Hollyweird Meltdown, Chapter 1,111


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The number of days Hollyweird has had to live under the oppression of a US President that does not respect them, lol, because he is from the industry and knows what idiots most of them truly are.

Hollywood Melts During Trump SOTU Address: 'Jackass,' 'Fear Mongering Pig'

Left-wing Hollywood celebrities mocked President Donald Trump and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh during the State of the Union address, using social media to hurl insults and even to make fun of Limbaugh’s recent lung cancer diagnosis.

Stars including Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Wanda Sykes, and Adam Goldberg spent Tuesday evening glued to their Twitter accounts, making snide remarks as President Trump presented his annual report on the state of the nation to a joint session of Congress.​

Jimmy Kimmel Attacks Trump for Honoring Rush Limbaugh: 'This Is a Medal They Gave Rosa Parks'
host Jimmy Kimmel ripped President Donald Trump’s decision to honor the veteran conservative talk show Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, pointing out that the prize was previously given to civil rights icon Rosa Parks...

Of course Kimmel — who referred to last night’s address as the “State of the Confederacy” — could not help but mock Trump’s decision.

“[Trump] gave Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom,” said Kimmel. “Today is Rosa Park’s day and this is a medal they gave Rosa Parks. Tonight, Rush Limbaugh got it.”​

Rob Reiner Attacks Rush Limbaugh over SOTU Medal of Freedom: 'I Loathe This F**king Man'

Hollywood director Rob Reiner took to Twitter and attacked legendary radio talk show Rush Limbaugh after he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday night at the State of the Union.

“Only one thing to say about Rush Limbaugh getting a Presidential Medal if Freedom at The State of the Union: I loathe this fucking man,” Rob Reiner said.​

And that, you farking commies, is why we LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP
There goes hollyweird again thinking people give a shit what they think.

It isnt so much I care, I really dont, but it is hilarious and I do like getting a good chuckle.

Its like when I am online and discussing an issue about Trump not stopping and saluting the American flag while he is preparing to sit for dinner. I let the person know that the customary salute is done when outdoors not indoors, and the guy simply dismisses my explanation as a partisan defense of Trump.

These guys have so much TDS everything is about supporting or not supporting Trump and facts are irrelevant.

That is just the kind of 'Shake My Damned Head' funny stupid shit I have seen all my life on the part of low IQ morons.
The twitter trolls and minor celebrities will always be there trying to get people to notice their little worthless voices. Pathetic!

They will become even more irrelevant as Trump rolls into his second term and America is placed back into a more conservative/moderate orbit.

Assholes like Colbert/Kimmle/ Silverman will be long forgotten and justly ignored as the US pulls out of a thirty year tail spin.

Ignoring the clowns and nobodies is a just punishment for sycophants that whine for attention and approval.

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