Holder Smoking Gun: We Must "Brainwash" People Against Guns.

The problem here is how Holder went about it.

Giving guns to Mexican drug lords is how he did it and his apologists figure it's an acceptable risk. They got caught and now they're trying to cover it up.

truly Disgusting.. :mad:
Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

Since when is brainwashing anyone a good idea?

I'd rather people were educated than brainwashed. No matter what the topic.
kinda hard to educate people when the GOP wants to eliminate the department of education and santorum thinks going to college makes you a snob.

How exactly would eliminating the Department of Education prevent us from educating one another? The Department of Education didn't exist until the late 70s. People were better educated before than then they are now.

You do realize we have a federal system wher eboth the Federal government and the States divide power, don't you? You realize that eliminating the Federal Department of Education will do absolutely nothing to prevent State and municipal governments from educating their citizens, right? You also realize that the US Constitution doesn't grant the Federal Government any authority whatsoever to influence and interfer with the State's right to educate it's citizens, right?

If not, may I suggest studying the Constitution?
Holder is an anti constitution stooge that works for obama. Both hate America.

The sooner these two buffoons are gone, the better off America will be.

I hear that Obama was not even born in America
This just backs up all those claims of people saying the Obama admin knew about the "Operation fast and furious" and was actively attempting to use it to curtail gun ownership in the USA
It would be shocking it if it were not so predictable. The Left believes they can remake people's attitudes towards everything with enough propaganda. As we see with the numbskulls on this board it works.

Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

Actually it's a great idea. The quicker they kill each other off the better. They need some marksmanship classes so more innocent bystanders will survive though.
Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

Since when is brainwashing anyone a good idea?

I'd rather people were educated than brainwashed. No matter what the topic.
kinda hard to educate people when the GOP wants to eliminate the department of education and santorum thinks going to college makes you a snob.

We had better educated people before we ever had a Department of Education, and Rick Santorum never said he thinks going to college makes you a snob. There is a good possibility that your education misfired somewhere along the line.

Going to college makes one more informed on some topics, but it does not make one a better person, or a worse person. Ninety nine percent of college graduates could not run an acceptable weld on a piece of scrap iron, or even wire their own house. All necessary knowledge is not gained through a college education. Those that think their college education makes them smarter than the average man, are snobs, and ignorant snobs at that.
So....let's get this straight TPS

You are acknowledging that illegal guns and crime are a major problem with this group in Washington DC........yet you started a thread about Holder trying to "Brainwash" these poor young people

Let's get this straight. I don't think there is a problem with guns. I think there is a problem with people NOT HAVING GUNS.

More law abiding citizens with guns in their hands able to shoot BACK, the less criminals we will have.

The Dodge City defense.......sure works in Somalia doesn't it?

This is how a liberal sees YOU, a law abiding citizen having a gun. AS IF, it will become a war torn country ruled by war lords and pirates.

This reveals WAY MORE about the closed minded paranoia of liberalism than it EVER does about a law abiding citizen owning a gun AS IS THEIR RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION.

It really is revealing.

Remember this and vote!
Let's get this straight. I don't think there is a problem with guns. I think there is a problem with people NOT HAVING GUNS.

More law abiding citizens with guns in their hands able to shoot BACK, the less criminals we will have.

An armed society is a polite society, There lies the problem they havent learned any manners.

You know what works better than arming everyone with guns?

Arming everyone with cell phones. Pull out your gun and you have dozens of people taking your picture

Yeah, because when another 9/11 happens, or DC Sniper, or even a home invasion . . Well HELL! You don't need a gun to protect you. You just need a cell phone to take a picture, that will most likely be ALSO STOLEN in that same home invasion.

If you're lucky they will find the cell phone with your murdered remains and they will have all the evidence they need to get the guy who killed ya!

Isn't it comforting to live in a liberal world???????? NOT!!!!!!!!

Breitbart.com has uncovered video from 1995 of then-U.S. Attorney Eric Holder announcing a public campaign to "really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."

"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes."

Holder added that he had asked advertising agencies in the nation's capital to assist by making anti-gun ads rather than commercials "that make me buy things that I don't really need." He had also approached local newspapers and television stations, he said, asking them to devote prime space and time, respectively, to his anti-gun campaign.

