Holocaust deniers

Why did I de alert this thread and now I find it in alerts. Let me really make myself clear. Over 65 mil people died in WWII, and so that would mean the majority of the survivors of WWII were not Jews (some sources quote over 85 mil)

Now the political movement of Zionism begun in late 1800's, before Nazism, Nazism is dead, but political Zionism is strong as ever. The Zionist got their land in Palestine/Israel, Germany paid through the nose and still is, I also will remind you that Judea declared war on Germany first, and also the transfer agreement got most of the higher educated and Zionist jews out of Germany before the war. Lets not forget the Polish Jews had their own partisan fighting groups,

while many polish Jews died in WWII, and some by execution, the maj. died by disease and starvation and US and Britian bombing and also by the hands of the Soviets. If a nut decided to try and gas a few In an old truck or a room somewhere , it might of happened, using that Zylone B which saved lives instead of killing lives, all in the name of nut cases during the war, which many Zionist were and are nutcases, so German or Nazi nutcases I'm sure were there.

So instead of crying and whining about your "holocaust" you should look at it the way that one rabbi, well known and respected , the one who died in what 2006 in Israel, when he said " they were the sinners who were reincarnated and were sacrificed, something to that extent. " (what a nutcase he was hey)

So now you have this "holocaust" which you use for sympathy and as an excuse to act preemptively. Get over yourselves.

Yous had a genius, Einstein, and no one listened to him , instead the Zionist went to the middle of Arab land and built themselves a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons which of both he was against.

Oh for the one poster, this has nothing to do with pro Hitler or anti Hitler, its bringing out the truth of the events of WWII, not the made up story.
Penelope, you can keep writing nuttily and we will keep salting it.

Simply you do not understand WWII, zionism, and the Jews.
And you can pretend his was the only confession. Adolf Eichmann, for example, confirmed Höss' claim that he was indiscriminately killing Jews by order of Hitler.

Eichmann was kidnapped, drugged, interrogated for days without sleep knowing he was to be murdered.

He told them whatever they wanted to hear in an attempt to save his skin.

Eichmann was murdered ? Wow, and here I thought he was executed for war crimes.
Fuck you Holocaust deniers are idiots

Sorry to burst your bubble ;)

But when you dont abide by the law (extradition?) then you are acting beyond the law and are a criminal.

You have a nice day now...NEXT :)
I am officially done with this thread. Its a waste of time, and I have seen no evidence at all except here say for the evidence of the gas chambers. So Bye Bye!!!
Do yourselves a big favor and research typhus and starvation during WWII.

Ah dont go Pen, you were doing so well, dont mind these sad zionists they need to get a life ;)
And you can pretend his was the only confession. Adolf Eichmann, for example, confirmed Höss' claim that he was indiscriminately killing Jews by order of Hitler.

Eichmann was kidnapped, drugged, interrogated for days without sleep knowing he was to be murdered.

He told them whatever they wanted to hear in an attempt to save his skin.

Eichmann was murdered ? Wow, and here I thought he was executed for war crimes.
Fuck you Holocaust deniers are idiots

Sorry to burst your bubble ;)

But when you dont abide by the law (extradition?) then you are acting beyond the law and are a criminal.

You have a nice day now...NEXT :)

Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but when you find the location of a man wanted for the most horrendous war crimes if the 20th century, you do whatever you have to to get him. Argentina not have allowed Israel to have him extradited.
Were talking about Eichmann, and you whine about Israel not abiding by the law to capture him.
Do yourself a favor and stop making a fool of yourself :lol:
And you can pretend his was the only confession. Adolf Eichmann, for example, confirmed Höss' claim that he was indiscriminately killing Jews by order of Hitler.

Eichmann was kidnapped, drugged, interrogated for days without sleep knowing he was to be murdered.

He told them whatever they wanted to hear in an attempt to save his skin.

Eichmann was murdered ? Wow, and here I thought he was executed for war crimes.
Fuck you Holocaust deniers are idiots

Sorry to burst your bubble ;)

But when you dont abide by the law (extradition?) then you are acting beyond the law and are a criminal.

You have a nice day now...NEXT :)

Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but when you find the location of a man wanted for the most horrendous war crimes if the 20th century, you do whatever you have to to get him. Argentina not have allowed Israel to have him extradited.
Were talking about Eichmann, and you whine about Israel not abiding by the law to capture him.
Do yourself a favor and stop making a fool of yourself :lol:
Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but when you find the location of a man wanted for the most horrendous war crimes if the 20th century, you do whatever you have to to get him. Argentina not have allowed Israel to have him extradited.
Were talking about Eichmann, and you whine about Israel not abiding by the law to capture him.
Do yourself a favor and stop making a fool of yourself :lol:

Everyone is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. No matter how much you have read of the events, you were not there and have no first hand experience of it, therefore you need evidence.

