Hogg tells Canadians to commit a felony to help Democrats

The moron Trump asks an adversary foreign power to interfere in our elections and there are crickets. A teenager makes a mistake and asks an ally to interfere, Trumpers wet their pants. Go figure.

"He's only an 18 year old kid" doesn't wash.
He now has a national platform with an audience taking note of what he says.
He or his handlers should make sure that he's giving them accurate information.

Imagine where it could lead if we had leaders, pundits and opinion-mongers lying, mis-speaking or expressing uninformed opinions to a gullible nationwide audience?
"He's only an 18 year old kid" doesn't wash.
He now has a national platform with an audience taking note of what he says.
He or his handlers should make sure that he's giving them accurate information.

Imagine where it could lead if we had leaders, pundits and opinion-mongers lying, mis-speaking or expressing uninformed opinions to a gullible nationwide audience?
It would result in Drumpf becoming POTUS.
Well I'm glad you said it. Obviously he is living rent free in your head. Who expects a kid barely out of high school to know the rules about donating money to a politician? Hell the only thing I knew was that it couldnt be from a hostile country. Yeah he is definitely in your head. :laugh:

Well thank you for replying and supporting my prediction. While I don't expect a high school kid to be a lawyer, I would assume he knew how to use Google.

I had thought it be common sense not to have foreigners donate to our political campaigns
Drumpf got donations from foreigners so obviously not everyone agrees.

You should contact Mueller than. He would want to know this
Mueller already knows about it. Probably saving it for later.
The moron Trump asks an adversary foreign power to interfere in our elections and there are crickets. A teenager makes a mistake and asks an ally to interfere, Trumpers wet their pants. Go figure.

It seems to me Camera Hogg wasn't being sarcastic.
Well I'm glad you said it. Obviously he is living rent free in your head. Who expects a kid barely out of high school to know the rules about donating money to a politician? Hell the only thing I knew was that it couldnt be from a hostile country. Yeah he is definitely in your head. :laugh:

Well thank you for replying and supporting my prediction. While I don't expect a high school kid to be a lawyer, I would assume he knew how to use Google.
Youre welcome. Maybe he didnt have access to google while giving his speech?

Actually its not entirely true a non citizen is prohibited from donating to a political candidate either. If they own a US based company they can donate via their company.

I don't think that's what Hogg was talking about.

If you are going to give a speech, shouldn't you plan that speech out before giving it? Shouldn't you do the research before you go on stage?
I'm pretty sure thats not what he was talking about. He's only 18..

You should do a lot of things. Drumpf has either lied in his speeches or was ignorant of the facts like Hogg. Drumpf said on national television that Obama wasnt born in the US. Dont you think he should have fact checked prior to saying that? Are you going jump on a kid that did the same as the POTUS?

I'm not jumping on anybody. In fact I find it hillary-ous. The funniest part of the story is fat ass taking the mic away from him to keep Hogg quiet.
Well, Trump was soliciting donations from foreign countries while campaigning for office.

Trump campaign solicits illegal foreign donations despite warnings

Donald Trump's campaign is still soliciting illegal donations from foreign individuals — including members of foreign governments at their official email addresses — weeks after the campaign was put on notice by watchdog groups.

Foreign members of parliament from the United Kingdom and Australia confirmed to The Hill that they received fundraising solicitations from the Trump campaign as recently as July 12 — two weeks after a widely publicized Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint issued on June 29 by nonpartisan watchdogs Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center.

These latest campaign finance violations were first reported by the investigative website WhoWhatWhy and have been confirmed by The Hill.
The Trump campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Terri Butler, a progressive Parliament member in Australia, told The Hill in a telephone interview Friday night that she was surprised to continue receiving fundraising solicitations from the presumptive GOP presidential nominee's campaign at her official government email address.

She shared several of these emails, including one dated July 12 asking her to make a "generous contribution" to the Trump campaign.

Butler says she has no idea how her government email ended up on the Trump fundraising list.

Found some interesting stuff on this. First, from your link:

"There is no reason this should be happening," he said. "While U.S. citizens do live abroad, they usually don't have foreign government email addresses or are members of parliament, so they can't try to explain this by saying they thought they were soliciting U.S. citizens abroad.

So, what evidence is there that this wasn't from a hacker and from the Trump campaign? Trump didn't accept money from any of these people nor (so it seems) did they offer. If Trump did accept money, he'd have to return it.

