Hollywood Celebrities call on Congress to obstruct Trump in idiotic video


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

This shit is hilarious. Snowflakes are very sore losers.

They claim they are speaking for "THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN PEOPLE".

Not only are they arrogant shitheads, they can't do math.
It's interesting that DISSENT is once again the highest form of patriotism. That went away for the past 8 years....I WONDER WHY.

Was Hillary 100% FOS when she said this?

It seems like it's back in style!

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It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.
It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.

Of course. Why are "CELEBRITIES" making a video to remind Congress of how to do their jobs? Do they REALLY think COngress doesn't know their purpose, or is this just grandstanding bullshit?

I say it's the latter.

And again, how are they speaking for "The Majority of American People"?
It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.
Yet when a Republican Congress checks Obama, they're called "obstructionist".
President Obama was opposed by a do-nothing Congress. That's different from being a constructive opposition.
dummies did this for 18 months and failed spectacularly......:spinner:ok :spinner:.....but I hope they keep doing it!:2up:
Just to clarify the math for these jackasses.


It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.

Just like we were SOL when you pushed in Obama and both branches of congress full of Democrats, so are you now SOL. Instead of passing laws, he used EOs. Now his whole legacy gets revoked, and we get a do over. Sorry, that is the way it is in America.
It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.
It is the responsibility of Congress to answer to the people that put them there & follow the constitution. Hollywood didn't put the gop in charge, therefore they can go fuck themselves

This shit is hilarious. Snowflakes are very sore losers.

They claim they are speaking for "THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN PEOPLE".

Not only are they arrogant shitheads, they can't do math.

But I thought government should not be swayed by the whims of rich folk.

What happened to that from the Dims?
Their hypocrisy and arrogance is just unreal.

Why do I give a shit what a robot from Westworld thinks about Trump? He is a damn cyborg.
It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.
It is the responsibility of Congress to answer to the people that put them there & follow the constitution. Hollywood didn't put the gop in charge, therefore they can go fuck themselves

Yeah, and the left is threatening Republicans. Now somebody tell us---------> which far leftist didn't come out for Hillary! How did that work out for them! The heartland no lika dat Hollyweird crap, so you know what, them coming into a district for a Democrat would probably galvanize the Repub voter base there!
Hollywood makes their conservative actors pay a price for their political beliefs. Maybe it's time someone started a national boycott of the leftist actors promoting this stupid shit
Pisses me off cause a lot of my favorite actors and singers have been doing this shit. Wagging their God damn political fingers in my face like I'm some kind of dog that needs correcting. Just stfu and do your jobs.

If I went to my job sites spewing the bullshit they do I would be told to leave. Enough already

This shit is hilarious. Snowflakes are very sore losers.

They claim they are speaking for "THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN PEOPLE".

Not only are they arrogant shitheads, they can't do math.

how did they lose if they speak for the majority? I don't get that math.
It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.
Yet when a Republican Congress checks Obama, they're called "obstructionist".
President Obama was opposed by a do-nothing Congress. That's different from being a constructive opposition.
one has to negotiate then. right? why didn't he do that?
It is the responsibility of Congress not to be a rubber stamp for the Executive but to be a check on it.
Yet when a Republican Congress checks Obama, they're called "obstructionist".
President Obama was opposed by a do-nothing Congress. That's different from being a constructive opposition.
No, Congress was opposed by an egotistical anti American asswipe.

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