Hollywood mega producer wants to punish lawmakers who support traditional marriage

It's not a question of "supporting traditional marriage"...I think we all do.....it's the NOT supporting LEGAL gay marriage. How would you like it if the powers that be arbitrarily decided that YOUR kind of marriage was not or should not be legal or valid?

BTW...Todd Starnes is one of the worst liars ever. I wouldn't believe ANYTHING that loser put out.

Well then...the next step is to accept polygamy as legal marriage correct? Or do you want to get into "arbitrarily deciding"?
whiners can’t do fuck all about it, except whine of course.

And this seems to be a succinct statement of goals. To hell with self government...there is nothing the citizenry can do about their laws. I do believe there is a term for that.

ame gender marriage is already legal.
So, he is just cultivating more left wing hate for Christians.
Listen slick. The fight is not over. LGBT people still lack protection from housing, employment, and public accommodation discrimination. And some of you ass hats would like to reverse marriage equality.
We are storybook happy. I don’t want other people to bless my marriage or kiss my ass about it. I mostly just want everyone to mind their business.

Demonstrably not true. You insist that society bless your marriage and license it as valid. Where does this cognitive dissonance come from?

Have I now? I don’t need your blessing for my marriage. You’re just not that important in my life.
It's not a question of "supporting traditional marriage"...I think we all do.....it's the NOT supporting LEGAL gay marriage. How would you like it if the powers that be arbitrarily decided that YOUR kind of marriage was not or should not be legal or valid?

BTW...Todd Starnes is one of the worst liars ever. I wouldn't believe ANYTHING that loser put out.

Well then...the next step is to accept polygamy as legal marriage correct? Or do you want to get into "arbitrarily deciding"?

Oh Christ!! Don't you people ever get tired of invoking these slippery slope /false equivalency dumb ass logical fallacies that you fall back on when you don't have an actual argument.?

There is nothing arbitrary. Same sex marriage and plural marriage each have their unique social ,and legal implications. If someone wants to marry 2 others, they can go through the same legal process that gays did and make a case for it on it's own merits
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Have I now? I don’t need your blessing for my marriage. You’re just not that important in my life.

On the contrary. You weren't happy until you got a license and stamp of approval from the people you ran over.
On the contrary. You weren't happy until you got a license and stamp of approval from the people you ran over.

Hardy. It is charming that you think I would want or seek your approval. It is neither required nor desired. Remember that.
"Christian morality" is widely held to mean no sex until marriage, then no sex except with one's spouse, and no divorce except for the adultery of the other party. Why the abuse of LGBTs, when so-called "Christians" sweep all these violations under the rug? Where is the rough treatment of pre-marital sex and adultery among heterosexuals that is being doled out to LGBTs by people who call themselves "Christians"?

Sexual orientation is innate, so same-sex orientation must be dealt with differently as it has been treated differently in terms of marriage and other sexual issues. We are dealing here with people of heterosexual orientation, who brag about their "religion," but conveniently forget their own stated "morality." People who claim to be "Christians" have violated the the sort of sexual morality that they push. I'm not saying that "Christian morality" is the best, but if you are going to push it, bet sure that you have lived it.
It is no secret that today's social problems can be traced to the disintegration of the family unit. Sociologists and politicians from both parties are speaking publicly about this. What is not discussed openly is that this phenomenon is the result of a planned conspiracy to usurp control over the children of the world.

It is the determined purpose of the New World Order to dominate and subdue the cultures of the world and shape them into one global culture. To do this it has been necessary to remove children from the environment of the traditional family where they would receive religious instruction and be trained to think independently.

In 1968, Warren Bennis and Philip Slater wrote in THE TEMPORARY SOCIETY, "One cannot permit submission to parental authority if one wishes to bring about profound social change....In order to effect rapid changes, any such centralized regime must mount a vigorous attack on the family lest the traditions of present generations be preserved. It is necessary, in other words, artificially to create an experiential chasm between parents and children to insulate the latter in order that they can more easily be indoctrinated with new ideas. The desire may be to cause an even more total submission to the state, but if one wishes to mold children in order to achieve some future goal, one must begin to view them as superior, inasmuch as they are closer to this future goal. One must also study their needs with care in order to achieve this difficult preparation for the future. One must teach them not to respect their tradition-bound elders, who are tied to the past and know only what is irrelevant."

In 1969, the Joint Commission on Mental Health of Children presented a report to Congress, stating, "As the home and church decline in ........................

WINDS - New World Order Sets Course to Destroy Family Unit

Just one little method done.
World Net Daily?? Are you fucking serious? Then again you do get most of your information from Info wars. And just what the fuck does this have to do with LGBT rights!! Gay, Lesbian and Trans people have done nothing to destroy the family. It's the fucking conservatives who are destroying the middle class, taking health care away from millions and undermining public education who are destroying the family and you would have to be a real fucking moron not to see that.
LMAO @ he wants them to stop polluting morals.

