Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

The Pub Propaganda Machine is an unbelievable POS. Poor Pub Dupes LOL!

Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence
September 05, 2011 4:55 pm ET by Matt Gertz

Right-wing bloggers misled by dishonest Fox News video editing are attacking Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr. for supposedly urging violence against Tea Party activists during a Labor Day speech. Conservatives are also attacking President Obama, who appeared at the event, for "sanctioning violence against fellow Americans" by failing to denounce Hoffa. But fuller context included in other Fox segments makes clear that Hoffa wasn't calling for violence but was actually urging the crowd to vote out Republican members of Congress.

During the segment that the bloggers have latched onto, Fox edited out the bolded portion of Hoffa's comments:

HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!

In an initial report on Hoffa's speech at 1 p.m. on Fox News, Ed Henry reported that Hoffa said that "we'll remember in November who's with the working people" and "said of the Tea Party and of Republicans, 'let's take these sons of bitches out.'"

Henry made clear during that segment that Hoffa's comments were references to voting out Republican members of Congress, not to violence. And roughly 20 minutes later, he explained on Twitter that the "full quote" of the "take these son of a bitches out" comment is "Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back & keep the eye on the prize, let's take these sons of bitches out":

But in a second segment that ran at roughly the same time as Henry's tweet, Fox News dishonestly edited the speech in the manner seen above. Andrew Breitbart's Big sites, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Caller, the Media Research Center, and the Drudge Report have all highlighted that footage, using it to condemn "the violence emanating from union thug bosses" and demand that Obama "denounce" the comments.

Link- Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence | Media Matters for America

Another Pub circle jerk for the dupes- from media matters...
funny an admitted self proclaimed communist like yourself defends Obama ..........:eusa_whistle:

You are a LIAR and out of your tiny little mind- pretty typical brainwashed ignorant Pub Dupe.
then you are not a commy??:confused:
This is why the Left hates Palin.

This is why she's qualified to be America's CEO

No she's not.

She's never been CEO of anything. "Drill baby, drill!" was a good idea and I support that. I also support her overtures at taking on the biased media (when it happened). I support her actions as governor in looking out for the best interests of her state.

But at best she's just better than the incumbent, that's it.

She has no qualifications to be "America's CEO." She's more qualified than Obama, but that's not saying much.
I love Greg Sargent.

The Tea Party’s ridiculous hissy fit over Jimmy Hoffa - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

As you may have heard, Tea Party conservatives and right-wing bloggers are having a grand old time faking outrage over James Hoffa’s Labor Day speech, in which he said of Tea Partyers: “Let’s take these son of bitches out.”

The full context of the quote clearly shows that Hoffa was referring to his desire to see Tea Party Republicans voted out of office, not physically rubbed out by mafia goons or labor thugs or what have you. But that hasn’t stopped the conservative outrage machine from chugging along at full throttle — some conservatives are comically obvious about their unending hunt for anything that they can portray as “union thuggery” — and many critics are relying on dishonestly cropped footage that removes Hoffa’s phrase from its electoral context.

Fine, but even he neglects to point out Hoffa was talking about "Republicans", not even Tea Party...Total BS AS ALWAYS...:evil:
LOL, so the Tea Party is throwing a hissy fit huh.

Oh well. But whatever you all do. Don't yell out the Obama is a liar while he Lying and lecturing Congress..

Now that was when we all saw a HIIISSSSSSY FIT. and I laughed my ass off.

We don't care what Hoffa says. Obama is LOSING and the people are sick of him and his irrational vulgar hateful SUPPORTERS. they are tired of being called a racist, a terrorist, hostage takers blaaa blaaa blaaa.

They will see A war in the 2012 elections..I believe the people will SPEAK loud and CLEAR like they did in the last HISTORIC midterm elections last November.

lets roll folks.
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This is why the Left hates Palin.

This is why she's qualified to be America's CEO

No she's not.

She's never been CEO of anything. "Drill baby, drill!" was a good idea and I support that. I also support her overtures at taking on the biased media (when it happened). I support her actions as governor in looking out for the best interests of her state.

But at best she's just better than the incumbent, that's it.

She has no qualifications to be "America's CEO." She's more qualified than Obama, but that's not saying much.
Governor is NOT an Executive position? Really Since when? Are you a typical statist moving the terms? Goalposts to suit yourself?
LOL, so the Tea Party is throwing a hissy fit huh.

Oh well. But whatever you all do. Don't yell out the Obama is a liar while he addressing Congress..

Now that was when we all saw a HIIISSSSSSY FIT. and I laughed my ass off.

