Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Heck, just about everything on Fox/Rush Inc is BS...How bout Trump last year or 2 weeks ago saying the whole Russian thing is a Dem hoax, and now it's true and Obama was colluding and did nothing. All tota bs- and no problem for the New BS GOP and the dupes...How bout how the GOP health Plan? You name it, anything they say is crap- As always it's huge service cuts for the nonrich, huge tax cuts for the richest. All fine with the chumps...

'It was a massive, massive f*** up': CNN is forced to delete story on possible ties between Russia and Trump associate - just weeks after backing down on report about James Comey
  • Network issued a retraction after deleting a story from its website on Friday
  • CNN had published claims from an anonymous source on Thursday
  • The story claimed there were possible ties between Russia and Anthony Scaramucci - one of Trump's transition team members
  • The network published an editor's note on its website saying the story did not meet CNN's editorial standards
  • Scaramucci later tweeted that CNN did the right thing and mistakes are made
  • CNN also had to backtrack on a James Comey story earlier this month
  • They issued a correction after a source incorrectly claimed Comey planned dispute Trump's claims that he told the president he was not under investigation
By Emily Crane For Dailymail.com

PUBLISHED: 22:07 EDT, 25 June 2017 | UPDATED: 02:44 EDT, 26 June 2017

CNN retracts story on ties between Russia and Trump | Daily Mail Online

Read more: CNN retracts story on ties between Russia and Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So, are you a white male? I bet you won't answer.

Yes, I am proud to be a white male, a second generation American. Why would I not answer? Are you a proving you are a racist?

Naw. Just stating you must be a (or potentially) a serial killer. After all, the vast majority of serial killers are white males. See how stupid your analogy looks now...
Naw. Just stating you must be a (or potentially) a serial killer. After all, the vast majority of serial killers are white males. See how stupid your analogy looks now...

I have killed a lot of people. I don't lose any sleep either. What is your point?

What "analogy" did I make between what?

analogies (plural noun)
  1. a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification:
    "an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies" · "he interprets logical functions by analogy with machines"
    • a correspondence or partial similarity:
      "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia"
    • a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects:
      "works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature"
    • logic
      a process of arguing from similarity in known respects to similarity in other respects.
· parallel · correspondence · likeness · resemblance · correlation · relation · kinship · equivalence · similitude · metaphor · simile
antonyms: dissimilarity
  • linguistics
    a process by which new words and inflections are created on the basis of regularities in the form of existing ones.
  • biology
    the resemblance of function between organs that have a different evolutionary origin.
Heck, just about everything on Fox/Rush Inc is BS...How bout Trump last year or 2 weeks ago saying the whole Russian thing is a Dem hoax, and now it's true and Obama was colluding and did nothing. All tota bs- and no problem for the New BS GOP and the dupes...How bout how the GOP health Plan? You name it, anything they say is crap- As always it's huge service cuts for the nonrich, huge tax cuts for the richest. All fine with the chumps...

'It was a massive, massive f*** up': CNN is forced to delete story on possible ties between Russia and Trump associate - just weeks after backing down on report about James Comey
  • Network issued a retraction after deleting a story from its website on Friday
  • CNN had published claims from an anonymous source on Thursday
  • The story claimed there were possible ties between Russia and Anthony Scaramucci - one of Trump's transition team members
  • The network published an editor's note on its website saying the story did not meet CNN's editorial standards
  • Scaramucci later tweeted that CNN did the right thing and mistakes are made
  • CNN also had to backtrack on a James Comey story earlier this month
  • They issued a correction after a source incorrectly claimed Comey planned dispute Trump's claims that he told the president he was not under investigation
By Emily Crane For Dailymail.com

PUBLISHED: 22:07 EDT, 25 June 2017 | UPDATED: 02:44 EDT, 26 June 2017

CNN retracts story on ties between Russia and Trump | Daily Mail Online

Read more: CNN retracts story on ties between Russia and Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Something your bs propaganda machine never does- they'd never catch up lol...
Naw. Just stating you must be a (or potentially) a serial killer. After all, the vast majority of serial killers are white males. See how stupid your analogy looks now...

