Hofstra University Students Demand Removal of Thomas Jefferson Statue


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

It is a war people. When are you all going to get it? The hippy college professors with tenure and john lennon glasses need to be dealt with.

It is a war people. When are you all going to get it? The hippy college professors with tenure and john lennon glasses need to be dealt with.

A war? Snowflake, much? I bet you call poor women and kids walking a thousand miles across Mexico to get here to apply for asylum "invaders," too. Calm down. The fact Jefferson owned slaves, and had quite a few babies with slaves he raped, somehow upsets some people, despite how advanced he was in other ways for his time. They do not understand how no person, no matter how intelligent, or liberal, or progressives, can rise very far above his environment and customary societal acceptance of equality among all people, regardless of sex or race. The Founding Fathers also did not even try to think about giving women the right to vote, for example. What these people need to do is remember that and then imagine if Jefferson or Washington were alive today, if they would so obviously not be sexist or racist, because society, most of society anyway not connected to Trump, has moved on past such hateful, stupid relics of the past and realize more fully what the Founding Fathers said when they stated we are ALL created equal...all of us.

This is different, to me, from the righteous calls for the removal of all statues honoring racist traitors who took up arms against this country to protect the institution of slavery. Society at that time, here and abroad, had moved past slavery and realized how wrong slavery was because of its awful inhuman essence- that one man has the right to own another man as he might own a cow or a horse. Why would even a Trump voter want to have a monument to such a man who actually committed treason against this country in order to preserve such an immoral practice? If it is on public land, supported and maintained by taxpayers, it has to go. Period. If some racist pig wants to move it to his front yard, go for it. But not on the taxpayer dime.

It is a war people. When are you all going to get it? The hippy college professors with tenure and john lennon glasses need to be dealt with.

A war? Snowflake, much? I bet you call poor women and kids walking a thousand miles across Mexico to get here to apply for asylum "invaders," too. Calm down. The fact Jefferson owned slaves, and had quite a few babies with slaves he raped, somehow upsets some people, despite how advanced he was in other ways for his time. They do not understand how no person, no matter how intelligent, or liberal, or progressives, can rise very far above his environment and customary societal acceptance of equality among all people, regardless of sex or race. The Founding Fathers also did not even try to think about giving women the right to vote, for example. What these people need to do is remember that and then imagine if Jefferson or Washington were alive today, if they would so obviously not be sexist or racist, because society, most of society anyway not connected to Trump, has moved on past such hateful, stupid relics of the past and realize more fully what the Founding Fathers said when they stated we are ALL created equal...all of us.

This is different, to me, from the righteous calls for the removal of all statues honoring racist traitors who took up arms against this country to protect the institution of slavery. Society at that time, here and abroad, had moved past slavery and realized how wrong slavery was because of its awful inhuman essence- that one man has the right to own another man as he might own a cow or a horse. Why would even a Trump voter want to have a monument to such a man who actually committed treason against this country in order to preserve such an immoral practice? If it is on public land, supported and maintained by taxpayers, it has to go. Period. If some racist pig wants to move it to his front yard, go for it. But not on the taxpayer dime.

they are invaders/jackasses
: to enter for conquest or plunder
2: to encroach upon : INFRINGE
3a: to spread over or into as if invading : PERMEATEdoubts invade his mind
b: to affect injuriously and progressively
Definition of INVADE

.....so, to be fair, we'll have to get rid of all Native American names/statues/etc because they murdered/warred on/raped/TORTURED/displaced/decimated/etc

It is a war people. When are you all going to get it? The hippy college professors with tenure and john lennon glasses need to be dealt with.

A war? Snowflake, much? I bet you call poor women and kids walking a thousand miles across Mexico to get here to apply for asylum "invaders," too. Calm down. The fact Jefferson owned slaves, and had quite a few babies with slaves he raped, somehow upsets some people, despite how advanced he was in other ways for his time. They do not understand how no person, no matter how intelligent, or liberal, or progressives, can rise very far above his environment and customary societal acceptance of equality among all people, regardless of sex or race. The Founding Fathers also did not even try to think about giving women the right to vote, for example. What these people need to do is remember that and then imagine if Jefferson or Washington were alive today, if they would so obviously not be sexist or racist, because society, most of society anyway not connected to Trump, has moved on past such hateful, stupid relics of the past and realize more fully what the Founding Fathers said when they stated we are ALL created equal...all of us.

