Holder: Obama is 'ready to roll'

Obie super pissed over his absence of a legacy.

Its certainly true that the Rs plan to "piss" away the millions of jobs, the economic recovery, the work he did for peace, the stock market, housing, health care and SO much more but their lies won't change facts.

My bet is that ObamaCare will be repackaged and called TrumpCare. Bet on it.

Same with everything else President Obama did for the country that you RWNJ TRAITORS are currently using and enjoying.

Admit it. You shower daily in Kool-aid.

Mark my words.

drumpf and the Rs will try to take credit for ObamaCare and for every other thing he did for the good of the country.

AND, mark my words that you RWNJ traitors will look like your usual bobble head dolls, nodding up and down.

Mark my words.

The only words to be marked are the following: The Democratic Party is going through its' death throes as they mimic the 'McCarthy era'. They only have Obama and Hillary supported by a cast of thousands of other far-left hijacked Democrats to thank.

I am sure that you and your ilk would like to make talking to Russians illegal.
I agree. Get rolling.

The phrase "let's roll" was the last thing anyone ever heard from the passengers of "Flight 93" on 9/11/01 before they overcame hijackers and brought the plane down. Now when we hear the former president claiming to be "ready to roll" instead of retiring gracefully we have to consider whether the former president intends to bring the Country down because he and the rest of the psychotic left thinks the Country was hijacked.
Every aspect of Obamacare has been a complete failure. Great idea, but not so much in reality and everyone has suffered for it. Insurance companies, medical services, and the people who have been either forced on it or those who chose to pay the penalty instead of the cost for coverage
Love how your Patriot gave Russia the Crimea, Syria, Our Uranium and The Greatest Terrorist Nation on Earth Billions.

Obama is a patriot who sees fighting Russian loving RW bitches as his new job ..

and he has a target rich country to do it in.
Barack Obama is getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics, his friend and former Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday.

Holder said he’s been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.

“It’s coming. He’s coming,” Holder said, speaking to reporters at a briefing for the new group. “And he’s ready to roll.”

Throughout, Holder said, Obama “will be a more visible part of the effort.”

Holder also predicted that the usual pattern of the party in the White House losing state legislative seats in off-year elections would hold next year, but “I expect we’ll see that on steroids with President Trump.”

Holder: Obama is 'ready to roll'

Your mediocre negro is about to write more checks your party can't cash.
Oh... you he said roll. I thought he said troll.
The phrase "let's roll" was the last thing anyone ever heard from the passengers of "Flight 93" before they overcame hijackers and brought the plane down. Now when we hear that the former president claims to be "ready to roll" we have to consider whether the former president intends to bring the Country down.

Yupp!!! :clap::clap:

Hopefully, in his zeal to try to continue to transform America, his ass will eventually end up in stripes!
O-shit-ma is rolling alright, his favorite newspaper OUTED the fact that HE was using US government agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, and collecting info to use against them. They also leaked the fact that the people in some of the federal offices were directly informing him of intelligence that is classified THAT means he, and THEY ARE GUILTY of ESPIONAGE. He is rolling along nicely, and his head will be rolling soon, along with the heads of all of the dimshitscum that knew about it. It is time to bring the weight of the government to bear ON the treasonous democrat party, and execute all involved in the attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of this country.
Every aspect of Obamacare has been a complete failure. Great idea, but not so much in reality and everyone has suffered for it. Insurance companies, medical services, and the people who have been either forced on it or those who chose to pay the penalty instead of the cost for coverage

And people like myself who lost coverage through their employer. Up until Commie Care started, I was insured my entire life.
Russia is an enemy of the US.

So is Iran, and your dear leader openly handed them millions. Terrorists are our enemies as well. Your leader traded five of out top terrorists in captivity for some lowly private that deserted his country.

No, President Obama did not give Iran millions.

Why do you IDIOTS keep repeating the same old lies?

Why did the cheeto in chief arbitrarily ban travel from countries who have done nothing to us while allowing potential terrorists to come here? Why did the Rs sign a bill allowing known and suspected terrorists to get any guns they want? Same with seriously mentally ill AND illegals. Why is that?

Why did trumpery just lift the travel ban to one nation but not the others? Try thinking before you answer.
Barack Obama is getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics, his friend and former Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday.

Holder said he’s been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.

“It’s coming. He’s coming,” Holder said, speaking to reporters at a briefing for the new group. “And he’s ready to roll.”

Throughout, Holder said, Obama “will be a more visible part of the effort.”

Holder also predicted that the usual pattern of the party in the White House losing state legislative seats in off-year elections would hold next year, but “I expect we’ll see that on steroids with President Trump.”

Holder: Obama is 'ready to roll'

Your mediocre negro is about to write more checks your party can't cash.
It's easy to roll when you've spent your life bent over...as has been Obabbles posture forever.
O-shit-ma is rolling alright, his favorite newspaper OUTED the fact that HE was using US government agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, and collecting info to use against them. They also leaked the fact that the people in some of the federal offices were directly informing him of intelligence that is classified THAT means he, and THEY ARE GUILTY of ESPIONAGE. He is rolling along nicely, and his head will be rolling soon, along with the heads of all of the dimshitscum that knew about it. It is time to bring the weight of the government to bear ON the treasonous democrat party, and execute all involved in the attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of this country.

They sure as hell want to keep Americans financially dependent as opposed to independent. Don't know if it is worthy of execution, but exile is the 2nd best thing. I'd love to see Maxine Waters cooking anteater over a fire in Liberia for life.
Not only that they just found out that Obama was funneling money through the DOJ to groups like BLM and LaRaza.

Nope Nothing Unethical or Illegal about that.

O-shit-ma is rolling alright, his favorite newspaper OUTED the fact that HE was using US government agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, and collecting info to use against them. They also leaked the fact that the people in some of the federal offices were directly informing him of intelligence that is classified THAT means he, and THEY ARE GUILTY of ESPIONAGE. He is rolling along nicely, and his head will be rolling soon, along with the heads of all of the dimshitscum that knew about it. It is time to bring the weight of the government to bear ON the treasonous democrat party, and execute all involved in the attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of this country.
Every aspect of Obamacare has been a complete failure. Great idea, but not so much in reality and everyone has suffered for it. Insurance companies, medical services, and the people who have been either forced on it or those who chose to pay the penalty instead of the cost for coverage

And people like myself who lost coverage through their employer. Up until Commie Care started, I was insured my entire life.


There it is again.

What an amazing phenomenon is it that RWNJ traitors who just adore them some Pooting got screwed over by ObamaCare while others have had their very lives saved by it.

'tis a real brain flosser all righty.

LOL Obama is such a sore loser it's laughable. Hope he makes a fool out of himself since PRESIDENT TRUMP is looking like the bigger man.

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