Holocaust Evidence

that pic means nothing. Read my sig. The red army was atheist jews.
You've got to be really blinded by your biases to suggest that the scratches were planted post-war. I feel sorry for you, wallowing in your hate. There's all sorts of evidence in areas of Europe not liberated by the Soviets. Wake up before it's too late.
These scratches have been added recently using coins and not finger nails. I'm a forensic investigator so I know these things.
You've been there and know better than all the forensic investigators over the years? Please give us a cite to your forensic research.
Tell me about all the forensic investigations?
You tell me. You're the one making wild assertions contrary to what has been known since immediately after the war.

There have been no investigations (except for Leuchter).
That's an interesting thing...

Why didn't Spielberg gas them, why just shower them, what's the point of that?
On Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:22:02 PM UTC-7, Joe Bruno wrote:
> Major Evidence of the Holocaust
> > Nizkor Website
> Holocaust Educational Resource
> > Testimony of Auschwitz Commandant Hoess
> http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/hoesstest....
> > Statement by the American Historical Association:
> Google Groups
> > The Avalon Project-Transcripts of the Nuremberg Trials
> > None of the defendants ever denied the exterminations
> The Avalon Project : Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
> > Where Does the Six Million Number Come From
> Google Groups
> > NOTE: The 4 million number for Auschwitz was a estimate, based on
> > faulty assumptions, compiled by Soviet forensic scientists in a hurry
> > for Stalin. It is not included in the six million computation.
> The Holocaust History Project
> Holocaust-history.org
> > Adolf Eichmann in His Own Words:He never denied the exterminations.
> > His sole defense was
> > that he was just following Orders:
> Adolf Eichmann's Final Plea: "In His Own Words" |
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...
> > The Einsatzgruppen
> Einsatzgruppen
> > Gas Chamber Links
> Google Groups
> Diary entry of Goebbels-The Fuhrer says the Jews must be
> annihilated:
> > Google Groups
> Hitler's Promise- To Annihilate The Jews
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/browse_thread/thread/f...
> The Holocaust In Photos
> http://www.zwoje-scrolls.com/shoah/camps.html

Allied movies of Nazi Concentration Camps

The holocaust was largely a fraud. Deal with it.
On Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:22:02 PM UTC-7, Joe Bruno wrote:
> Major Evidence of the Holocaust
> > Nizkor Website
> Holocaust Educational Resource
> > Testimony of Auschwitz Commandant Hoess
> http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/hoesstest....
> > Statement by the American Historical Association:
> Google Groups
> > The Avalon Project-Transcripts of the Nuremberg Trials
> > None of the defendants ever denied the exterminations
> The Avalon Project : Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
> > Where Does the Six Million Number Come From
> Google Groups
> > NOTE: The 4 million number for Auschwitz was a estimate, based on
> > faulty assumptions, compiled by Soviet forensic scientists in a hurry
> > for Stalin. It is not included in the six million computation.
> The Holocaust History Project
> Holocaust-history.org
> > Adolf Eichmann in His Own Words:He never denied the exterminations.
> > His sole defense was
> > that he was just following Orders:
> Adolf Eichmann's Final Plea: "In His Own Words" |
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...
> > The Einsatzgruppen
> Einsatzgruppen
> > Gas Chamber Links
> Google Groups
> Diary entry of Goebbels-The Fuhrer says the Jews must be
> annihilated:
> > Google Groups
> Hitler's Promise- To Annihilate The Jews
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/browse_thread/thread/f...
> The Holocaust In Photos
> Shoah - The Holocaust

Allied movies of Nazi Concentration Camps

The holocaust was largely a fraud. Deal with it.

like the genocide in Cambodia and the Genocide of the American natives and
the 1955 World Series baseball game between the Yankees and the Dodgers and the fake magna carta?
Some people don't seem to like Jewish people. No, actually, it's stronger than 'don't like'. It is a phenomenon that has always mystified me, always seemed so stupid, trite, gratuitous. Jews are exactly like everyone else, just as bad and just as good; no different. I just don't 'get' it.
So, these 'jewhaters' can't stand that Jews exploit what happened in WWII for various reasons and causes. 'Jewhaters' then attack history in order to diminish support for those they hate. Is the exploitation wrong? Actually, it changes very little and is rather benign, even understandable. Is 'holocaust denial' wrong? Profoundly! It subverts intellectual honesty, history, education, and appreciation for human life. There is not and cannot be any defense for what the Hitlerian movement inflicted on the world. Anyone who truly associates and sympathizes with it places him or her self in a special category separate from sanity, reason and human sensitivity.
On Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:22:02 PM UTC-7, Joe Bruno wrote:
> Major Evidence of the Holocaust
> > Nizkor Website
> Holocaust Educational Resource
> > Testimony of Auschwitz Commandant Hoess
> http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/hoesstest....
> > Statement by the American Historical Association:
> Google Groups
> > The Avalon Project-Transcripts of the Nuremberg Trials
> > None of the defendants ever denied the exterminations
> The Avalon Project : Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
> > Where Does the Six Million Number Come From
> Google Groups
> > NOTE: The 4 million number for Auschwitz was a estimate, based on
> > faulty assumptions, compiled by Soviet forensic scientists in a hurry
> > for Stalin. It is not included in the six million computation.
> The Holocaust History Project
> Holocaust-history.org
> > Adolf Eichmann in His Own Words:He never denied the exterminations.
> > His sole defense was
> > that he was just following Orders:
> Adolf Eichmann's Final Plea: "In His Own Words" |
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...
> > The Einsatzgruppen
> Einsatzgruppen
> > Gas Chamber Links
> Google Groups
> Diary entry of Goebbels-The Fuhrer says the Jews must be
> annihilated:
> > Google Groups
> Hitler's Promise- To Annihilate The Jews
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/browse_thread/thread/f...
> The Holocaust In Photos
> http://www.zwoje-scrolls.com/shoah/camps.html

