesses to negotiate their own labor and have tons of jobs. Which would you prefer (this is a one or the other question)?
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

She should have put a big smoochie-pooh on each one of the districts instead of x's inside of circles.

How violent.

Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

I always like to say, if they didn't have two faced double standards, they'd have none at all.
I heard he put out crosshairs on people he didnt like and one of them was shot...no, wait, that wasnt him. That was Palin right?
So, Palin influenced that crazy lefty?

Got solid proof?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So a lefty shot a democrat. Oh yeah...this makes sense. Palin put cross hairs on her and she was shot. Tiller the killer ..that was repeated so many times by Bill O and he was shot.

Oh yeah, its OUR side doing this shit. You got nothing hack. Nothing. Our side did not tell that right wing nut to shoot Gifford, your side did.

No one told that psycho to shoot Gifford...

His whole story, or the whole event almost mimics the movie "Taxi Driver."

Taxi Driver (1976) - IMDb

You ever see the guys mugshot?

Read his blogs?

Yeah he sounds like the fictional character "Travis Bickle."
Why does the GOP have such a hatred towards the average worker who wakes up, goes to work day in and day out, and gets paid a good wage while being a member of a union? It is so apparent that they hate the middle class its unreal. What is going on in this country? A hatred for some person making $45,000 with some benefits like they are the demon. They must want to see all wages for middle and lower class people go down. Sick.

The GOP doesn't hate anyone. It is a political ideal system. The people that pay taxes are "offended" that the people whose salaries are paid by them are using "lobbyist" to get into bed with politicians that set their pay (notice I didn't mention party, they both do it). Those benefits and salaries package are way larger than what the taxpayer earns for the same amount of work. The taxpayer doesn't think that a NYC blue collar worker should make $775,000 in one year, when a taxpayer working 80 hour weeks can only make ~$150,000 in the same amount of time for similar work. The unions have priced US labor out of competition with the rest of the world, and now the jobs are going, going, gone. If you try to talk to union leadership about it, they want to declare that there is money enough to go around. They will not tell you that money is, now, going aroung to other parts of the world, in part, thanks to their unreasonable, unsustainable demands. You can let organized labor rule the country and have few jobs, or you can allow businesses to negotiate their own labor and have tons of jobs. Which would you prefer (this is a one or the other question)?
"The Personal Is Political" Carol Hainsch
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

I always like to say, if they didn't have two faced double standards, they'd have none at all.
that's my line, you owe me a quarter. ;)
So, Palin influenced that crazy lefty?

Got solid proof?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So a lefty shot a democrat. Oh yeah...this makes sense. Palin put cross hairs on her and she was shot. Tiller the killer ..that was repeated so many times by Bill O and he was shot.

Oh yeah, its OUR side doing this shit. You got nothing hack. Nothing. Our side did not tell that right wing nut to shoot Gifford, your side did.

No one told that psycho to shoot Gifford...

His whole story, or the whole event almost mimics the movie "Taxi Driver."

Taxi Driver (1976) - IMDb

You ever see the guys mugshot?

Read his blogs?

Yeah he sounds like the fictional character "Travis Bickle."
Except he looks like an evil Uncle Fester, not well... whatever Bobbie DeNiro looks like with that friggen mohawk and shades as Travis Bickell.
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

Ah...no. BTW, Palin did not put crosshairs on districts, she put them on people....named the people and everything. But nice try.
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

Ah...no. BTW, Palin did not put crosshairs on districts, she put them on people....named the people and everything. But nice try.
And? I think declaring 'war' and calling tea partiers racists and barbarians is worse.
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

Ah...no. BTW, Palin did not put crosshairs on districts, she put them on people....named the people and everything. But nice try.

What hoffnuts did was singel out a specific group and those politicans they support.
Can you read? Google the link- they ALSO have the FOX video BEFORE they changed it...Pub Dupes!!

Are these the same people defending Hoffa, that were crying about the violence of Sarah Palin placing crosshairs on political districts? She did not call them rude names. She did not mention hurting anyone. She did not even say let's "take these people out", yet the left is still crying because they are offended by cross hairs on a map. You guys must be double jointed to back paddle so quickly.

Ah...no. BTW, Palin did not put crosshairs on districts, she put them on people....named the people and everything. But nice try.

omg...get real so had Democrats and NOBODY went out and shot someone from them..what a joke
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I heard he put out crosshairs on people he didnt like and one of them was shot...no, wait, that wasnt him. That was Palin right?
So, Palin influenced that crazy lefty?

Got solid proof?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So a lefty shot a democrat. Oh yeah...this makes sense. Palin put cross hairs on her and she was shot. Tiller the killer ..that was repeated so many times by Bill O and he was shot.

Oh yeah, its OUR side doing this shit. You got nothing hack. Nothing. Our side did not tell that right wing nut to shoot Gifford, your side did.

Longhner the left winger worked for Gifford during her 2007 election bid, I am surprised you didn't know this

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