I have killed a lot of people. I don't lose any sleep either. What is your point?

What "analogy" did I make between what?

analogies (plural noun)

    • a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification:
      "an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies" · "he interprets logical functions by analogy with machines"
      • a correspondence or partial similarity:
        "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia"
      • a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects:
        "works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature"
      • logic
        a process of arguing from similarity in known respects to similarity in other respects.
similarity · parallel · correspondence · likeness · resemblance · correlation · relation · kinship · equivalence · similitude · metaphor · simile
antonyms: dissimilarity
  • linguistics
    a process by which new words and inflections are created on the basis of regularities in the form of existing ones.
  • biology
    the resemblance of function between organs that have a different evolutionary origin.

That only muslims are terrorists and terrorists are only muslims.

You can wear your badge proud that you have killed people, but are you a serial killer?
Of course we take a position- the obvious, unbrainwashed one. Southern Conservatives are now in the New BS GOP of Raygun DUHHH...

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.
...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

" I know the Democratic Party is not racist"

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
"I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such."

No prob, you foul-mouthed harridan.
"Who gives a shit, PC?"

And that was in response to this post:

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia[/QUOTE]
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

" I know the Democratic Party is not racist"

44% of Democratic Convention was minorities- Less than 1% of the lily white GOP. This whole argument by the dupes is so disengenuous it's ridic.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
"I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such."

No prob, you foul-mouthed harridan.
"Who gives a shit, PC?"

And that was in response to this post:

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Yup, southern conservatives are often racists. Gold star for you.
...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

"Then they switched over to the Republican party."


  1. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.
  2. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.
    1. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.
    2. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).
    3. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…
    4. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.
    5. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…
  3. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.
    1. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?
    2. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
    3. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?
  4. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. …after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.
  5. In writing about McGovern and Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”! “The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win
    1. McGovern gave a tip-of-the-hat to the segregationist Wallace in his acceptance speech at the Democrat Convention. That was the exact midpoint between Goldwater and Reagan. So…what of the imaginary “southern strategy” where the Republicans were supposed to have a plan to appeal to racists?
    2. Democrat McGovern: “And I was as moved as well by the appearance in the Convention Hall of the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace. … Governor, we pray for your full recovery so you can stand up and speak out for all of those who see you as their champion.” ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN

Perhaps you aren't too old to educate yourself.....pick up a book for once.
...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

"I know the Democratic Party is not racist."

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could attempt to be, but you wouldn't be successful.

The most glaring proof is Bill Clinton, long time personification of the Democrat Party.
He has been a racist his entire life.

Challenge me on that.
...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
"I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such."

No prob, you foul-mouthed harridan.
"Who gives a shit, PC?"

And that was in response to this post:

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Yup, southern conservatives are often racists. Gold star for you.[/QUOTE]

It's not 'southerners,' you lying sack of offal: it's Democrats.

There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans.
  1. 1966- pro-integrationist Republican Winthrop Rockefeller won Arkansas, replacing Clinton-pal Orval Faubus.
  2. 1966 Republican Bo Calloway ran against Democrat Lester Maddox, who “gained national attention for refusing to serve blacks in his popular cafeteria near the Georgia Tech campus. Newsmen tipped off about the confrontation reported how restaurant patrons and employees wielded ax handles while Mr. Maddox waved a pistol. …” Lester Maddox Dies at 87; Segregationist Ex-Governor Leaves Complicated Legacy | HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepared
    1. Maddox was endorsed by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the above governor’s race. When the race was too close to call, the Democrat state legislature gave it to Maddox.
    2. Calloway appealed to the Supreme Court….but the court upheld the legislature’s decision.
    3. On that very Supreme Court was former KKK member Justice Hugo Black.
    4. Democrat Hugo Black was Democrat FDR’s first appointee, in 1937. This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU
    5. And, Hugo Black's anti-Catholic bias, which showed up in his actions on the Supreme Court:
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."

Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

  1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425
  1. 1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia
2. 1957- Democrat Sam Ervin, another liberal luminary, instrumental in the destruction of anti-communist Republicans Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon, told his fellow segregationists, and who led the Watergate investigation, said of the 1957 civil rights bill: “We’ve got to give the goddamned ******* something. We’re not gonna be able to get out of here until we’ve got some kind of ****** bill.’ Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson,” xv.
...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.
um, then neither is the republican party. or white males. or black males.

it's next to impossible to take an entire group of people and apply a statement like that and have it be true.
Look up brainwashed, drone.

...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
"I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such."

No prob, you foul-mouthed harridan.
"Who gives a shit, PC?"

And that was in response to this post:

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

And as also already noted when that Republican Party won the Presidency the South completely rejected the Democrats, awarding it zero electoral votes, identical to Lincoln's total, who wasn't even on a ballot, and driving its convention out of the South altogether. Guess that was just too hard to digest.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.


The Klan was formed Christmas 1865 by six bored twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers, to wit: Capt. John Lester, Capt. John Kennedy, Major James Crowe, Richard Reed, Frank McCord and Calvin Jones, in Jones father's (Thomas) law office building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee. They did so as an innocuous social club with no political (or racial) purpose at all, as a fraternal college-age prank, hence its various K-alliterations. None of those six --- not a one --- had any known political history or affiliation at all. Which is not surprising since the last time Tennessee had been officially part of the United States it was unlikely any were old enough to register to vote anyway.

And btw when that did happen, in 1860, Tennessee voted for John Bell of the Constitutional Union Party, which was against both secession and the expansion of slavery.

All of which has been posted at least four times in this thread alone, including evidence from your own link.

Prove any of that wrong.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

Bullshit. Coyote claimed no such thing. NOR do you have any such evidence to your own assertion of what political party the assailants were affiliated with --- or if they were affiliated with any at all.

Prove me wrong..

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

Unsubstantiated speculation. You have, of course no evidence.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

Insofar as both existed in the South. Although in the 19th century version, the DP existed everywhere else as well, but was the only political party that existed in the South when the Klan formed so --- some "link". Not to be ignored is your ellipsis, which always means you've dishonestly cut out something inconvenient.

Something like this perhaps?
>> "Lifting the Klan mask [19th Century version] revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." --- Elaine Frantz Parsons PhD, "Ku Klux: The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction" (UNC Press) p. 816) <<​

The facts on the origin, with specific names, are posted above (again). Your invitation to prove any of those facts erroneous still stands untouched. Because they ain't erroneous.

You can make shit up all day long (or in your case cut and paste the same bullshit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over as you have here expecting different results but said different results WILL NOT HAPPEN.

Such is the nature of Bullshit. It doesn't somehow "graduate" into reality just because you keep posting the same fabrications over and over and over and over and over and over and over after they've already been disproven.

Now grow the fuck up, dishonest HACK.
Last edited:
...the Democrat Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship, and Bill Clinton is the personification of same.

Look up 'fact,' dunce.
Who gives a shit, PC?

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.

The good news is that it doesn't lower my opinion of you.

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

7. Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that the Republicans brought to Congress.

8. The Democrat Party has always been, and is to this day, the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Arguably one of the most popular Democrats, Bill Clinton, has always been a racist.


Protest outside the 1964 Democratic National Convention; some hold signs with portraits of slain civil rights workers, 24 August 1964
Murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner - Wikipedia
Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such.

The south used to be Democrats. There are a lot of racists in the south, were then, too, when the south was heavily Democrat. Then they switched over to the Republican party. Which any map of blue and red states will show you. And there are still racists in the south, now Republican.
Your goal isn't to defend Republican principles; it is to slam the opposition. You're the only one who cares about this. I know the Democratic Party is not racist. I don't know about Bill Clinton--he was an Arkansas boy, so maybe he was. So is Trump, if you ask me. It happens.

