Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

From the DailyMail link (which is the only place that will carry this story other than Fox)

While some trailers for the film have been pulled, there's an internal debate deliberating the film's next steps.

But decisions will need come fast, as there's an promotional blitz planned in September.

Universal is reportedly assessing their plan as a 'fluid situation' and it could change 'if people think we're being exploitative rather than opinionated.'

YA THINK ????? :1peleas:

If you're a Comcast customer, please DO help thinking along on this... They now OWN Universal....

None of you have seen the movie . You really think it’s a bunch of magas being hunted ?

Well they refer to them as "hunting deplorables". I'd say the suggestion is fairly clear.

I watched the trailer and heard no such thing. And aren’t the “deplorables “ as you say , the hero’s of the movie ?

The fact that you're here making excuses for the monumental lack of judgement means you have no moral compass.. This is an EASY one for rational people.. You WANT TO BE "a rational people" dontcha???
Us deplorables don't take it personally, as we know it's make-believe.

We deplorables ...

Yeah, you one too!....don't start playing possum, now.

I am as deplorable as they come. I was deplorable before it was cool to be deplorable.
Thread is based on garbage propaganda.
Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don't know where they are, or how they got there. They don't know they've been chosen... for a very specific purpose... The Hunt. In the shadow of a dark internet conspiracy theory, a group of globalist elites gathers for the very first time at a remote Manor House to hunt humans for sport. But the elites' master plan is about to be derailed because one of the hunted, Crystal (Betty Gilpin, GLOW), knows The Hunters' game better than they do. She turns the tables on the killers, picking them off, one by one, as she makes her way toward the mysterious woman (two-time Oscar (R) winner Hilary Swank) at the center of it all.

I'm pretty damn deplorable too but it's not my politics. LOL. Everything you know is wrong.

We've seen this movie before ...


That one is about one evil person.. Not about a mass hysteria splitting of political views turned into warfare.. Easier to clean up after the ONE evil person gets dead than after 17 or 20 Million get dead...
Sounds like a good movie

Do we get to cheer when Deplorables get killed?
None of you have seen the movie . You really think it’s a bunch of magas being hunted ?

Well they refer to them as "hunting deplorables". I'd say the suggestion is fairly clear.

I watched the trailer and heard no such thing. And aren’t the “deplorables “ as you say , the hero’s of the movie ?

The fact that you're here making excuses for the monumental lack of judgement means you have no moral compass.. This is an EASY one for rational people.. You WANT TO BE "a rational people" dontcha???
What lack of judgement?
None of you have seen the movie . You really think it’s a bunch of magas being hunted ?

Well they refer to them as "hunting deplorables". I'd say the suggestion is fairly clear.

I watched the trailer and heard no such thing. And aren’t the “deplorables “ as you say , the hero’s of the movie ?

The fact that you're here making excuses for the monumental lack of judgement means you have no moral compass.. This is an EASY one for rational people.. You WANT TO BE "a rational people" dontcha???
What lack of judgement?

The fact that you have to ASK giving the rapidly deteriorating state of politics and leadership, just MIGHT MEAN -- you're more a part of the problem than you realize...

I don't care which side is hunted.. Do YOU??

I'm disappointed that something this provocative and evil inspiring is so difficult to denounce by the same folks that hound Trump falsely for not denouncing a White Supremacist/Antifa showdown...
Sadly, this has to be placed under Politics. Imagine someone made a movie involving hunting Obama fans, or maybe some Chinese Communists? The MSM would be outraged!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting “deplorables” for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

“The Hunt” is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a “deeply rewarding” expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that “Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

“The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,” THR’s Kim Masters wrote. “It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.”

How can a movie be a "blockbuster" months before it even hits theaters?

What kind of fake news are you try to sell here?
We deplorables ...

Yeah, you one too!....don't start playing possum, now.

I am as deplorable as they come. I was deplorable before it was cool to be deplorable.
Thread is based on garbage propaganda.
Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don't know where they are, or how they got there. They don't know they've been chosen... for a very specific purpose... The Hunt. In the shadow of a dark internet conspiracy theory, a group of globalist elites gathers for the very first time at a remote Manor House to hunt humans for sport. But the elites' master plan is about to be derailed because one of the hunted, Crystal (Betty Gilpin, GLOW), knows The Hunters' game better than they do. She turns the tables on the killers, picking them off, one by one, as she makes her way toward the mysterious woman (two-time Oscar (R) winner Hilary Swank) at the center of it all.

I'm pretty damn deplorable too but it's not my politics. LOL. Everything you know is wrong.

We've seen this movie before ...


That one is about one evil person.. Not about a mass hysteria splitting of political views turned into warfare.. Easier to clean up after the ONE evil person gets dead than after 17 or 20 Million get dead...
The movie is about rich assholes and regular people. The thread is based on garbage propaganda dimwit.
Sadly, this has to be placed under Politics. Imagine someone made a movie involving hunting Obama fans, or maybe some Chinese Communists? The MSM would be outraged!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting “deplorables” for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

“The Hunt” is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a “deeply rewarding” expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that “Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

“The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,” THR’s Kim Masters wrote. “It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.”