Really? A leftist turd screeching about morals?

I know these normal family unit destroyers . are mentally sick in the head, We can be sure these assholes grew up with no dad or mom, hate life even if they fake they are happy ass millionaires......

They are moving the normal family unit aside so they can usher on in their Kitty love affairs they all seem to admire.

Hollyweird is a cesspool of immorality

I will not be lectured from them

It's also a cesspool of idiots. I don't look for wisdom from people whose primary stock-in-trade is appearances.
The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes

Oh surprise, surprise anybody awake knows what GLEE has hidden in their subliminal indoctrination for idiots. Not to mention their little kid fetish going on
The left is all about destroying family and traditional marriage because . most trendy liberal douches can't even stay married those who do their husbands are often the bitch of the house.

View attachment 234643

Why Feminism Wants to Dismantle the Family (long) – Nikita Coulombe – Medium
These are the fuckers who need the punishment

Family Research Council Cheers Religious Right Goodie-Bag Introduced in Lame-Duck Session | Right Wing Watch
BTW anyone who ever watched"Glee" is already too far gone.

I started to watch it because I like music and I was curious what everyone was babbling about. By the second episode, I was fast-forwarding through to the singing parts.
The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes

Oh surprise, surprise anybody awake knows what GLEE has hidden in their subliminal indoctrination for idiots. Not to mention their little kid fetish going on
The left is all about destroying family and traditional marriage because . most trendy liberal douches can't even stay married those who do their husbands are often the bitch of the house.

View attachment 234643

Why Feminism Wants to Dismantle the Family (long) – Nikita Coulombe – Medium
These are the fuckers who need the punishment

Family Research Council Cheers Religious Right Goodie-Bag Introduced in Lame-Duck Session | Right Wing Watch

Why? Hollywood is frigging inescapable by everyone in this country who doesn't live in a cave. It's everywhere you look. What effect does the FRC have on you, other than the fact that you search out reasons to hate and vilify them to validate your existence?
The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes

Oh surprise, surprise anybody awake knows what GLEE has hidden in their subliminal indoctrination for idiots. Not to mention their little kid fetish going on
The left is all about destroying family and traditional marriage because . most trendy liberal douches can't even stay married those who do their husbands are often the bitch of the house.

View attachment 234643

Why Feminism Wants to Dismantle the Family (long) – Nikita Coulombe – Medium
These are the fuckers who need the punishment

Family Research Council Cheers Religious Right Goodie-Bag Introduced in Lame-Duck Session | Right Wing Watch

Why? Hollywood is frigging inescapable by everyone in this country who doesn't live in a cave. It's everywhere you look. What effect does the FRC have on you, other than the fact that you search out reasons to hate and vilify them to validate your existence?
The FRC is a hate group that perpetuates lies about LGBT people and every decent person who has a functioning brain should be appalled and offended by them
The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes
So how does he intend to punish them?

Shoot them in the head?

Give them 50 lashes with a whip? (I know some Republicans would probably get off on that...)

Run them over with a car?

Blow up their houses?

Nope. He intends to run some political ads against the politicians who want to continue the oppression of gays.

TV ads? The horror!
LMAO @ he wants them to stop polluting morals.

Really? A leftist turd screeching about morals?

I know these normal family unit destroyers . are mentally sick in the head,
Did someone mention family unit destroyers?

Vote Trump Family Values™, but for GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!

The Hollywood producer behind Glee and American Horror Story has declared war on politicians who support traditional marriage and oppose letting men who identify as women use the ladies room.
Hollywood Mega-Producer Wants to Punish Lawmakers Who Support Traditional Marriage | Todd Starnes

Oh surprise, surprise anybody awake knows what GLEE has hidden in their subliminal indoctrination for idiots. Not to mention their little kid fetish going on
The left is all about destroying family and traditional marriage because . most trendy liberal douches can't even stay married those who do their husbands are often the bitch of the house.

View attachment 234643

Why Feminism Wants to Dismantle the Family (long) – Nikita Coulombe – Medium
If only, there was a way for a wife to be, sugar and spice and everything nice, because she is Happy.
How would you like it if the powers that be arbitrarily decided that YOUR kind of marriage was not or should not be legal or valid?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but wouldn't arbitrarily be the operative word?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. By the way aren't people just going to think or do whatever they want to no matter where things stand with other people anyway?
The lefties of Hollywood doesn't have the right to force their ideology onto others who have different ideologies.
That's called a dictatorship.
Can you name the lefty in Hollywood forcing you to have a non-traditional marriage?

No! It's not about force to have the same or not the same, non-traditional marriage.

It's about forcing to accept the lifestyle through laws.
That cancels out any other types of ideology's and uses force.

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