Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Don't you figure Obamabots will be wearing crisp, brown shirts with the "O" logo on the shoulder?


Yeah...in order to get something like that, you have to make an imaginary drawing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EglMVfUB74&feature=player_embedded]Obama wants you to pledge loyalty to him and he is sending his Zombies to your front door - YouTube[/ame]
Well, since you've brought up your MessiahRushie, let's see how he lied about the Hoffa dishonest editing.
Having talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da he just continued to lie after he was called on his dishonest editing, which matched FOX's dishonest editing EXACTLY even though he claimed his editor edited it independently. Obviously both FOX and Stuttering LimpTard used the same GOP edited clip. But He went further with his lie, denying he had edited it to change the context, and then played what he said was the full UNEDITED quote, which actually was also edited but this time by his editor.

Below is the full quote with the GOP/FOX/first LimpTard editing in red followed by the re-edeited "unedited" LimpTard version.

Now the LimpTard unedited "whole thing" with the part he used in red and the part he edited out in black, followed by the transcript of his show with his rationalization for his dishonest editing that removes the actual context of an army of voters who will vote out the Teabag SOBs in November.

The Hoffa Comment in Full Context
September 6, 2011

RUSH: What's the point, if it's still the same? We have a time frame element here. I've given Cookie a time element of 60 seconds on sound bites so as to not lose the audience's attention. People are not tuning into this show to listen to Jimmy Hoffa. So we cut this thing down to 33 seconds, she cuts it down. She takes nothing out of context. She leaves it in context on purpose. All that was edited out was "everybody here's gotta vote," and "jobs, jobs, jobs." But the fact is that Jimmy Hoffa said that we have got to take the SOBs out. Now, he's not talking about jobs, he's talking about Republicans, he's talking about the Tea Party. There's nothing out of context here. We don't have to take these people out of context anyway. It's not our intention.

RUSH:All right, some of the typical shameless, dishonest, left-wing blogs are accusing people of taking the James Hoffa SOB sound bite off context. So here's the whole thing. In fact, let's play sound bite one first. Let's play our edited version, that would be sound bite number one that runs 35 seconds.

HOFFA: We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And, you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war. They got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan and America. We're going to win that war. President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son-of-a-bitches out (cheers) and give America back to America where we belong.

RUSH: Okay. Now, that's our edited version for time. And you must understand that Cookie, who does the audio sound bites here, lives in daily fear of me 'cause I have put upon her a 60-second limit for all of these sound bites. And that's simply a professional judgment made by me. So she tries to edit this stuff down to the essence, you know, brevity being the soul of wit and everything. Here's the whole bite which takes 58 seconds, and you see if there's any difference.


HOFFA: We gotta keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And, you know, there's only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They got a war. They got a war with us, and there's only gonna be one winner. It's gonna be the workers of Michigan and America. We're gonna win that war. President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. And, President Obama, we want one thing: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. That's what we're going to tell him. He gonna be -- and when he sees what we're doing here, he will be inspired. But he needs help, and, you know what? Everybody here's gotta vote. If we go back and we keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son-of-a-bitches out.

RUSH: Okay, so what's different? What's different? I submit there's nothing different at all.


I gave the link to YOUR MessiahRushie's own transcript, but somehow you were too blinded by hate to see it, so I made it a tiny bit bigger for you.

And even though YOUR MessiahRushie has programmed you to accuse anyone who exposes him as the worthless lying scum he is of getting their info from MediaMatters, if you actually went to MediaMatters you would see they never mentioned that his "unedited full quote" is edited. Anyone on this board long enough knows MediaMatters is nowhere my level when it comes to exposing the lies and hypocrisy of YOUR MessiahRushie!!!

Wow... could everyone else hear that audible snap from EdtheCretin when he shot his bolt?

Fuckin looooooonieeeeee tooooooooon!

He is another one who needs to watch the video

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]
I guess all this he said she said started with obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCMDur9CDZ4]Obama Says "Argue With Neighbors, Get In Their Face" - YouTube[/ame]
When it changes the context, you betcher ass. By snipping out the VOTE part - it changed the meaning entirely.

Utter bullshit.

A mobster gave a speech to the desperate backers of a failed president. "Let's take these sons of bitches out."

What is the context the mobster meant with;

“We gotta keep an eye on the battle we face: the war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They got a war, and they got a war with us. There is only going to be one winner and it’s going to be us.”

And you know it.

I know you're a partisan, but reality overrules you.

We understand how you are TOTALLY afraid of Union members having the right to vote.
The thread is NOT about Bachmann. THere is your FIRST fail.

It's about hypocrisy, Doorknob.* Your shameful party has been attacking Bachmann, Palin and everyone else who failed to sign loyalty oaths to Dear Leader for "violent and incendiary language" for years.

