Hollywood And Professional Sluts


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Hollywood And Professional Sluts
It seems that nowadays Hollywood makes woman with a unsavory conduct into what it calls Stars. If a woman has a porn video or multiple dates or affairs then the media exploits it. The tabloid type of reporting is seen as real life. Also one cannot leave out the guys for being made a mockery in the press. I use the term press loosely for the printing of this type of reporting. So all this stuff sells whatever and pays for people livings. How silly and stupid society has gotten. The whole media seems to be in the same boat. Jumping on the next story in minutes because of the pace of the internet. But no one seems to care whether the stories are true or what if any validity there is to a story. Granted not all news is this way. Only the time and writing used to promote the most ridiculous of stories seem to be multiplying. Like society is getting stupider. And even some people in the spotlight so to speak, use their train wreck of a life to prosper from. And many people seem to delight in their lives. I don't get it. No one seems to want a good living any more. It's all about living life doing stupid things. Many of these so called stars have failed marriages and multiple relationships. Is society really falling apart or is this magnitude of trashy reporting just what life has become? Used to be people who make real contributions to society were heralded, now it's on big freak show. It's like if you can score a whore your famous.
Hollywood is in part a mirror which reflects the current moral code of our ever-changing society.
Hollywood is in part a mirror which reflects the current moral code of our ever-changing society.
I was wondering what you meant by ever- changing society. Granted in the past doctors were ridiculed as witches for performing surgeries or autopsies but cutting off penises for a living is getting kinda weird. Or do you mean the advent of cell phones with cameras or the easy access to exploit lives with the internet? I am not sure if society is socially sicker now than ever before but I know when I was young I may have just been a child and too naive or ignorant to perceive the way some of society lives.
It's this star syndrome of some who relish in the behaviors of the innocents who are victimized by people who are of low morals and have no real thought to being a better individual by not creating stories for their sick amusement.
In my human opinion our American society is getting sicker and more perverse, ever slowly, with each passing day. It also feels that people more divided, disrespectful, distrustful, and hateful of one another. Insanity and reprobation increasingly passes for the norm as well.
I agree with you. And I wonder what the next generation of minds will think or how they will deal with society as the effects of these new drugs (i.e.) spice(salvia) and bath salts begin to take their effects on their aging brains.
I agree with you. And I wonder what the next generation of minds will think or how they will deal with society as the effects of these new drugs (i.e.) spice(salvia) and bath salts begin to take their effects on their aging brains.
Spice is not salvia. And both are old.

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