Imo Eichmann was innocent of mass gassings and was kidnapped, drugged and tortured to play his part in the show trial before he was murdered.
The Israeli kidnappers and their in-country helpers would have been absolutely correct to take Hoffman, dig a hole in a field, shoot him, and bury him forever without anyone knowing.
Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but when you find the location of a man wanted for the most horrendous war crimes if the 20th century, you do whatever you have to to get him. Argentina not have allowed Israel to have him extradited.
Were talking about Eichmann, and you whine about Israel not abiding by the law to capture him.
Do yourself a favor and stop making a fool of yourself :lol:

Everyone is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. No matter how much you have read of the events, you were not there and have no first hand experience of it, therefore you need evidence.

Imo Eichmann was innocent of mass gassings and was kidnapped, drugged and tortured to play his part in the show trial before he was murdered.

You were also not there, yet you make the claim that he was innocent of mass gassing.
Oh, and he was proven guilty in trial, and then executed. He wasn't murdered. But since you're a Jew hating Holocaust denying scumbag, you have zero credibility in this issue. You probably see Eichmann as a hero.
You have no idea what the truth looks like because all your truth comes from blogs.

You're talking about yourself aren't you? :blahblah:

There is no actual controversy here. There is no question of whether or not the Holocaust was real except in the minds of people like you. You are severely limited by the fact that you are too stupid to realize that the burden of proof to overturn history is all on you. Holocaust deniers have yet to produce any kind of evidence to support any part of their dim wit theories. Yet they continue because there's no shortage of stupid and dishonest people.
You have no idea what the truth looks like because all your truth comes from blogs.

You're talking about yourself aren't you? :blahblah:

There is no actual controversy here. There is no question of whether or not the Holocaust was real except in the minds of people like you. You are severely limited by the fact that you are too stupid to realize that the burden of proof to overturn history is all on you. Holocaust deniers have yet to produce any kind of evidence to support any part of their dim wit theories. Yet they continue because there's no shortage of stupid and dishonest people.

the basis of holocaust denial-----is----
"PROVE IT" If you speak to islamo Nazis ---
about any aspect of THEIR HISTORY--or
perverted BELIEFS----you will hear the words ----"PROVE IT" My all time fave
example of the "PROVE IT" snarl.----came to me almost 45 years ago. It was a discussion on theology----a muslim physician ----I was working in a hospital----told me that
the torah scrolls are altered (in their wording) regularly to whatever any particular rabbi wants them to contain------

I was young...... "are you telling me that a torah scroll in a synagogue in New York City
says something DIFFERENT from one in
Chicago??" He said "of course,, everyone knows that" ('everyone knows' is another useful phrase)

I said---"no -....they all say the same thing"----

He answered "You read them all"?
*****PROVE IT*******
You have no idea what the truth looks like because all your truth comes from blogs.

You're talking about yourself aren't you? :blahblah:

There is no actual controversy here. There is no question of whether or not the Holocaust was real except in the minds of people like you. You are severely limited by the fact that you are too stupid to realize that the burden of proof to overturn history is all on you. Holocaust deniers have yet to produce any kind of evidence to support any part of their dim wit theories. Yet they continue because there's no shortage of stupid and dishonest people.

the basis of holocaust denial-----is----
"PROVE IT" If you speak to islamo Nazis ---
about any aspect of THEIR HISTORY--or
perverted BELIEFS----you will hear the words ----"PROVE IT" My all time fave
example of the "PROVE IT" snarl.----came to me almost 45 years ago. It was a discussion on theology----a muslim physician ----I was working in a hospital----told me that
the torah scrolls are altered (in their wording) regularly to whatever any particular rabbi wants them to contain------

I was young...... "are you telling me that a torah scroll in a synagogue in New York City
says something DIFFERENT from one in
Chicago??" He said "of course,, everyone knows that" ('everyone knows' is another useful phrase)

I said---"no -....they all say the same thing"----

He answered "You read them all"?
*****PROVE IT*******
Holocaust deniers are among the very stupidest, most dishonest and delusional people on earth.
You have no idea what the truth looks like because all your truth comes from blogs.