This is different, to me, from the righteous calls for the removal of all statues honoring racist traitors who took up arms against this country to protect the institution of slavery. Society at that time, here and abroad, had moved past slavery and realized how wrong slavery was because of its awful inhuman essence- that one man has the right to own another man as he might own a cow or a horse. Why would even a Trump voter want to have a monument to such a man who actually committed treason against this country in order to preserve such an immoral practice? If it is on public land, supported and maintained by taxpayers, it has to go. Period. If some racist pig wants to move it to his front yard, go for it. But not on the taxpayer dime.

they are invaders/jackasses
: to enter for conquest or plunder
2: to encroach upon : INFRINGE
3a: to spread over or into as if invading : PERMEATEdoubts invade his mind
b: to affect injuriously and progressively
Definition of INVADE

.....so, to be fair, we'll have to get rid of all Native American names/statues/etc because they murdered/warred on/raped/TORTURED/displaced/decimated/etc

Let me get this straight, snowflake. You believe American Indians were the bad guys when it came to genocide and killing and raping and forced marches, not the white people back then who had superior numbers and weapons? Seriously? Wow...that is incredibly stupid. I guess you blame jews for the Germans gassing them and lining them up in ditches and slaughtering them? And no matter how you try to spin it, missy, by law anyone who want to claim asylum in this country HAS TO DO SO ON AMERICAN SOIL....so how can you call those who go to such desperate measures as to walk a thousand miles from their homeland, to come here to legally apply for asylum as INVADERS? Why are you so paranoid and easily frightened, little feller?
When are people going to learn that history will never change no matter what is or isn't done now?

God bless you always!!!


It is a war people. When are you all going to get it? The hippy college professors with tenure and john lennon glasses need to be dealt with.

A war? Snowflake, much? I bet you call poor women and kids walking a thousand miles across Mexico to get here to apply for asylum "invaders," too. Calm down. The fact Jefferson owned slaves, and had quite a few babies with slaves he raped, somehow upsets some people, despite how advanced he was in other ways for his time. They do not understand how no person, no matter how intelligent, or liberal, or progressives, can rise very far above his environment and customary societal acceptance of equality among all people, regardless of sex or race. The Founding Fathers also did not even try to think about giving women the right to vote, for example. What these people need to do is remember that and then imagine if Jefferson or Washington were alive today, if they would so obviously not be sexist or racist, because society, most of society anyway not connected to Trump, has moved on past such hateful, stupid relics of the past and realize more fully what the Founding Fathers said when they stated we are ALL created equal...all of us.

This is different, to me, from the righteous calls for the removal of all statues honoring racist traitors who took up arms against this country to protect the institution of slavery. Society at that time, here and abroad, had moved past slavery and realized how wrong slavery was because of its awful inhuman essence- that one man has the right to own another man as he might own a cow or a horse. Why would even a Trump voter want to have a monument to such a man who actually committed treason against this country in order to preserve such an immoral practice? If it is on public land, supported and maintained by taxpayers, it has to go. Period. If some racist pig wants to move it to his front yard, go for it. But not on the taxpayer dime.

they are invaders/jackasses
: to enter for conquest or plunder
2: to encroach upon : INFRINGE
3a: to spread over or into as if invading : PERMEATEdoubts invade his mind
b: to affect injuriously and progressively
Definition of INVADE

.....so, to be fair, we'll have to get rid of all Native American names/statues/etc because they murdered/warred on/raped/TORTURED/displaced/decimated/etc

Let me get this straight, snowflake. You believe American Indians were the bad guys when it came to genocide and killing and raping and forced marches, not the white people back then who had superior numbers and weapons? Seriously? Wow...that is incredibly stupid. I guess you blame jews for the Germans gassing them and lining them up in ditches and slaughtering them? And no matter how you try to spin it, missy, by law anyone who want to claim asylum in this country HAS TO DO SO ON AMERICAN SOIL....so how can you call those who go to such desperate measures as to walk a thousand miles from their homeland, to come here to legally apply for asylum as INVADERS? Why are you so paranoid and easily frightened, little feller?

.....the NAs committed genocide/war --TORTURE was part of their culture--even the kids participated!!
..you live in TV world/fantasy world/Unreality World---where the NAs gave out flowers and corn to everyone------hahahahahha
..one book stated that one of the reasons they lost to the whites was that they were too busy fighting/KILLING amongst themselves
...war was a way of life to some of the tribes--especially the Iroquois
...they displaced and decimated long before the whites came
..the NAs did EXACTLY what the whites did --decimated/displaced/etc

you are IGNORANT of reality/history

you ARE a dumbass---I just gave you the definition of invader and you respond with CRAP
I can link/prove everything I've said

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