Holy Cohiba! Obama lifts ban on Cuban cigars and rum

Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.

Over 50 years ago....Communists took over Cuba
We have been butthurt ever since enforcing a silly embargo that most of the world abandoned 30 years ago

Glad to see our President finally acknowledge the obvious

How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?
Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.
black people are still alive and kicking? What about reperations for colonialism all over the world?

Are any of the actual slaves still alive and kicking?

There is a difference between reparations for a wrong committed long ago and compensating documented forced takings of private property.
Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.

Over 50 years ago....Communists took over Cuba
We have been butthurt ever since enforcing a silly embargo that most of the world abandoned 30 years ago

Glad to see our President finally acknowledge the obvious

How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.

Frankly, I have no desire to defend the interests of Capitalists who partnered with the Cuban Government to control the economy while exploiting the Cuban workforce. It was those very capitalists who led to the rise of the Castro led revolution

In 1949, Communists in China seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with China
In 1975, Communists in Vietnam seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with Vietnam
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.
black people are still alive and kicking? What about reperations for colonialism all over the world?

Are any of the actual slaves still alive and kicking?

There is a difference between reparations for a wrong committed long ago and compensating documented forced takings of private property.
apartheid in south africa was wrong, do they compensation? because that didn't end until the 1990's or is this rule just for the white mans "property"
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.

Over 50 years ago....Communists took over Cuba
We have been butthurt ever since enforcing a silly embargo that most of the world abandoned 30 years ago

Glad to see our President finally acknowledge the obvious

How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses
Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.

Frankly, I have no desire to defend the interests of Capitalists who partnered with the Cuban Government to control the economy while exploiting the Cuban workforce. It was those very capitalists who led to the rise of the Castro led revolution

In 1949, Communists in China seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with China
In 1975, Communists in Vietnam seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with Vietnam

So we should continue to reward bad behavior?

Again, its all dandy when people you agree with ideologically take other people's stuff.

maybe I should appropriate your big screen TV, you know, for the people.
No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.
black people are still alive and kicking? What about reperations for colonialism all over the world?

Are any of the actual slaves still alive and kicking?

There is a difference between reparations for a wrong committed long ago and compensating documented forced takings of private property.
apartheid in south africa was wrong, do they compensation? because that didn't end until the 1990's or is this rule just for the white mans "property"

Actually they have whole commissions trying to figure that crap out, but again, you are comparing apples and thumb tacks.
A buddy of mine shoved (what he said was) a Cuban cigar in my face a few months ago and I obliged him by smoking it.

It "tasted" like smoke to me.

I don't get cigars.

I do get rum. Yeah.
Anyone who knows cigars knows Cuban cigars are just so-so. They are way behind the Dominicans and others. At one time, before liberals took over Cuba, they may have been good...but like all things liberals touch, it went down the shitter.
No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.

Over 50 years ago....Communists took over Cuba
We have been butthurt ever since enforcing a silly embargo that most of the world abandoned 30 years ago

Glad to see our President finally acknowledge the obvious

How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses

Which slave owners?
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.

What a great President!!!!
Over 50 years ago....Communists took over Cuba
We have been butthurt ever since enforcing a silly embargo that most of the world abandoned 30 years ago

Glad to see our President finally acknowledge the obvious

How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses

Which slave owners?
Cuba? the whole island of cuba is a former slave colony they rebelled and freed themselves . This is like asking americans to pay the british for their lost tea
How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses

Which slave owners?
Cuba? the whole island of cuba is a former slave colony they rebelled and freed themselves . This is like asking americans to pay the british for their lost tea

Most cubans are white-Hispanics. you may be thinking of Haiti.
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses

Which slave owners?
Cuba? the whole island of cuba is a former slave colony they rebelled and freed themselves . This is like asking americans to pay the british for their lost tea

Most cubans are white-Hispanics. you may be thinking of Haiti.
So whats your point that the genocide of the natives was a complete success...?? do the native americans get compensated?

here is the law your talking about, keep in mind that the Usa originally supported the cuban revolution, JFK called Castro, Cuba's Abraham Lincoln, and if anyone is still alive from then they would be in their 90's by now

"In most of Cuba the peasants had been progressively proletarianized due to the needs of large-scale, semi-mechanized capitalist agriculture. They had reached a new level of organization and therefore a greater class consciousness. In mentioning this we should also point out, in the interest of truth, that the first area in which the Rebel Army operated was an area inhabited by peasants whose social and cultural roots were different from those of the peasants found in the areas of large-scale, semi-mechanized Cuban agriculture. In fact the Sierra Maestra, the site of the first revolutionary settlement, is a place where peasants who had struggled against large landholders took refuge. They went there seeking new land — somehow overlooked by the state or the voracious landholders — on which to earn a modest income. They struggled constantly against the demands of the soldiers, always allied to the landholders, and their ambitions extended no further than a property deed. The peasants who belonged to our first guerrilla armies came from that section of this social class which most strongly shows love for the land and the possession of it; that is to say, which most perfectly demonstrates the petty-bourgeois spirit. The peasants fought because they wanted land for themselves and their children, to manage and sell it and to enrich themselves through their labor. Despite their petty-bourgeois spirit, the peasants soon learned that they could not satisfy their desire to possess land without breaking up the large landholding system. Radical agrarian reform, the only type that could give land to the peasants, clashed directly with the interests of the imperialists, the large landholders and the sugar and cattle magnates. The bourgeoisie was afraid to clash with those interests but the proletariat was not. In this way the course of the revolution itself brought the workers and peasants together. The workers supported the demands of the peasants against the large landholders. The poor peasants, rewarded with ownership of land, loyally supported the revolutionary power and defended it against its imperialist and counter-revolutionary enemies."