We don't care what Hoffa says. Obama is LOSING and the people are sick of him and his irrational vulgar hateful SUPPORTERS. they are tired of being called a racist, a terrorist, hostage takers blaaa blaaa blaaa.

They will see A war in the 2012 elections..I believe the people will SPEAK loud and CLEAR like they did in the last HISTORIC midterm elections last November.

lets roll folks.

Jobs, jobs, jobs! LOL...Duped AGAIN! D'OH!!

I guess respecting the presidency isn't important when he's black...
Pretty ironic that Mrs Palin seems to be the only republican with a pair of balls so far. Hoffa didn't threaten the Tea Party. He threatened every American who doesn't get out of the way of his little army marching in support of Obama.

Threatened them with voting....yes, I can see that giving you the shivers.

"Take them out"

after saying that "a war has been declared?"

Oh come on now, stop being a non-union apologist for the unions.
The DNC Chair was questioned over the comments. She avoided the question, sidestepped then in true dem fashion cowered from further discussion.

Rick Perry being interviewed in Austin was just asked on Fox & Friends for his thoughts on Hoffa's rant yesterday. He evaded the question completely and diverted the conversation to praising the union firefighters battling the fires. You know he is in bed with the trucking unions wanting that Texas Canada corridor.

Perry is an establishment repub. But would still be better then any democrat. McCain caused me to go third party. I will hold my nose if required in casting my next ballot. The dems must be stopped.

Must be stopped? Sounds like war to me?
One thing at least the dems finally got the balls to declare a war unlike the repubs and their undeclared wars.
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

Looks like the one lying isn't fox news but whomever told you they were lying

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso"]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]
Well then, let's see how many references to VOTING are in the snippet you posted and then let's see just how many of them made it into the FOX edited GOP crapaganda. The parts in red are the parts FAUX edited together to make it look like it was the whole quote.

For CON$ who can't count, the answer is NONE.
We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0"]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]
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This is why the Left hates Palin.

This is why she's qualified to be America's CEO

No she's not.

She's never been CEO of anything. "Drill baby, drill!" was a good idea and I support that. I also support her overtures at taking on the biased media (when it happened). I support her actions as governor in looking out for the best interests of her state.

But at best she's just better than the incumbent, that's it.

She has no qualifications to be "America's CEO." She's more qualified than Obama, but that's not saying much.
Governor is NOT an Executive position? Really Since when? Are you a typical statist moving the terms? Goalposts to suit yourself?

Go fuck yourself and then read my posts.

Really? You're calling conservatives who don't like Palin statists?
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No one was shouting "Don't Retreat - RELOAD!" in the background.
No, the left prefers to set cars on fire, throw shit and piss bomb, and manufacture secretly melee weapons like nail studded bats for use on police and smash every window they can find and then let their vermin come in afterwards and loot the wreck they make.

At least that's what I witnessed at the 2008 RNC convention week in downtown St. Paul and heard about the arrests of 'activists' who bore more in kind to PLO terrorists than advocates of free speech.

I heard vests were the in thing this year.
Is that what passes for witty rejoinder in your world? I'm still waiting. What's the conservative or tea party equivalent of Code Pink? Or The Earth Liberation Front or International ANSWER?
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No she's not.

She's never been CEO of anything. "Drill baby, drill!" was a good idea and I support that. I also support her overtures at taking on the biased media (when it happened). I support her actions as governor in looking out for the best interests of her state.

But at best she's just better than the incumbent, that's it.

She has no qualifications to be "America's CEO." She's more qualified than Obama, but that's not saying much.
Governor is NOT an Executive position? Really Since when? Are you a typical statist moving the terms? Goalposts to suit yourself?

Go fuck yourself and then read my posts.

Really? You're calling conservatives who don't like Palin statists?

Tommy has to keep it simple....:eusa_shhh:
LOL, so the Tea Party is throwing a hissy fit huh.

Oh well. But whatever you all do. Don't yell out the Obama is a liar while he addressing Congress..

Now that was when we all saw a HIIISSSSSSY FIT. and I laughed my ass off.

We don't care what Hoffa says. Obama is LOSING and the people are sick of him and his irrational vulgar hateful SUPPORTERS. they are tired of being called a racist, a terrorist, hostage takers blaaa blaaa blaaa.

They will see A war in the 2012 elections..I believe the people will SPEAK loud and CLEAR like they did in the last HISTORIC midterm elections last November.

lets roll folks.

Jobs, jobs, jobs! LOL...Duped AGAIN! D'OH!!

I guess respecting the presidency isn't important when he's black...

why should they? They didn't REPECT the last President who was white. and last I heard Obama is HALF white. tsk tsk just can't quite pull off that he's black all the way, eh?

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