Hola everyone, am a scared newbie

Welcome. You have over a 40% chance of posting " I'm recently divorced" in the not so distant future.
As to the scared part. EXCELLENT ! You're the perfect murkin.
Hola everyone, am a scared newbie, recent got married. Please warn if i break any guidelines.

1. Don't be scared.
2. No matter how wrong a female spouse might be, she will always be right.

You'll be fine.

Hola everyone, am a scared newbie, recent got married. Please warn if i break any guidelines.

You are in violation of forum code 427.21.c38 - Prohibition on the Use of Language other than English.
You are in violation of forum code 173.31.j10 - Prohibition of improper grammar.
You are in violation of forum code 92.81.z93(a) - Prohibition of using any admission to the fact that you are a "newbie."
Finally, You are in violation of forum code 18.71.l337 - Prohibition of the request for other forum members to warn you when you are in violation of forum code.
*kicks in door*

*runs laser sight through room looking for poster*

*throws percussion grenade for good measure*

Huh? Wonder why a newbie could be scared?

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