Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

That quote didn't come from the rebels in Libya. It was spoken monday by union leader Don Hoffa in Detroit while introducing the president. "Let's take those sons of bitches out". Barry seemed to revel in the revolutionary spirit.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0"]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds like its time to double my ammo stocks.
That's Right! You Tea Party Terrorists can't allow Americans to VOTE who Love this great country and don't want you SOBs to destroy it with your "Second Amendment Solution." Better triple up on your Second Amendment Solution ammo just to be safe.
Didn't say anything I haven't said about the democrats in power.

Just because this guy has a microphone in front of him he gets more press?

I'm jealous

I bet if you get to introduce the president sometime and say things like that you will get a lot more press too.
There are so many threads on this..one more couldn't possibly hurt! :lol:

That's right fuzz face. Be a good nazi and support nut cases like Hoffa when they pledge an army to march in support of Barry.


What nazi? Nazis hated Unions..and people like Hoffa. They didn't really like people in general. Sound more up your alley.

And who is Barry?

The Brownshirts were union members, they were members of the nationalist socialist union, nazis.
Didn't say anything I haven't said about the democrats in power.

Just because this guy has a microphone in front of him he gets more press?

I'm jealous

I bet if you get to introduce the president sometime and say things like that you will get a lot more press too.

That would be Kewl!!


How about I say shit like that WHILE I introduce the President??
That is sooo profound. Is that teabagger logic...?

Another lefty asking for someone's balls in their mouth. Why are you lefty folks so obsessed with this particular sexual act? At any rate, better to be a teabaggER than a teabaggEE.

And, there is nothing wrong with the logic, it's perfectly sound. You may be in denial, but that's to be expected.

Isn't the Teabaggers that actually introduced the term themselves?

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur | Crooks and Liars

Exactly, and the Tea Bag Terrorists were even selling "PROUD TO BE A TEABAGGER" buttons at their hate fests!

Tell you what, if some local rabble rouser made a statement that he was ready to mobilize and army and march to "take the sons of bitches out" he would be watching CNN from behind bars. Yet we have a (criminal?) conspiracy which includes the top union leader and the president and the left thinks it's business as usual.
Tell you what, if some local rabble rouser made a statement that he was ready to mobilize and army and march to "take the sons of bitches out" he would be watching CNN from behind bars. Yet we have a (criminal?) conspiracy which includes the top union leader and the president and the left thinks it's business as usual.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uzJCqQ5aZU]Palin: Don't Retreat! Reload - YouTube[/ame]

We generally don't put people in jail for saying stupid shit. We put them on tv. :eusa_whistle:
Declaring War on fellow Americans is a very sad & old radical Marxist tactic. This President and Democrats have done this for many many years. It's what "Community Organizing" is all about. They will always try to pit American against American. It's the Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' way. Americans will have to decide if they want these creeps to continue on destroying our country in 2012. I sure hope they make the right decision. Our nation's future is at stake.
March 5, 2008
RUSH: I think, if I may be serious for a moment, we're in a war, a political war in this country, and only one side is fully engaged and that's the enemy, and our enemy happens to be liberalism which is found in the Democrat Party.

March 23, 2010
RUSH: Our enemy is now clearly defined. We know who they are and they are anybody with a D beside their name. There's no moderate Democrat. There's no pro-life Democrat. There's no Blue Dog, lap dog, hot dog, black dog Democrat. If it's a D, they are the enemy, and they need to be reacted to as such.
Screw Hoffa folks, he can go to hell along with Maxi Waters and the rest.

What you are hearing is the wallowing of the dying. They see the PEOPLE are NOT HAPPY with their paid for Puppet (Obama) and the ideas the Unions are feeding him, so they are screeching to high heaven.

WHAT TO REMEMBER when you go vote in 2012, is you did not see OBAMA give them a lecture about toning things down or calling for more civility like he did after the shooting of Giffords, which in my opinion didn't have anything to do with any sort of violent talk as these people want to feed you.
But that is neither here nor there.

REMEMBER THIS IN 2012....... lets get the Unions, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies OUT OF OUR LIVES....vote them OUT..

He has a right to voice his opinion.... with that I also have a right to voice myself I hope he will be placed where his father is.
Violence only begets violence. Hoffa has done a whole lot of harm with his hate rhetoric. When the violence does come,Hoffa should be the first one arrested. His incitement will be the root cause. He will have to be held accountable for his actions.
Tell you what, if some local rabble rouser made a statement that he was ready to mobilize and army and march to "take the sons of bitches out" he would be watching CNN from behind bars. Yet we have a (criminal?) conspiracy which includes the top union leader and the president and the left thinks it's business as usual.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uzJCqQ5aZU]Palin: Don't Retreat! Reload - YouTube[/ame]

We generally don't put people in jail for saying stupid shit. We put them on tv. :eusa_whistle:

First Gabby Giffords now Palin. what's the matter you can't FIND some MAN who say's STUPID SHIT?
I couldn't hear you teal'c did you have something to say?

Nope. Just laughing at this point. What else can I do after reading the hyperbole from the right? I mean, seriously, you guys do know that there is a plethora of violent quotes from Tea Party folks, right? I just posted a couple of them. Are you going to faux-outrage over those, or do you only save the faux-outrage for the left?

Which specific comment...post number or permalink the post so I can go read and respond for you.

I probably don't approve of the comments you posted either.

However, tea party idiocy does not excuse this threat of violent war against fellow americans.
Voting is now "violent war!"
You fruitcakes are hilarious!!! :rofl::lmao:
That's the thing. Democrats can't inspire crazies like the Republicans can.

What's your secret?

They can't?...

You Silly... Beltway Sniper and Boytoy were not Conservatives, Homie... :thup:

Well, they were Islamists... Is that Conservative?

MeThinks they weren't big Fans of the REPUBLICan Party.




Religious ex vets aren't conservative?

News to me.

The things you learn here.:lol:

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