Allied movies of Nazi Concentration Camps

Has anybody ever pointed out what an idiot you are? It must be nice to be able to spew your bullshit without being banned or having your thread deleted.
On Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:22:02 PM UTC-7, Joe Bruno wrote:
> Major Evidence of the Holocaust
> > Nizkor Website
> Holocaust Educational Resource
> > Testimony of Auschwitz Commandant Hoess
> http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/hoesstest....
> > Statement by the American Historical Association:
> Google Groups
> > The Avalon Project-Transcripts of the Nuremberg Trials
> > None of the defendants ever denied the exterminations
> The Avalon Project : Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
> > Where Does the Six Million Number Come From
> Google Groups
> > NOTE: The 4 million number for Auschwitz was a estimate, based on
> > faulty assumptions, compiled by Soviet forensic scientists in a hurry
> > for Stalin. It is not included in the six million computation.
> The Holocaust History Project
> Holocaust-history.org
> > Adolf Eichmann in His Own Words:He never denied the exterminations.
> > His sole defense was
> > that he was just following Orders:
> Adolf Eichmann's Final Plea: "In His Own Words" |
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...
> > The Einsatzgruppen
> Einsatzgruppen
> > Gas Chamber Links
> Google Groups
> Diary entry of Goebbels-The Fuhrer says the Jews must be
> annihilated:
> > Google Groups
> Hitler's Promise- To Annihilate The Jews
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/browse_thread/thread/f...
> The Holocaust In Photos
> Shoah - The Holocaust

Allied movies of Nazi Concentration Camps

Has anybody ever pointed out what an idiot you are? It must be nice to be able to spew your bullshit without being banned or having your thread deleted.
There's enough evidence out there for anyone who wants to understand.

However in a world filled with easy access to information, people are using a tactic more often that is simply to ignore things and then make a case that ignores important information.

Are you saying the holocaust was real? Or that it was largely a fraud.
There's enough evidence out there for anyone who wants to understand.

However in a world filled with easy access to information, people are using a tactic more often that is simply to ignore things and then make a case that ignores important information.

The Germans kept very specific records. Anyone who is a denier is a lying antisemite
I don't understand why you guys bother with the retards rejects and filth that would deny the holocaust? They are not worth the time or effort to start separate threads about it, they appear in all other threads and prove their ignorance and stupidity nearly daily . No need to start a thread to draw them out their abject stupidity is on display daily here.
The Holocaust myth is the biggest ponzi scam in the history of the world. ..... :cool:
No Sunni,My father too was an administrator responsible for checking the ID's etc of the remaining "Inmates".,during and after the liberation of these Concentration Camps, he had his own pics,and disgusting they were,he made the local population view these awful scenes,most said they never knew what was happening..........maybe they never saw the clouds of smoke billowing over their village..NOT..steve

Lying scumbag! Parroting your parrot father's lies. What were those "clouds of smoke." Jews being burned in ovens at Auschwitz possibly? Though the place DIDN'T have any gas chamber, they did have a crematorium. You can even see a smokestack next to it today. Is that where the "smoke" came from? Well that smokestack was built by the Russians after the war to try and sell the bullshit you and your father spread. And that sham smokestack wasn't even connected to the crematorium. So it would have been pretty difficult for the smoke you imagine to have come from it. Asshole.
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Do you think this is a holocaust?

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)
Jewish Europe Between the Wars

What a bunch of lying loser horseshit!!! Only religions other than judaism were persecuted. I will include a picture and quote from the head of the Russian NKVD. Just click on imgur below. Print it up, roll it up and cram it up your lying ass!

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
Scratch marks on the inside an Auschwitz gas chamber


40 of the Most Powerful Images Ever Captured on Film - Page 39 of 41 - coViral

There was no gas chamber. Neither were there anywhere. So suck it.

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