Holy crap - this has to stop!

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I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?

Not in the baseball shooters case. He was 66 years old.
Yes, but that isn't common is it?

I know this is the internet and people can lie, but many of the leftists here admit to being elderly. It's not directly proportional to age. Are there not young Republicans as well? And if so, why are they not acting out in violent ways if what you claim is true?
The blacklist came into being in 1947, both houses of the 80th Congress between 1947 and 1949 were controlled by Republicans.

The blacklist included entertainers, writers, singers, actors...who were unable to find work and who's work was outlawed. A dozen or so political songs by Tom Leher were black listed and my parents got his records overseas (they were illegal in the US).

Don't you think that's the rightwing coming down on free speech?

Not when most Congress people (Dems and Repubs) voted on it. Communism then is like Islamic terrorists today. Would you say would be limiting leftist free speech in Hollywood if Congress acted on Hollywood leftist Islamic extremists?

A rightwing controled Congress severely limited the free speech and employment of hundreds of Americans. That's a fact.

Yeah, and just because of some irrelevant criteria like they were communist who were helping a foreign enemy overthrow the country.

My last example is exactly the right (Republicans) coming down against free speech by attempting to control demonstrations at college campus' rather than leave it up to the colleges.

And who comes in to save the day when those protests turn into destroying and burning down things? That's right, the local and state police. It's very costly. As we've seen in the past, cities that suffered riots spent millions of dollars to combat it.

You have Republicans passing bills to restrict free speech on college campus'.

You can't spin that away.

How has the left limited free speech?

What Republican bill has restricted free speech on campus? The only people restricting people's speech are the snowflakes. That's indisputable.
So the Republicans attempting to curtail demonstrations and take control away from the colleges are snowflakes? I agree. Well said.
I think we can find multiple instances of both sides trying to repress free speech either through public actions like violent demonstrations or shouting down speakers yes? Can we agree on that?

I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?
The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

Within that is the assumption being made that on or the other ideology is inherently violent. I disagree with that if it were true we would have been in a constant state of violence for ages and that hasn't happened.
We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

You are absolutely right in condemning those demonstrations that turn into violent assaults and property destruction. I agree. I also disagree with the trend in some universities to limit speakers based on ideology or potential for causing offense and we should speak up about it. On the other hand the university I work for allowed Milo Y to speak. They allowed demonstrations. There was no violence. Milo called out some faculty in a deeply insulting way and wasn't stopped. Our dean and president issued an apology for that, but also pointed out the importance of a tradition in allowing diverse opinions. That's a left wing institution.
Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Demonstrations are free speech. Violence is also free speech. But violence is the point at which we put a limit on free speech. I think you will find most agree with that.
Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?

Not in the baseball shooters case. He was 66 years old.
Yes, but that isn't common is it?

I know this is the internet and people can lie, but many of the leftists here admit to being elderly. It's not directly proportional to age. Are there not young Republicans as well? And if so, why are they not acting out in violent ways if what you claim is true?

How many of those leftists have expressed support for violence? I suspect there are more young leftists then young Republicans.
Hypocrites that they are, let's consider this
For better than two decades the new age looney libs have Demanded that we Accept gays, gay marriage, Minority family abandonment, government dependence, transgenderism, Muslims, illegals, street riots, and more yet they Cannot Accept the results of an election
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Yes folks - Pogo really did contradict himself in back-to-back posts.
The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives"

None of them had any known political affiliation.
So in post #1197 he claims that the KKK was (and I quote) "über conservatives" and then in post #1209 he says "none of them had any known political affiliation". :laugh:
Not really. People keep conflating PARTY with IDEOLOGY.
I think we can find multiple instances of both sides trying to repress free speech either through public actions like violent demonstrations or shouting down speakers yes? Can we agree on that?