How can a movie be a "blockbuster" months before it even hits theaters?

What kind of fake news are you try to sell here?

Probably the marketing forecasts predicted this.. Because otherwise, there'd be no massive lack of soul or reason in the Universal planning for this release...

BlockBuster is a relative term ain't it? Universal doesn't plan massive release advertising for duds.. And they could win a weekend box office just in NYC, Los Angeles, and DC with this pornographic pandering to political derangement..
The only trailer I saw had the deplorable girl from Mississippi kicking some serious ass.

No shit . And from the producers of Get Out!

Righty snowflakes are crying about a movie where some dirty hill Billy’s are cast as the hero’s? Do they need a safe space ???
None of you have seen the movie . You really think it’s a bunch of magas being hunted ?

Well they refer to them as "hunting deplorables". I'd say the suggestion is fairly clear.

I watched the trailer and heard no such thing. And aren’t the “deplorables “ as you say , the hero’s of the movie ?

The fact that you're here making excuses for the monumental lack of judgement means you have no moral compass.. This is an EASY one for rational people.. You WANT TO BE "a rational people" dontcha???
What lack of judgement?

The fact that you have to ASK giving the rapidly deteriorating state of politics and leadership, just MIGHT MEAN -- you're more a part of the problem than you realize...

I don't care which side is hunted.. Do YOU??

I'm disappointed that something this provocative and evil inspiring is so difficult to denounce by the same folks that hound Trump falsely for not denouncing a White Supremacist/Antifa showdown...
You do realize that this is just another case of Conservatives misrepresenting what a movie is really about

Google the movie and get back to me
Sounds like a good movie

Do we get to cheer when Deplorables get killed?
Just as much as when more and more are cheering you killing others that think like you in reality. Maybe you will get it. I love it when a plan comes together. You get a rise out of peope on this site. I see the the body bags from your agendas. One guy in the gay bar. One guy and they are all standing around him, killed near 50 and put near another 50 in the hospital.
From the DailyMail link (which is the only place that will carry this story other than Fox)

While some trailers for the film have been pulled, there's an internal debate deliberating the film's next steps.

But decisions will need come fast, as there's an promotional blitz planned in September.

Universal is reportedly assessing their plan as a 'fluid situation' and it could change 'if people think we're being exploitative rather than opinionated.'

YA THINK ????? :1peleas:

If you're a Comcast customer, please DO help thinking along on this... They now OWN Universal....
The Cable TV/media/entertainment industry is rich beyond anything. This company has built two center city high rise buildings in Philly. They killed God and replaced faith with themselves and their agendas the new scripture.
Some of you think the "righties" are all upset about the movie. It's not the case, certainly not with me. There is some truth to the violence in movies though, the obviously targeting of some, not of others, and of course, the hypocrisy.

Someone posted that they saw the new Fast and Furious movie (I haven't watched even one I admit), and they said it was full of guns and violence. Then, some California politician screams "no more prayers, we want your guns you violent, Conservatives!" whenever the opportunity rises. Meanwhile, right in their neighbourhood, they are making the most violent, offensive visuals. This violence has never been so abundant.

We all know it's just "entertainment", but don't say that taxing sugar for kids and not allowing people to smoke (or see ads on TV), drink until a certain age, but that years of seeing violence in games, TV and music doesn't make a difference to those few who cannot cope or have mental issues.

Just as the radical Islamists weren't born that way, they were exposed to propaganda and hatred until they became crazy themselves, you can say the same of anyone, from any background, if they have mental/emotional problems
"Okay, here's the plan. We can't use guns. Guns are bad. Instead, we shackle these deplorables to a Formica table and force them to eat lots of carbs. Big Macs, potato chips, deep fried ice cream. We'll kill 'em with heart attacks!"

Oh wait...


Keep flapping your cock holster.
We used to cheer in the movies when Nazis and Japs got killed

Why can’t we cheer at the killing of deplorables?
Oh, even Laura Ingraham is covering this. This movie is going to inspire Trump supporters to vote. I hope it gets 24/7 airplay on CMT the week of the election in 2020!
MaryL said:
I actually cant find anything on this movie. Never heard of it, either. So my advice is: put your tongue firmly in cheek (either will do, left or right) and treat it as satire or as high camp.
Does This Help ??
Universal Pictures:
The Hunt | Universal Pictures

Universal Temporarily Halts Marketing for ‘The Hunt’ Following Mass Shootings
Universal Pictures Halts Marketing of Movie After Mass Shootings
Ads Pulled for Gory Universal Thriller 'The Hunt' in Wake of Mass Shootings (Exclusive)

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