You're talking about yourself aren't you? :blahblah:

There is no actual controversy here. There is no question of whether or not the Holocaust was real except in the minds of people like you. You are severely limited by the fact that you are too stupid to realize that the burden of proof to overturn history is all on you. Holocaust deniers have yet to produce any kind of evidence to support any part of their dim wit theories. Yet they continue because there's no shortage of stupid and dishonest people.

the basis of holocaust denial-----is----
"PROVE IT" If you speak to islamo Nazis ---
about any aspect of THEIR HISTORY--or
perverted BELIEFS----you will hear the words ----"PROVE IT" My all time fave
example of the "PROVE IT" snarl.----came to me almost 45 years ago. It was a discussion on theology----a muslim physician ----I was working in a hospital----told me that
the torah scrolls are altered (in their wording) regularly to whatever any particular rabbi wants them to contain------

I was young...... "are you telling me that a torah scroll in a synagogue in New York City
says something DIFFERENT from one in
Chicago??" He said "of course,, everyone knows that" ('everyone knows' is another useful phrase)

I said---"no -....they all say the same thing"----

He answered "You read them all"?
*****PROVE IT*******
Holocaust deniers are among the very stupidest, most dishonest and delusional people on earth.

Nope----some of them are simply repeating that which they learned to repeat. ---
In order to get admission to medical school in Pakistan-----its very good to memorize the Koran------and to answer questions CORRECTLY-----according to Islamic party-line. Islamic partyline is------
HOLOCAUST DENIAL. The persons I encountered who could quote Nazi propaganda CHAPTER AND VERSE----are Pakistani doctors. It was amazing to hear persons----adult----who seemed mentally intact QUOTING stuff I read as a child in
grossly Nazi pamphlets-----even at age ten I used to think "no sane person could believe
this stuff"

Of course----then I came here
You were also not there, yet you make the claim that he was innocent of mass gassing.
Oh, and he was proven guilty in trial, and then executed. He wasn't murdered. But since you're a Jew hating Holocaust denying scumbag, you have zero credibility in this issue. You probably see Eichmann as a hero.

I was not there therefore we both need evidence which you like to ignore.

You're a reality denying Jew hating scumbag, so there ;)
There is no actual controversy here. There is no question of whether or not the Holocaust was real except in the minds of people like you. You are severely limited by the fact that you are too stupid to realize that the burden of proof to overturn history is all on you. Holocaust deniers have yet to produce any kind of evidence to support any part of their dim wit theories. Yet they continue because there's no shortage of stupid and dishonest people.

Holocaust deniers are among the very stupidest, most dishonest and delusional people on earth.[/QUOTE]

Talking about yourself again, you really must stop doing that :coffee:
Why did I de alert this thread and now I find it in alerts. Let me really make myself clear. Over 65 mil people died in WWII, and so that would mean the majority of the survivors of WWII were not Jews (some sources quote over 85 mil)

Now the political movement of Zionism begun in late 1800's, before Nazism, Nazism is dead, but political Zionism is strong as ever. The Zionist got their land in Palestine/Israel, Germany paid through the nose and still is, I also will remind you that Judea declared war on Germany first, and also the transfer agreement got most of the higher educated and Zionist jews out of Germany before the war. Lets not forget the Polish Jews had their own partisan fighting groups,

while many polish Jews died in WWII, and some by execution, the maj. died by disease and starvation and US and Britian bombing and also by the hands of the Soviets. If a nut decided to try and gas a few In an old truck or a room somewhere , it might of happened, using that Zylone B which saved lives instead of killing lives, all in the name of nut cases during the war, which many Zionist were and are nutcases, so German or Nazi nutcases I'm sure were there.

So instead of crying and whining about your "holocaust" you should look at it the way that one rabbi, well known and respected , the one who died in what 2006 in Israel, when he said " they were the sinners who were reincarnated and were sacrificed, something to that extent. " (what a nutcase he was hey)

So now you have this "holocaust" which you use for sympathy and as an excuse to act preemptively. Get over yourselves.

Yous had a genius, Einstein, and no one listened to him , instead the Zionist went to the middle of Arab land and built themselves a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons which of both he was against.

Oh for the one poster, this has nothing to do with pro Hitler or anti Hitler, its bringing out the truth of the events of WWII, not the made up story.

Penelope-----weren't you leaving? Is they any point in the garble you wrote? What does "you had a genius---Einstein---and no one listened to him" mean. what do you imagine Einstein was "against"??------Israel had not yet developed its nuclear program before Einstein died. He died in 1955. You got some link to "Einstein objected to Israel's nuclear program" -----you also wrote some garble about Einstein objecting to "going to 'middle of arab land' "----you got a citation? Penelope----from where to you get your stuff? the mosque toilet bowl?
You have no idea what the truth looks like because all your truth comes from blogs.

You're talking about yourself aren't you? :blahblah:

There is no actual controversy here. There is no question of whether or not the Holocaust was real except in the minds of people like you. You are severely limited by the fact that you are too stupid to realize that the burden of proof to overturn history is all on you. Holocaust deniers have yet to produce any kind of evidence to support any part of their dim wit theories. Yet they continue because there's no shortage of stupid and dishonest people.
Very well said!

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