But here we have about the most openly violent language anyone has used, and what are all the fascists doing? Excusing it, of course. There are one set of standards for the party, and quite another for the opposition, right Doorknob?

* Since you are clearly as dumb as a doorknob, it seems a fitting nick for you.
Whose name did he name?
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.

Bumping this to make sure it doesn't get "lost".
When it changes the context, you betcher ass. By snipping out the VOTE part - it changed the meaning entirely.

Utter bullshit.

A mobster gave a speech to the desperate backers of a failed president. "Let's take these sons of bitches out."

What is the context the mobster meant with;

“We gotta keep an eye on the battle we face: the war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They got a war, and they got a war with us. There is only going to be one winner and it’s going to be us.”

And you know it.

I know you're a partisan, but reality overrules you.

We understand how you are TOTALLY afraid of Union members having the right to vote.

You do understand the history of the Hoffa family and the teamsters union and their ties to organized crime and violence in the past correct?

You do understand that in light of that history the speech he gave was disturbing to many who remember the family and that specific union's history?

A refresher Teamsters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The thread is NOT about Bachmann. THere is your FIRST fail.

It's about hypocrisy, Doorknob.* Your shameful party has been attacking Bachmann, Palin and everyone else who failed to sign loyalty oaths to Dear Leader for "violent and incendiary language" for years.

But here we have about the most openly violent language anyone has used, and what are all the fascists doing? Excusing it, of course. There are one set of standards for the party, and quite another for the opposition, right Doorknob?

* Since you are clearly as dumb as a doorknob, it seems a fitting nick for you.

No...it was about Bachmann....here is the original post by LittleTraitor:


The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

When asked to put up evidence of us being "so upset" about Bachmann....he links a thread about the shooting in AZ. :lol:
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Wow... could everyone else hear that audible snap from EdtheCretin when he shot his bolt?

Fuckin looooooonieeeeee tooooooooon!

Edtheliar is losing his grip, all the Obamabots are. They see certain defeat and are coming unglued. This violent speech by mob boss Hoffa was virtually the same thing we see from Edtheliar, Del, Jillian, Rightwinger and the other nutjobs of the left. The reality that their dream of a leftist nation is falling to pieces is irrefutable, they are both in a panic and a fury over it.

Like a two year old having a tantrum, they can be funny. But Jimmy Hoffa Jr. is a mob boss, not a two year old. As these morons lose their grip, they are potentially very dangerous.
The thread is NOT about Bachmann. THere is your FIRST fail.

It's about hypocrisy, Doorknob.* Your shameful party has been attacking Bachmann, Palin and everyone else who failed to sign loyalty oaths to Dear Leader for "violent and incendiary language" for years.

But here we have about the most openly violent language anyone has used, and what are all the fascists doing? Excusing it, of course. There are one set of standards for the party, and quite another for the opposition, right Doorknob?

* Since you are clearly as dumb as a doorknob, it seems a fitting nick for you.

No...it was about Bachmann....here is the original post by LittleTraitor:


The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

When asked to put up evidence of us being "so upset" about Bachmann....he links a thread about the shooting in AZ. :lol:

I guess it depends how you define upset. Or are yoiu saying all the talk was just political horseshit from the left all bullshit all the time? Is that what you're sayiing?
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Wow... could everyone else hear that audible snap from EdtheCretin when he shot his bolt?

Fuckin looooooonieeeeee tooooooooon!

Edtheliar is losing his grip, all the Obamabots are. They see certain defeat and are coming unglued. This violent speech by mob boss Hoffa was virtually the same thing we see from Edtheliar, Del, Jillian, Rightwinger and the other nutjobs of the left. The reality that their dream of a leftist nation is falling to pieces is irrefutable, they are both in a panic and a fury over it.

Like a two year old having a tantrum, they can be funny. But Jimmy Hoffa Jr. is a mob boss, not a two year old. As these morons lose their grip, they are potentially very dangerous.

Voting as violence. Gotcha.
It's about hypocrisy, Doorknob.* Your shameful party has been attacking Bachmann, Palin and everyone else who failed to sign loyalty oaths to Dear Leader for "violent and incendiary language" for years.

But here we have about the most openly violent language anyone has used, and what are all the fascists doing? Excusing it, of course. There are one set of standards for the party, and quite another for the opposition, right Doorknob?

* Since you are clearly as dumb as a doorknob, it seems a fitting nick for you.

No...it was about Bachmann....here is the original post by LittleTraitor:


The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

When asked to put up evidence of us being "so upset" about Bachmann....he links a thread about the shooting in AZ. :lol:

I guess it depends how you define upset.

Aaaaaaand there goes those goalposts. :lol::lol::lol:

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