— Che Guevara, April 9, 1961
Land reform in Cuba - Wikipedia
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.

Frankly, I have no desire to defend the interests of Capitalists who partnered with the Cuban Government to control the economy while exploiting the Cuban workforce. It was those very capitalists who led to the rise of the Castro led revolution

In 1949, Communists in China seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with China
In 1975, Communists in Vietnam seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with Vietnam

So we should continue to reward bad behavior?

Again, its all dandy when people you agree with ideologically take other people's stuff.

maybe I should appropriate your big screen TV, you know, for the people.

They made a risky investment in the anticipation of obscene profits
They lost
How about someone makes you their slave, rapes your wife, and sells your children?

How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses

Which slave owners?
Cuba? the whole island of cuba is a former slave colony they rebelled and freed themselves . This is like asking americans to pay the british for their lost tea

Most cubans are white-Hispanics. you may be thinking of Haiti.
1/4 of Cubans are not considered white.
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
you mean like reparations?

No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.

Over 50 years ago....Communists took over Cuba
We have been butthurt ever since enforcing a silly embargo that most of the world abandoned 30 years ago

Glad to see our President finally acknowledge the obvious

How about someone takes some of your property without paying for it?

I am sure you would be "butt hurt" about it as well.

They picked the losing side, and now they need to pay the price. Dump Castro, hold elections, and come to some settlement with ALL the people they took property from, Cuban, American, Spanish, whatever.

If I invested in propping up a corrupt, despotic government that promised me obscene profits in return and I lost all my money...I deserve what I got
How about you stop with the false equivalencies?
how about you stop demanding slave owners be compensated for their losses

Which slave owners?
Cuba? the whole island of cuba is a former slave colony they rebelled and freed themselves . This is like asking americans to pay the british for their lost tea

Most cubans are white-Hispanics. you may be thinking of Haiti.
So whats your point that the genocide of the natives was a complete success...?? do the native americans get compensated?

here is the law your talking about, keep in mind that the Usa originally supported the cuban revolution, JFK called Castro, Cuba's Abraham Lincoln, and if anyone is still alive from then they would be in their 90's by now

"In most of Cuba the peasants had been progressively proletarianized due to the needs of large-scale, semi-mechanized capitalist agriculture. They had reached a new level of organization and therefore a greater class consciousness. In mentioning this we should also point out, in the interest of truth, that the first area in which the Rebel Army operated was an area inhabited by peasants whose social and cultural roots were different from those of the peasants found in the areas of large-scale, semi-mechanized Cuban agriculture. In fact the Sierra Maestra, the site of the first revolutionary settlement, is a place where peasants who had struggled against large landholders took refuge. They went there seeking new land — somehow overlooked by the state or the voracious landholders — on which to earn a modest income. They struggled constantly against the demands of the soldiers, always allied to the landholders, and their ambitions extended no further than a property deed. The peasants who belonged to our first guerrilla armies came from that section of this social class which most strongly shows love for the land and the possession of it; that is to say, which most perfectly demonstrates the petty-bourgeois spirit. The peasants fought because they wanted land for themselves and their children, to manage and sell it and to enrich themselves through their labor. Despite their petty-bourgeois spirit, the peasants soon learned that they could not satisfy their desire to possess land without breaking up the large landholding system. Radical agrarian reform, the only type that could give land to the peasants, clashed directly with the interests of the imperialists, the large landholders and the sugar and cattle magnates. The bourgeoisie was afraid to clash with those interests but the proletariat was not. In this way the course of the revolution itself brought the workers and peasants together. The workers supported the demands of the peasants against the large landholders. The poor peasants, rewarded with ownership of land, loyally supported the revolutionary power and defended it against its imperialist and counter-revolutionary enemies."

— Che Guevara, April 9, 1961
Land reform in Cuba - Wikipedia

There was no genocide, Genocide is a determined effort to exterminate a given group. Exploitation is not genocide.

And by your quoting of the murdering fucktard Che Guevera, you have lost any shred of credibility I may have given to you.
No, compensation for stolen property that actually happened in the past few decades.
Why just the last few decades?

because there is actually still documentation of who owned what, and some of the owners are still alive and kicking.

Frankly, I have no desire to defend the interests of Capitalists who partnered with the Cuban Government to control the economy while exploiting the Cuban workforce. It was those very capitalists who led to the rise of the Castro led revolution

In 1949, Communists in China seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with China
In 1975, Communists in Vietnam seized the assets of foreign capitalists...Yet we freely trade with Vietnam

So we should continue to reward bad behavior?

Again, its all dandy when people you agree with ideologically take other people's stuff.

maybe I should appropriate your big screen TV, you know, for the people.

They made a risky investment in the anticipation of obscene profits
They lost

The got robbed. But again, its part of your ideology, so its A-OK!

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