Hollywood... new "24" same old same old attacks against mainstream America...no need to watch it...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Kurt Schlichter does it again...he takes apart more liberal/left wing stupidity....this time with Hollywood and the new "24" television show that hits all the left wing crappy points........

Kurt Schlichter - Hollywood Chooses Sides in 24: Legacy, and Chooses Poorly

Like Law & Order, 24 succumbed to the Liberal Preferred Villain Error. In any L&Eepisode where you have a punk dressed like a gangbanger, you know the killer is actually going to be the suave businessman with the nice Mercedes. Always ā€“ just like in real life. And in 24, the evil radical Muslim psycho was always the unwitting catspaw for some shadowy cabal of American capitalists. It got to the point that you watched and muttered ā€œHey, that guy looks pro-American. Heā€™s in on it.ā€ And he always was ā€“ because in Hollywood, the real threat to America isnā€™t Islamic freaks trying to kill us but guys who seem patriotic.


Look, if I want to see normal Americans insulted, I can watch CNN. And I donā€™t watch CNN. But 24: Legacy looked kind of fun and, hoping against hope that Hollywood had learned we patriotic Americans are tired of being dissed, I watched the first episode, which ran right after Hillary lost the Super Bowl.

The show started promisingly enough, with an unflinching depiction of radical Muslim terrorists murdering innocent Americans ā€“ it was refreshing to see them willing to depict that gritty bit of realism.

But then the show started circling the fake diversity drain with a bigoted leftist agenda that could have been cribbed from a social justice warriorā€™s rantings at an Oberlin Oppression Studies 101 seminar.

And itā€™s so lazy and predictable even as itā€™s racist and stupid.

Every straight white male adult not-of-color character has to be a doofus, set up to be showed up by some diversity box-checking Mary Sue Token. How about that generic, vaguely Middle Eastern gal who just showed up at CTU? Sheā€™s instantly got the answers Boy Tech whoā€™s been doing this for years doesnā€™t!

And the honky hipster high school teacher? Well, a teen Chechen temptress has him wrapped around her Dracula-accented little finger. Then thereā€™s that Aussie chick who hung out with hobbits in that elf opera? Sheā€™ll show head honcho Myron von Mayonnaise, who we know is bad since he fired an unseen Muslim guy because of reasons, some girl power with the stun gun the guards let her carry into the heart of the secure command post!

I was shocked that the hero wasnā€™t a Buddhist lesbian Inuit with a lazy eye.

And then......the stupidity of the entertainment division of the democrat party comes out......and intentionally alienates half the audience that might want to watch the show.....

"ā€˜I like to say the series begins as if it was written by Trump, but it ends as if it were written by Hillary,ā€™ executive producer and co-showrunner Manny Cotoā€ told The Hollywood Reporter. Wait, did he think that is a good thing?

What was the thought process that led to this guy sharing this insight out loud and on purpose? Is he unaware that at least half his potential audience is against Team Genital Hat? Was he thinking something along the lines of ā€œWell, we really want to appeal to the Hillary voters who like blood-soaked shoot ā€˜em ups.ā€ Good plan, dude.

But, just in case that comment failed to alienate every single person who didnā€™t vote for Felonia von Pantsuit, he continued his insanity in the same article:

ā€œBut here's the thing: the story of this season deliberately starts on an image that you might call jingoistic, expected and possibly inflammatory . . . The show does not come out on the same end it went in. We overturn deeper truths. There are things going on that we don't understand at first. What at first seems like a kind of straightforward jingoistic event unfolds like an onion into something much different and surprising and kind of sweeps aside the initial impressions that the season begins with. We would be worried if we didn't know where the season goes.ā€
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Didn't watch the first series, tho I did watch the sequel in London.

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