Astounding how you actually admit that you care not about freedom and liberty.
"I invite you to find any statement I've made that says such."

No prob, you foul-mouthed harridan.
"Who gives a shit, PC?"

And that was in response to this post:

Let's review what your vulgarity refers to:
1. Democrats demanded slavery and segregation. To fight them, Republicans formed their party to fight those iniquities.

And as also already noted when that Republican Party won the Presidency the South completely rejected the Democrats, awarding it zero electoral votes, identical to Lincoln's total, who wasn't even on a ballot, and driving its convention out of the South altogether. Guess that was just too hard to digest.

2. Violence has always been the default of the Democrats, so they formed the KKK.


The Klan was formed Christmas 1865 by six bored twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers, to wit: Capt. John Lester, Capt. John Kennedy, Major James Crowe, Richard Reed, Frank McCord and Calvin Jones, in Jones father's (Thomas) law office building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee.

They did so as an innocuous social club with no political (or racial) purpose at all, as a fraternal college-age prank, hence its various K-alliterations. All of which has been posted at least four times in this thread alone, including evidence from your own link.

Prove any of that wrong.

3. These three were murdered by KKK Democrats.


4. The imbecile, Coyote, claimed it was Republicans who killed them...post #1872

Bullshit. Coyote did no such thing. NOR do you have any such evidence to your own assertion of what poltical party the assailants were affiliated with --- or if they were affiliated with any at all.

Prove me wrong..

5. The judge appointed by Democrat JFK gave them light sentences.
He was, of course, a Democrat, and KKK sympathizer.

Unsubstantiated speculation. You have, of course no evidence.

6. Even the Washington Post had to grudgingly admit this: "Although there is some historical link between Democrats and the KKK, ...."

Insofar as both existed in the South. Although in the 19th century version, the DP existed everywhere else as well, but was the only political party that existed in the South when the Klan formed so --- some "link". Not to be ignored is your ellipsis, which always means you've dishonestly cut out something inconvenient.

Something like this perhaps?
>> "Lifting the Klan mask [19th Century version] revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." --- Elaine Frantz Parsons PhD, "Ku Klux: The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction" (UNC Press) p. 816) <<​

The facts on the origin, with specific names, are posted above (again). Your invitation to prove any of those facts erroneous still stands untouched. Because they ain't erroneous.

You can make shit up all day long (or in your case cut and paste the same bullshit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over as you have here expecting different results but said different results WILL NOT HAPPEN.

Such is the nature of Bullshit.

Now grow the fuck up, dishonest HACK.

You know that everything I posted is correct.....hence, your inability to prevent your chagrin from showing....i.e., vulgarity.

Now...on to more pressing issues:
As you senior citizens glow most when you provide your complete medical report, and while this usually bores me to tears, in your case I am anxious to hear about any ailments, no matter how small or insignificant, as one never knows what could develop into something fatal at your age.
It's not 'southerners,' you lying sack of offal: it's Democrats.

There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans.
  1. 1966- pro-integrationist Republican Winthrop Rockefeller won Arkansas, replacing Clinton-pal Orval Faubus.
  2. 1966 Republican Bo Calloway ran against Democrat Lester Maddox, who “gained national attention for refusing to serve blacks in his popular cafeteria near the Georgia Tech campus. Newsmen tipped off about the confrontation reported how restaurant patrons and employees wielded ax handles while Mr. Maddox waved a pistol. …” Lester Maddox Dies at 87; Segregationist Ex-Governor Leaves Complicated Legacy | HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepared
    1. Maddox was endorsed by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the above governor’s race. When the race was too close to call, the Democrat state legislature gave it to Maddox.
    2. Calloway appealed to the Supreme Court….but the court upheld the legislature’s decision.
    3. On that very Supreme Court was former KKK member Justice Hugo Black.
    4. Democrat Hugo Black was Democrat FDR’s first appointee, in 1937. This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU
    5. And, Hugo Black's anti-Catholic bias, which showed up in his actions on the Supreme Court:
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."

Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

  1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425
  1. 1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia
2. 1957- Democrat Sam Ervin, another liberal luminary, instrumental in the destruction of anti-communist Republicans Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon, told his fellow segregationists, and who led the Watergate investigation, said of the 1957 civil rights bill: “We’ve got to give the goddamned ******* something. We’re not gonna be able to get out of here until we’ve got some kind of ****** bill.’ Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson,” xv.

And the first POTUS to prosecute that Klan was --- Lyndon Johnson. And the Georgia governor who revoked its state charter was Ellis Arnall. And the POTUS whose IRS Arnall worked with to shoot the legs out from under the Klan's organization by handing it a staggering back-tax bill was FDR. And the Alabama governor who signed an anti-masking bill into state law (recently invoked in Antifa actions) was Jim Folsom. And the Oklahoma Gov who tried to drive the Klan out of that state after the Tulsa Race Riots -- and got removed from office at the hands of the KKK in retaliation --- was Jack Walton. And the Alabama Senator who vociferously called out the Klan, causing the KKK to lobby against his 1924 Presidential candidacy was Oscar Underwood. And the Florida Governor and Senator candidate who infiltrated the Klan, wrote an exposé book about it and later worked with the writers of the Superman radio show to make the Klan into a mockery was Stetson Kennedy.

Guess what political party all of those people were part of. I gives you a hint --- it was not the Whigs. Another hint --- it was the party of choice for immigrants, Catholics, Jews and labor unions, all of which were persecuted BY that same Klan.

So much for Composition Fallacies. Unless of course you'd like me to go into the Rice Meanses and the George Bakers and the Owen Brewsters and the Ed Jacksons and the D.C. Stephensons and the Clarence Morleys. But maybe you do --- I don't know exactly how deeply your masochistic streak runs. :eusa_whistle:
"I know the Democratic Party is not racist."

You couldn't be more wrong.

Indeed "you" can't. Because again -- this has been thoroughly explained already too while you were going :lalala: -----

--- Racism is a social construct. Not a political ideal. It was invented by European commercial interests to justify their transport of Africans across an entire ocean, on the premise that they were less than human. And that began three hundred years before "Democrats" or "Republicans" ever existed.

Prove THAT wrong moron.

The most glaring proof is Bill Clinton, long time personification of the Democrat Party.
He has been a racist his entire life.

Challenge me on that.

I already did.

You ran away.

Bill Clinton, long time personification of the Democrat Party.
He has been a racist his entire life.

Challenge me on that.

I already did.

You ran away.

Really, fogey?

Let's be clear: are you disputing that Bill Clinton has been a racist his entire life?
"I know the Democratic Party is not racist."

You couldn't be more wrong.

Indeed "you" can't. Because again -- this has been thoroughly explained already too while you were going :lalala: -----

--- Racism is a social construct. Not a political ideal. It was invented by European commercial interests to justify their transport of Africans across an entire ocean, on the premise that they were less than human. And that began three hundred years before "Democrats" or "Republicans" ever existed.

Prove THAT wrong moron.

The most glaring proof is Bill Clinton, long time personification of the Democrat Party.
He has been a racist his entire life.

Challenge me on that.

I already did.

You ran away.

Bill Clinton, long time personification of the Democrat Party.
He has been a racist his entire life.

Challenge me on that.

I already did.

You ran away.

Really, fogey?

Let's be clear: are you disputing that Bill Clinton has been a racist his entire life?

See what I mean?

Stop fucking up the quote function. Just leave shit alone.

Stop tap-dancing...it's a broken hip waiting to happen:
Let's be clear: are you disputing that Bill Clinton has been a racist his entire life?

Let's be clear --- IT AIN'T MY ASSERTION ---it's YOURS. And you can't defend it.
What a shocker that is.

You are a colossal waste of time, not to mention spandex.

Third time, you little weasel: are you disputing that Bill Clinton has been a racist his entire life?

Answer the question.
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