Holy Cohiba! Obama lifts ban on Cuban cigars and rum

They made a risky investment in the anticipation of obscene profits
They lost

The got robbed. But again, its part of your ideology, so its A-OK!
Are you saying that the USA should compensate the Cubans that had their land stolen?

No, the Cubans should compensate the Cubans who got their land stolen, plus the others who got their land stolen.
I agree. But they need money to do that and I am willing to pony up by purchasing some rum.

I'm sure if a Democrat is in office the Cubans who now control the stolen property will get off scott free.

Happens all the time with revolutions

Those who back the wrong side lose property. They don't get to come back in 50 years to reclaim it

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Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Apparently the same standards that were applied to American Indian tribes will apply to Cuba.
I think the Cuban exiles fared better. After all, we welcomed them with open arms, not loaded arms and smallpox.
So we should continue to reward bad behavior?

Again, its all dandy when people you agree with ideologically take other people's stuff.

maybe I should appropriate your big screen TV, you know, for the people.

They made a risky investment in the anticipation of obscene profits
They lost

The got robbed. But again, its part of your ideology, so its A-OK!
Are you saying that the USA should compensate the Cubans that had their land stolen?
No this is just propganda from the cold war he saying the cuban government should track down and payback wealthy business owners in cuba who lost their sugar plantations... when countries overthrew british french spanish belgian etc colonists they demanded compensation from those new governments... see haiti, rwanda, sierra leonne, zaire, vietnam etc etc
Oh, I thought he was talking about people that lost their homes.
No, he's just going on a white supremacist rant at his point, he wouldn't even change his arguments if we were talking about anyother colonized country. Colonialism was "manifest destiny" to these people, the slaves were their property and still are in their minds. During the cold war right wing americans supported every fascist dicatorship around the world from batista in cuba, pinochet in chile, kagame in rwanda to osama bin laden in afghanistan

The atrocities against Cuba were severe. The plans were for the terrorism to culminate in an uprising in October 1962, which would lead to a U.S. invasion. By now, scholarship recognizes that this was one reason why Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev placed missiles in Cuba, initiating a crisis that came perilously close to nuclear war. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara later conceded that if he had been a Cuban leader, he “might have expected a U.S. invasion.”

American terrorist attacks against Cuba continued for more than 30 years. The cost to Cubans was of course harsh. The accounts of the victims, hardly ever heard in the U.S., were reported in detail for the first time in a study by Canadian scholar Keith Bolender, Voices From the Other Side: An Oral History of Terrorism Against Cuba, in 2010.

The toll of the long terrorist war was amplified by a crushing embargo, which continues even today in defiance of the world. On Oct. 28, the U.N., for the 23rd time, endorsed “the necessity of ending the economic, commercial, financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba.” The vote was 188 to 2 (U.S., Israel), with three U.S. Pacific Island dependencies abstaining.

Noam Chomsky: The Long, Shameful History of American Terrorism
Congress created the embargo through various acts, I am not in favor of presidents unilaterally lifting Congressional Acts.
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Apparently the same standards that were applied to American Indian tribes will apply to Cuba.
In Latin America, the European colonists didn't wipe out the natives, they mated with them and became indistinguishable from them.
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Apparently the same standards that were applied to American Indian tribes will apply to Cuba.
In Latin America, the European colonists didn't wipe out the natives, they mated with them and became indistinguishable from them.
Where were you taught History?
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Apparently the same standards that were applied to American Indian tribes will apply to Cuba.
In Latin America, the European colonists didn't wipe out the natives, they mated with them and became indistinguishable from them.
Where were you taught History?
The oral tradition of my people. That's how I know I'm right.
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Apparently the same standards that were applied to American Indian tribes will apply to Cuba.
In Latin America, the European colonists didn't wipe out the natives, they mated with them and became indistinguishable from them.
Where were you taught History?
The oral tradition of my people. That's how I know I'm right.
Your oral tradition was heavily edited. If you actually believe that European colonists did not wipe out the natives, I know of some Algonquins who would like to chat with you.
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.

I'm going to become a Democrap! LOL
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Oh, you mean reparations?
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?
Oh, you mean reparations?

Did we pay reparations to the British after the Revolution?
Recognition of Cuba is long overdue

Thankfully, we had President Obama to tell conservatives to go fuck themselves
Obama once again rewarding terrorists and taking care of his communist ilk.
A subversive POTUS. Worst ever.
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"Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars"

And appropriately so – the ‘restrictions’ were a failed and ridiculous ‘policy’ which should have been ended long ago.
Are they slapping an excise tax on the items to compensate the people who lost $$ when Castro stole their businesses and land?

You mean those same oligarchs who made up the 00.01 percent rich of the island who stole the land of the original inhabitants all the while leaving the other 99.99 percent in abject poverty. Those people?
Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.

Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption.


Funny how Cuban "Communism doesn't work" and yet they blocked trade with Cuba to make it not work.

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