Hollywood mega producer wants to punish lawmakers who support traditional marriage

You mean he is going to work get politicians voted out of office that doesn't share his views!? What a blooming monster! Todd Starnes is a such a drama queen.
And a liar's liar.
So what? behind the word "traditional" lies the sins of misogyny, patriarchalism, i.e. penis-worship, homophobia, domestic abuse, denial of the peoples' right to participate in the principle that that the people have a right to rule according to consent of the governed.

No one is stopping you from taking to your selected spouse to your house of worship and solidifying your vows to him or her. This is for you to do.
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes

Oh surprise, surprise anybody awake knows what GLEE has hidden in their subliminal indoctrination for idiots. Not to mention their little kid fetish going on
The left is all about destroying family and traditional marriage because . most trendy liberal douches can't even stay married those who do their husbands are often the bitch of the house.

View attachment 234643

Why Feminism Wants to Dismantle the Family (long) – Nikita Coulombe – Medium
Good for Murphy. It is a civil rights issue and he is doing the right thing. He is not "declaring war" on traditional families and LGBT rights has noting to do with destroying families. Sane sex marriage creates families and has strengthened the institution of marriage by broadening it's base . This is the stupidest shit yet out of you.
What section of Christian are you? It's got to be some spin-off. Many Democrats are Christians.
In 2016, I voted for the Methodist. I vote for the Democratic party because of the antics of the Republican party.
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.
Funny how H'wood is reluctant to punish sexual abusers or actors who threaten the President of the United States but they want to punish "normal" people for their beliefs, religious and otherwise. Thank God democrats don't control the entire government.
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.
Hey Buddy, thanks for helping proving once again that Liberals are Liars and Bigots.
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass
Only some....but what does that have to do with civil marriage?

BTW.....gay couples have been getting married religiously for decades before the government allowed it. Many Christian (and other) churches were the leading edge in civil rights equality.
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass

Left Wingers are really weird.
They demand that Christians be amoral like they are or they are going to call them bigots.
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass

Left Wingers are really weird.
They demand that Christians be amoral like they are or they are going to call them bigots.
:777: I have to laugh considering what "traditional" christians are supporting for President currently.
The lefties of Hollywood doesn't have the right to force their ideology onto others who have different ideologies.
That's called a dictatorship.
The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes

Oh surprise, surprise anybody awake knows what GLEE has hidden in their subliminal indoctrination for idiots. Not to mention their little kid fetish going on
The left is all about destroying family and traditional marriage because . most trendy liberal douches can't even stay married those who do their husbands are often the bitch of the house.

View attachment 234643

Why Feminism Wants to Dismantle the Family (long) – Nikita Coulombe – Medium
Good for Murphy. It is a civil rights issue and he is doing the right thing. He is not "declaring war" on traditional families and LGBT rights has noting to do with destroying families. Sane sex marriage creates families and has strengthened the institution of marriage by broadening it's base . This is the stupidest shit yet out of you.

Same gender marriage is already legal.
So, he is just cultivating more left wing hate for Christians.
BTW, if a person is apposed to incest marriage, polygamy marriage and under aged marriage are they also a right wing bigot?
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass

Left Wingers are really weird.
They demand that Christians be amoral like they are or they are going to call them bigots.
:777: I have to laugh considering what "traditional" christians are supporting for President currently.
Hillary made voting for Trump an easy choice.
Trump is exposing the establishment swamp critters and they are angry and scared.
The lefties of Hollywood doesn't have the right to force their ideology onto others who have different ideologies.
That's called a dictatorship.
Can you name the lefty in Hollywood forcing you to have a non-traditional marriage?
Murphy has some really crappy shows, so boycotting his Advertisers is going to be very easy: Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, The New Normal, Scream Queens, Feud, 911, Pose

He is wasting his money because everyone is already aware that the Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
One of the many weird things about the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that their groups hate each other.
LGBT, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Klan, Brown Berets, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood.....

Wise people determined thousands of generations ago that amoral cultures self destruct, just like amoral people self destruct.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass

Left Wingers are really weird.
They demand that Christians be amoral like they are or they are going to call them bigots.
:777: I have to laugh considering what "traditional" christians are supporting for President currently.
Hillary made voting for Trump an easy choice.
Trump is exposing the establishment swamp critters and they are angry and scared.
That's your excuse? :777:You immoral trumpanzees picked tiny trump out of a field of almost 10 people that were NOT H. Clinton.
It’s not that Democrats hate Christians because they don’t.

It’s the FACT that today’s current crop of right wing Christians hates traditional Christianity.

You see it in their horrible and terrible policies. This is not the Christianity of my parents. This is the Christianity of terrorists.

Traditional Christianity finds homosexuality a sin....dumbass

Left Wingers are really weird.
They demand that Christians be amoral like they are or they are going to call them bigots.
:777: I have to laugh considering what "traditional" christians are supporting for President currently.
Hillary made voting for Trump an easy choice.
Trump is exposing the establishment swamp critters and they are angry and scared.
That's your excuse? :777:
I didn't vote for Hilliary or Trump.
But I am enjoying watching Trump enraging the crooked establishment bassturds every day.
We are storybook happy. I don’t want other people to bless my marriage or kiss my ass about it. I mostly just want everyone to mind their business.

Demonstrably not true. You insist that society bless your marriage and license it as valid. Where does this cognitive dissonance come from?
It's not a question of "supporting traditional marriage"...I think we all do.....it's the NOT supporting LEGAL gay marriage. How would you like it if the powers that be arbitrarily decided that YOUR kind of marriage was not or should not be legal or valid?

BTW...Todd Starnes is one of the worst liars ever. I wouldn't believe ANYTHING that loser put out.

The powers that be...by that you mean the people of the United States?

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