¡Hola a todos mis amigos!


Please lick me!
Jul 11, 2011
Dear people of USMB, I bring you greetings from across the pond. I have followed in the footsteps of a great Floridian feline and joined your hallowed virtua. May your posts be manifold and various. May your flag poles always be erect and proud. May your threads be awesome and your mods be wise.

I have no idea about he political ambience around these parts but I'm sure you'll all catch on very quickly to how I hang. To help you along, here are 5 yummy and 5 yucky things according to El Señor Andaluz's epicurean tastes...

  1. People who can argue both sides of a point and find that stimulating and entertaining
  2. Funny people - the bawdier the better
  3. A fine Ribera del Duero tempranillo
  4. An absence of too many rules
  5. My own recipe for mulberry ice cream
  1. Angry people who are too chickensh*t to be so in RL, so do so on an internet forum
  2. El Señor is very wary of people who refer to themselves in the third person
  3. Finding religious dogma at all convincing in a debate with those who don't share your faith
  4. Brussel sprouts
  5. Men who depilate

Now, have at ya!

Muchísimas gracias para haber leído.
Dear people of USMB, I bring you greetings from across the pond. I have followed in the footsteps of a great Floridian feline and joined your hallowed virtua. May your posts be manifold and various. May your flag poles always be erect and proud. May your threads be awesome and your mods be wise.

I have no idea about he political ambience around these parts but I'm sure you'll all catch on very quickly to how I hang. To help you along, here are 5 yummy and 5 yucky things according to El Señor Andaluz's epicurean tastes...

  1. People who can argue both sides of a point and find that stimulating and entertaining
  2. Funny people - the bawdier the better
  3. A fine Ribera del Duero tempranillo
  4. An absence of too many rules
  5. My own recipe for mulberry ice cream
  1. Angry people who are too chickensh*t to be so in RL, so do so on an internet forum
  2. El Señor is very wary of people who refer to themselves in the third person
  3. Finding religious dogma at all convincing in a debate with those who don't share your faith
  4. Brussel sprouts
  5. Men who depilate

Now, have at ya!

Muchísimas gracias para haber leído.

January 2, 1492
The Spanish took Granada from the Moors.

In the legend of Moorish Spain, the last Muslim king of Grenada, Boabdil, surrendered the keys to his city on this day, and on one of its hills, paused for a final glance at his lost dominion. The place would henceforth be known as El Ultimo Suspiro del Moro- “ the Moor’s Last Sigh.”

His mother is said to have taunted him, and to have told him to “weep like a woman for the land he could not defend like a man.” Al Andalus- Andalusia- remains a deep wound for Islam.

So, Andaluz....watch your back.
Hey bro, good to see you here. :) You know you're one of my favorite people on earth, and I look forward to someday joining you in a glass or two of tempranilla someday.
Anyone missing a sock?
Is this a standard greeting? Perhaps you'd like to link to a post from whoever it is you think I am the sock puppet of. I can guarantee that you've never seen my like before however.

Thank you very much! Nice avatar, btw.

January 2, 1492
The Spanish took Granada from the Moors.

In the legend of Moorish Spain, the last Muslim king of Grenada, Boabdil, surrendered the keys to his city on this day, and on one of its hills, paused for a final glance at his lost dominion. The place would henceforth be known as El Ultimo Suspiro del Moro- “ the Moor’s Last Sigh.”

His mother is said to have taunted him, and to have told him to “weep like a woman for the land he could not defend like a man.” Al Andalus- Andalusia- remains a deep wound for Islam.

So, Andaluz....watch your back.

I am aware of all our local history, but whom should I be watching at my back? And as for the quote, she was a vixen that mother, she actually said: "DO NOT weep like a woman..." yadda yadda. If it's not one thing, it's your mother!
Hey bro, good to see you here. :) You know you're one of my favorite people on earth, and I look forward to someday joining you in a glass or two of tempranilla someday.

Great to see you too, Guapa! Now, let's see if the locals are friendly.
Hey bro, good to see you here. :) You know you're one of my favorite people on earth, and I look forward to someday joining you in a glass or two of tempranilla someday.

Great to see you too, Guapa! Now, let's see if the locals are friendly.

Therer are some friendlies and some assholes. You'll find out who is who soon enough.

By the way, what is the Spanish word for asshole?
Hey bro, good to see you here. :) You know you're one of my favorite people on earth, and I look forward to someday joining you in a glass or two of tempranilla someday.

Great to see you too, Guapa! Now, let's see if the locals are friendly.

Therer are some friendlies and some assholes. You'll find out who is who soon enough.

By the way, what is the Spanish word for asshole?

Wow! That's easy, and definitely my favourite word.... Gilipollas! I believe in Latin America they use, Pendejo.
Dear people of USMB, I bring you greetings from across the pond. I have followed in the footsteps of a great Floridian feline and joined your hallowed virtua. May your posts be manifold and various. May your flag poles always be erect and proud. May your threads be awesome and your mods be wise.

I have no idea about he political ambience around these parts but I'm sure you'll all catch on very quickly to how I hang. To help you along, here are 5 yummy and 5 yucky things according to El Señor Andaluz's epicurean tastes...

  1. People who can argue both sides of a point and find that stimulating and entertaining
  2. Funny people - the bawdier the better
  3. A fine Ribera del Duero tempranillo
  4. An absence of too many rules
  5. My own recipe for mulberry ice cream
  1. Angry people who are too chickensh*t to be so in RL, so do so on an internet forum
  2. El Señor is very wary of people who refer to themselves in the third person
  3. Finding religious dogma at all convincing in a debate with those who don't share your faith
  4. Brussel sprouts
  5. Men who depilate

Now, have at ya!

Muchísimas gracias para haber leído.

What a thoughtful and exciting person your introduction exemplifies. I look forward to your thoughts and impressions of many topics here. :) **WELCOME**
What a thoughtful and exciting person your introduction exemplifies. I look forward to your thoughts and impressions of many topics here. :) **WELCOME**

Now THAT'S a welcome I can take to the bank! Thank you so much, you sound like a goddess!
Mulberry ice cream?

Recipe, por favor.

Is this the leading edge of yet another wave of messageboard refugees?

I see the kitty is back.
Mulberry ice cream?

Recipe, por favor.

Is this the leading edge of yet another wave of messageboard refugees?

I see the kitty is back.

It might be. Who can say? And what can I say? Catz has friends!

Now, Mulberry ice... (can you cope with metric?)

500g fresh mulberries
200g sugar
100ml licor de Mora (if you can't get it, use vodka)
400ml double cream
a couple of leaves of fresh mint

  1. Steep the mulberries in the licor (or vodka) mint leaves and sugar overnight
  2. Whip the cream until not quite stiff
  3. Remove the mint leaves and strain the fruit
  4. Return half of the liquid back to the fruit and whizz up with a hand blender or in a liquidiser until smooth
  5. fold the fruit into the cream with a metal (not a wooden) spoon and then pour it into an ice cream maker. Leave running for 20 minutes
  6. Place in the freezer and leave overnight
  7. When you serve it, drizzle a little of the remaining fruit and liquor over the top

If you haven't got an ice cream maker put the mix into a plastic container and place in the freezer. Take it out every 15 minutes and whip to break up the ice crystals. Do this for about one-and-a-half hours. Then leave overnight.

It goes great with almond cake!
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