Holding Congress Accountable for the Alleged Awan Crimes

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It’s one of the biggest and most blatant DNC crime coverups of recent times. It’s also one of those things where we say “I’ll believe a Democrat being convicted and getting serious time for a huge crime we can all see when I see that conviction.

I didn’t read the author’s name, only the blog address. So imagine my surprise when I came to the end and read Newt Gingrich’s name. I know my Freeper lore, and I am aware of the need not to call everything huge (or hugh I think it was) but when a former speaker writes a letter like that to the retiring speaker and the speaker designate can it really be swept under the carpet? Is journalism totally dead?

In 2015, during Speaker Paul Ryan’s first Capitol press briefing as Speaker, he said he wanted a House of Representatives that was “more open, more inclusive, more deliberative, more participatory,” in his remarks.

Three years later, after the Democrats won the House on November 6, 2018, Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi said, “Congress will be led with transparency and openness so that the public can see what’s happening and how it affects them … We will have accountability and we will strive for bipartisanship, with fairness on all sides.”

I sent the following letter to Speaker Ryan and Speaker-designate Pelosi today, challenging them to uphold their promise of an open, transparent Congress that is held directly accountable to the American people.

Read more at ammoland.com ...
ITEM---Pelosi also appointed the first Muslim Congressman to a key House intel position.



How did Andre Carson get on several major Congressional intel committees? Rep Andre Carson (Dem-Indiana) is a member of (A) the House Intelligence and (B) House Homeland Security Committees. Carson is also ranking member of the (C) House intelligence subcommittee on Emerging Threats, which oversees the (D) Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The subcommittee oversight extends to the (E) National Counterterrorism Center and (F) information-sharing programs. (The first elected Muslim---Cong Keith Ellison---is co-chair of the DNC.)


Rep Andre Carson, an Indiana Democrat----is the second Muslim elected to Congress-----and the first Muslim on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Carson sits on several high level security committees: (A) the House Intelligence, and, (B) House Homeland Security Committees. Carson is also (C) ranking member of the House intelligence subcommittee on Emerging Threats, which oversees (D) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The subcommittee oversight extends to (E) the National Counterterrorism Center and information-sharing programs.


SHOCKING To get these important committee appointments, Andre Carson has to be bringing in serious money for Democrats-----monies required by the DNC. These high-level committee appointments are "positions for sale." Every appointment has a dollar amount attached to it that Members desiring the positions are required to raise. Taxpayers demand to know if Carson is channeling Islamicist cash directly into the DNC.


NOTE---Democrat Cong Andre Carson employed the Paki head spy and is buddy-buddy w/ the Pakis. Eye-witnesses report Carson and Imran---a tax-paid US govt employee---passed the time away playing video games in Carson's Congressional office. An astute FReeper posted /////// So I guess these ballsy braggarts---the new Democrap (cough) leadership
will nail the 44 Democrats who hired Pakistani spies to handle Congressional IT work?
(cue hysterical laughter machine here).

These troubling proven facts indicate Democraps' wholesale culpability:

<><> the House Paki spy ring improperly mixed Democrat members’ data with other members’ data,
<><> Democrat members provided almost no supervision,
<><> the countless “egregious” violations by Paki IT aides,
<><> House intel impacting Americans' safety and security was conducted IN Pakistan;
<><> govt issue tech equipment reported "stolen" was being sold for cold cash;
<><> Congress threw in $10 million extra tax dollars in supposedly enhance "cybersecurity programs"...where is the money?

Democrats looked the other way b/c they got something of value in return for giving Paki spies free reign over us US intel.

What were Democraps getting? Two things that matter most to Democrats. Votes and money.
The incentives are for Democrats in the House to quash any sort of investigation into malfeasance of their own staffers, especially staffers who have had access to they’re most sensitive, again, communications and documents. But as for why the Department of Justice, as well as the Capitol Police, the FBI — why it seems they all were engaged in a cover-up, what was the motive for covering it up, and why was Imran Awan brought into court and charged on effectively a bank fraud case rather than dealing with all of these other issues? Because what you seem to imply in the book, and actually you make it pretty explicit, is that it seems like that case was used for the investigators to try to spy on those investigating them, in effect, to figure out what the evidence was that was being collected on Imran Awan so that they could then quash it.

The Democrat-Deep State-Media Cover-Up that Protected the Russiagate Narrative -- Revisiting the Awan Cybersecurity Scandal with Luke Rosiak – Ben Weingarten

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