Many readers also will recall the "Chinese money" scandal that erupted during Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign. The Democratic National Committee returned $3 million in illegal or otherwise questionable contributions after much of it was discovered to be from foreign nationals. The affair prompted televised Senate hearings. A special Department of Justice Campaign Finance Task Force eventually resulted in a variety of criminal chargesagainst 27 persons, most of whom were found guilty, the last one in 2003. The Federal Election Commission also fined the DNC $115,000, part of a total of $719,500 in civil penalties, mostly assessed to donors.
While accusing others of what they have done / are doing, they openly continue to do it....

It’s because all democrats need all the help they can get. And 2016 is all the proof one needs to show dems have zero issues with committing felonies.
Of course he didn't do it on purpose. He's just a stupid kid that needs to learn to do research before opening his mouth.

Left-wing activist David Hogg made a fool out of himself in Canada late last week while joining leftist Michael Moore for the premiere of his anti-Trump propaganda film "Fahrenheit 11/9."

"I have a question for you guys: Who's ready to save America? Who's ready to make America the country we say it is on paper and make it the actual country that it wants to be?," Hogg asked the Canadian crowd. "I think the most important thing to realize, however, is the problems we face as a country, whether it be water in Flint, Michigan or the amount of mass incarceration of people of color that can't vote."

Hogg continued by suggesting that Canadians can donate money to political campaigns in the United States, which is a felony.

After making the embarrassing remarks, Moore took the microphone away from Hogg.:laughing0301:

David Hogg Makes A Fool Of Himself In Canada, Gets Mic Taken Away

I know the left will chime in saying how this kid is living in our heads rent-free. But seriously, this is comedy you can't make up. Maybe next event they could bring one of those giant canes to pull him off stage when he starts talking stupid.

If Trump has half a brain, he'll pull the visa from that ass Hogg and deny him re-entrance back into the country!
Of course he didn't do it on purpose. He's just a stupid kid that needs to learn to do research before opening his mouth.

Left-wing activist David Hogg made a fool out of himself in Canada late last week while joining leftist Michael Moore for the premiere of his anti-Trump propaganda film "Fahrenheit 11/9."

"I have a question for you guys: Who's ready to save America? Who's ready to make America the country we say it is on paper and make it the actual country that it wants to be?," Hogg asked the Canadian crowd. "I think the most important thing to realize, however, is the problems we face as a country, whether it be water in Flint, Michigan or the amount of mass incarceration of people of color that can't vote."

Hogg continued by suggesting that Canadians can donate money to political campaigns in the United States, which is a felony.

After making the embarrassing remarks, Moore took the microphone away from Hogg.:laughing0301:

David Hogg Makes A Fool Of Himself In Canada, Gets Mic Taken Away

I know the left will chime in saying how this kid is living in our heads rent-free. But seriously, this is comedy you can't make up. Maybe next event they could bring one of those giant canes to pull him off stage when he starts talking stupid.

If Trump has half a brain, he'll pull the visa from that ass Hogg and deny him re-entrance back into the country!

I don't know why he'd do that. Hogg and his ilk are the best thing for the Republican party.
It’s because all democrats need all the help they can get. And 2016 is all the proof one needs to show dems have zero issues with committing felonies.

We already know that. When it comes to choosing between the cops and the criminals, which side does the left normally choose? These football clowns are kneeling in protest of our police officers, and I haven't heard or read a liberal yet being against it.
I know the left will chime in saying how this kid is living in our heads rent-free.

Yeah, I think that obsessing over what an 18 year old says is kind of weird.

Well thank you for replying and supporting my prediction. While I don't expect a high school kid to be a lawyer, I would assume he knew how to use Google.

You guys are arguing the Collusion with Russia is not a crime... So you can't blame this kid for not understanding Canadians can't contribute.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse... I wonder what charges Hogg could realistically have brought against him...?
Also, just an FYI to the Trumpsters, Canada isn't an adversarial government...or they weren't before the orange blob was installed by Russia. (Yes, that still makes donations from Canadians illegal, but a lot of Americans live in Canada and Canada and Russia are not even close to being the same)
Also, just an FYI to the Trumpsters, Canada isn't an adversarial government...or they weren't before the orange blob was installed by Russia. (Yes, that still makes donations from Canadians illegal, but a lot of Americans live in Canada and Canada and Russia are not even close to being the same)

What kind of government they are is irrelevant. You can’t donate to a political party or candidate if you are from any other country.

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