Hollywood Studios Are Still Not Representing LGBQT Characters Enough

Neither are you.

Truth is you can't hide from the world like a scared child. Use protection and get yourself checked.

But homosexuals don't do that. That's how they manage to generate Hepatitis A epidemics every summer, almost single-handedly keep syphilis and other venereal diseases alive, as well as new HIV infections, and other fun stuff, like drug resistant staph infections, etc., and of course they commit 35%-50% of kiddie rapes, too, but then that's why they're so popular in the first place with Democrats, Hollywood, and among the other sicko deviants.

Using 'protection' is homophobic and racist, as is not mindlessly spreading diseases to others.

Did you hear in Ca. they now made it only a misdemeanor to " Knowingly and intentionally". give someone HIV.
Neither are you.

Truth is you can't hide from the world like a scared child. Use protection and get yourself checked.

But homosexuals don't do that. That's how they manage to generate Hepatitis A epidemics every summer, almost single-handedly keep syphilis and other venereal diseases alive, as well as new HIV infections, and other fun stuff, like drug resistant staph infections, etc., and of course they commit 35%-50% of kiddie rapes, too, but then that's why they're so popular in the first place with Democrats, Hollywood, and among the other sicko deviants.

Using 'protection' is homophobic and racist, as is not mindlessly spreading diseases to others.

Did you hear in Ca. they now made it only a misdemeanor to " Knowingly and intentionally". give someone HIV.

Watch out for a civil suit though
Neither are you.

Truth is you can't hide from the world like a scared child. Use protection and get yourself checked.

But homosexuals don't do that. That's how they manage to generate Hepatitis A epidemics every summer, almost single-handedly keep syphilis and other venereal diseases alive, as well as new HIV infections, and other fun stuff, like drug resistant staph infections, etc., and of course they commit 35%-50% of kiddie rapes, too, but then that's why they're so popular in the first place with Democrats, Hollywood, and among the other sicko deviants.

Using 'protection' is homophobic and racist, as is not mindlessly spreading diseases to others.

Did you hear in Ca. they now made it only a misdemeanor to " Knowingly and intentionally". give someone HIV.

Watch out for a civil suit though

Can you believe that bs, and to make it worse Ca. is one of the biggest blood donor areas they ship blood all over the Country. Now they allow gays to openly donate blood. WTF is wrong with those morons Ca. has totally lost it beyond repair I might add.
Neither are you.

Truth is you can't hide from the world like a scared child. Use protection and get yourself checked.

But homosexuals don't do that. That's how they manage to generate Hepatitis A epidemics every summer, almost single-handedly keep syphilis and other venereal diseases alive, as well as new HIV infections, and other fun stuff, like drug resistant staph infections, etc., and of course they commit 35%-50% of kiddie rapes, too, but then that's why they're so popular in the first place with Democrats, Hollywood, and among the other sicko deviants.

Using 'protection' is homophobic and racist, as is not mindlessly spreading diseases to others.

Did you hear in Ca. they now made it only a misdemeanor to " Knowingly and intentionally". give someone HIV.

Watch out for a civil suit though

Can you believe that bs, and to make it worse Ca. is one of the biggest blood donor areas they ship blood all over the Country. Now they allow gays to openly donate blood. WTF is wrong with those morons Ca. has totally lost it beyond repair I might add.

Pandering to a very small minority

Enough? Isn't self-identification barely 2%?

How much of Hollywood needs to be gay, to represent such a tiny insignificant fraction of the public? Seems a rather dubious claim to me.

Less than 10% even of those who 'self identify' as fags are exclusively homos, to boot, so the actual number is far smaller even than the 'community' claims there are. They're just sicko deviants and fetishists, trying to make everybody else believe they're 'exotic' and 'wonderful'. All they are is mentally ill and annoying, but not nearly as annoying as the dope-addled degenerates who keep touting them as 'normal'; those gimps are even sicker enablers.
What you people want to do with LBGT people is similar to what Iran does.

Are you on the side of that or are you on the side of freedom? I know where I stand.
Neither are you.

Truth is you can't hide from the world like a scared child. Use protection and get yourself checked.

But homosexuals don't do that. That's how they manage to generate Hepatitis A epidemics every summer, almost single-handedly keep syphilis and other venereal diseases alive, as well as new HIV infections, and other fun stuff, like drug resistant staph infections, etc., and of course they commit 35%-50% of kiddie rapes, too, but then that's why they're so popular in the first place with Democrats, Hollywood, and among the other sicko deviants.

Using 'protection' is homophobic and racist, as is not mindlessly spreading diseases to others.

Did you hear in Ca. they now made it only a misdemeanor to " Knowingly and intentionally". give someone HIV.

That's considered a noble and selfless act in California, as far as LA and SF's 'cultural leaders' are concerned. Soon nobody is going to be opposed to napalming both cities, really..
What you people want to do with LBGT people is similar to what Iran does.

Are you on the side of that or are you on the side of freedom? I know where I stand.

No we don't. Let them live their lives BUT leave children alone, don't expect us to go against our beliefs and don't shove it down our throats.
What you people want to do with LBGT people is similar to what Iran does.

Are you on the side of that or are you on the side of freedom? I know where I stand.

So you stand for kiddie rape and spreading diseases to the innocent. Iran doesn't want to send homos anywhere; on the other hand I'm fine with sending homos to Iran, especially after decades of the homo rights activists barraging us all with how 'enlightened' Islam is compared to da evul Xians n Joos, cuz like, raping little boys has always been a standard feature of Muslim 'cultural achievements', and the deranged idiots think that was 'acceptance', so more power to them, I have no problem sending them all to their fag Paradises in the ME or any other Muslim bastion of 'enlightenment' and homosexual 'tolerance'. S&M is also a wildly popular 'feature' in homo 'culture, too, and they will just love Iran.
What you people want to do with LBGT people is similar to what Iran does.

Are you on the side of that or are you on the side of freedom? I know where I stand.

So you stand for kiddie rape and spreading diseases to the innocent. Iran doesn't want to send homos anywhere; on the other hand I'm fine with sending homos to Iran, especially after decades of the homo rights activists barraging us all with how 'enlightened' Islam is compared to da evul Xians n Joos, cuz like, raping little boys has always been a standard feature of Muslim 'cultural achievements', and the deranged idiots think that was 'acceptance', so more power to them, I have no problem sending them all to their fag Paradises in the ME or any other Muslim bastion of 'enlightenment' and homosexual 'tolerance'.

Yeah I'm not seeing a lot of Christians tossing gays off roofs.
There are lots of openly gay characters on TV


Not hardly.

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