More here: The Vetting - Holder 1995: We Must 'Brainwash' People on Guns

Video here: Holder 1995: We Must 'Brainwash' People Against Guns

And that people, was what "Fast and Furious" was about. It was to "brainwash" people against Guns. And that why there is such foot dragging about getting to the bottom of Fast and Furious. It was obviously meant to turn the American people against guns. It backfired and they know it leads right to Holder, here is the Smoking Gun (pun intended) that tells us the ideology behind Holder's actions.

Here we go again. More hate and fear; Guns, God, Gays & Government.

Damn that first amendment giving us Christians a right to freely practice our religion!!!!!!!:eusa_snooty:

If ONLY Obama could get us to stop clinging so bitterly to our Bibles and our freedoms.

Boo freaking hoo!

According to J Christian Adams, the Justice Department voting rights attorney who blew the whistle on Eric Holder's dismissal of the judgement against the Philadelphia NBPP, Mr Holder carries a card in his wallet at all times with the inscription "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than that black attorney does with the society he was sworn to represent."
Sort of goes along with Khalid Muhammed's, friend of Professor Derrick Bell, friend, idol, and mentor to Barack Hussein Obama, saying that "If you find a good 'cracker', kill him before he changes"
Sweep DC clean in November.

Sure he does....

And President Obama carries a card in his wallet that says "kill whitey"

More like I care more about people who look like what my son might look like than anyone else.
Actually no...

Only an idiot thinks that encouraging shoot-outs in our streets is a good idea

And only an idiot thinks that's what we're talking about.
You think that's what we're talking about, right?

Speaking of idiots, one just chimed in

Here is what we are talking about...

More law abiding citizens with guns in their hands able to shoot BACK, the less criminals we will have.

In OTHER WORDS, THIS IDIOT thinks the way to keep crime down is to LET US BE KILLED rather than be able to shoot back.

Do you get that! Can't have us being able to protect ourselves, it will increase violence.

We are better off being robbed, raped and killed.

Don't you love how things work in liberal world? NOT!

Speaking of idiots, one just chimed in

Here is what we are talking about...

More law abiding citizens with guns in their hands able to shoot BACK, the less criminals we will have.
congrats...thats the dumbest thing I ever heard :lol:

It sure is....

Encouraging shootouts is the dumbest solution I have ever heard

Yeah, because we can't have law abiding citizens fighting back.

It's better to let the criminals pick us off and let the police clean up the mess.

Don't you love how liberals nonThink?

Liberals just don't get it.

This issue is like most issues liberals don't get.

We need less guns they say, we need more housing for the poor, we nned more healthcare for everyone, we need more education for everyone, ect/...........................

What they never take into consideration is for all there wants, they take other people's freedom away, and the net-net result never works.

You make it harder for people to own guns,. you're taking away thier freedom, and you won't get the results you're looking for.

What they never get is every time they try to solve a situation, they just make things far worse.

Look at their solution for housing? You want to live in one of those housing projects?
You know what works better than arming everyone with guns?

Arming everyone with cell phones. Pull out your gun and you have dozens of people taking your picture

:rofl: That's a good way to get dozens of people shot. I can assure you that if I witness a crime where the perp has a gun and I don't the LAST thing I am going to do is run up and take the guy's picture. Might as well just add me to the body count.

The majority of employers tell their workers that in the event of a robbery, they do NOT want them to resist. Better to hand over a few hundred dollars than to have someone shot in your place of business

Our crime rate is decreasing not because more citizens have guns, but because there are more cameras out there. I see stories every week where they post the picture of some robber or rapist and they arrest him a few days later. I rarely see a story where some armed civilian apprehended a criminal

Get this, not ONLY is he for brainwashing, he wants Big Brother to watch us.

Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

Since when is brainwashing anyone a good idea?

I'd rather people were educated than brainwashed. No matter what the topic.
kinda hard to educate people when the GOP wants to eliminate the department of education and santorum thinks going to college makes you a snob.

Gee, I wonder how people got edujamacated before we had that there Department of Educashawn.

Hey genius! I want to school BEFORE there was such a department, and I guarantee you the education I received was WAY better than the brainwashing you mindless idiots get now.

The Dept of Education. What a joke!


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