Hollywood mega producer wants to punish lawmakers who support traditional marriage

The most visible sign of support for traditional marriage is to be in a traditional marriage. Start punishing married couples. Especially those who are the parents of biological children. Bigots!
I just told Mrs T that our marriage was under threat by Hollywood funded "alternative lifestye" people. She told me to "stay strong" and get the breakfast on whilst she considered the implications.
Worrying times indeed.

How does Pres Trump keep his traditional third marriage strong ?
BTW...Todd Starnes is one of the worst liars ever. I wouldn't believe ANYTHING that loser put out.

The FRC is a hate group that perpetuates lies about LGBT people and every decent person who has a functioning brain should be appalled and offended by them

You most certainly do not speak for decent people, nor for people with functioning brains. You promote and stand only for indecency, madness, perversion, and outright evil.

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