I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?
The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

Within that is the assumption being made that on or the other ideology is inherently violent. I disagree with that if it were true we would have been in a constant state of violence for ages and that hasn't happened.
We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

You are absolutely right in condemning those demonstrations that turn into violent assaults and property destruction. I agree. I also disagree with the trend in some universities to limit speakers based on ideology or potential for causing offense and we should speak up about it. On the other hand the university I work for allowed Milo Y to speak. They allowed demonstrations. There was no violence. Milo called out some faculty in a deeply insulting way and wasn't stopped. Our dean and president issued an apology for that, but also pointed out the importance of a tradition in allowing diverse opinions. That's a left wing institution.
Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Demonstrations are free speech. Violence is also free speech. But violence is the point at which we put a limit on free speech. I think you will find most agree with that.
Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
Every time some complain about the actions of DNC rallies turning violent.........someone like you tries to minimize it by throwing the standard KKK argument up and trying to claim the Republicans are KKK.

I know you will attempt to say...........I didn't say that...............but you sure as hell implied it with that post.

I just showed a video...........that most will not watch..........that shows the DNC planning violent protests............which is a crime.................I even stated the code that they should be tried with............

When will the DNC CLEAN IT'S HOUSE UP and stop those who openly try ANARCHY to get their way........I don't see it.........and I sure as hell don't respect it.
We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The violence was against Republicans, not "insert political party." I know you want to edit it out because like a true liberal, you think it's okay to equate instead of truthfully do the math.

Actually it's because people like you choose to ignore the violence from your side. Kind of the root of the problem.
I think we can find multiple instances of both sides trying to repress free speech either through public actions like violent demonstrations or shouting down speakers yes? Can we agree on that?

I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?
The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

Within that is the assumption being made that on or the other ideology is inherently violent. I disagree with that if it were true we would have been in a constant state of violence for ages and that hasn't happened.
We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

You are absolutely right in condemning those demonstrations that turn into violent assaults and property destruction. I agree. I also disagree with the trend in some universities to limit speakers based on ideology or potential for causing offense and we should speak up about it. On the other hand the university I work for allowed Milo Y to speak. They allowed demonstrations. There was no violence. Milo called out some faculty in a deeply insulting way and wasn't stopped. Our dean and president issued an apology for that, but also pointed out the importance of a tradition in allowing diverse opinions. That's a left wing institution.
Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Demonstrations are free speech. Violence is also free speech. But violence is the point at which we put a limit on free speech. I think you will find most agree with that.
Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
Every time some complain about the actions of DNC rallies turning violent.........someone like you tries to minimize it by throwing the standard KKK argument up and trying to claim the Republicans are KKK.

I know you will attempt to say...........I didn't say that...............but you sure as hell implied it with that post.

I just showed a video...........that most will not watch..........that shows the DNC planning violent protests............which is a crime.................I even stated the code that they should be tried with............

When will the DNC CLEAN IT'S HOUSE UP and stop those who openly try ANARCHY to get their way........I don't see it.........and I sure as hell don't respect it.

I think you missed the point of my post.

People say the left is always violent and they will bring up history...but we can't bring up history on the right?
I think we can find multiple instances of both sides trying to repress free speech either through public actions like violent demonstrations or shouting down speakers yes? Can we agree on that?

I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?
The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

Within that is the assumption being made that on or the other ideology is inherently violent. I disagree with that if it were true we would have been in a constant state of violence for ages and that hasn't happened.
We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

You are absolutely right in condemning those demonstrations that turn into violent assaults and property destruction. I agree. I also disagree with the trend in some universities to limit speakers based on ideology or potential for causing offense and we should speak up about it. On the other hand the university I work for allowed Milo Y to speak. They allowed demonstrations. There was no violence. Milo called out some faculty in a deeply insulting way and wasn't stopped. Our dean and president issued an apology for that, but also pointed out the importance of a tradition in allowing diverse opinions. That's a left wing institution.
Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Demonstrations are free speech. Violence is also free speech. But violence is the point at which we put a limit on free speech. I think you will find most agree with that.
Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
Every time some complain about the actions of DNC rallies turning violent.........someone like you tries to minimize it by throwing the standard KKK argument up and trying to claim the Republicans are KKK.

I know you will attempt to say...........I didn't say that...............but you sure as hell implied it with that post.

I just showed a video...........that most will not watch..........that shows the DNC planning violent protests............which is a crime.................I even stated the code that they should be tried with............

When will the DNC CLEAN IT'S HOUSE UP and stop those who openly try ANARCHY to get their way........I don't see it.........and I sure as hell don't respect it.

I think you missed the point of my post.
Which part of you aiming the KKK line at the Republicans did I miss.................
I think we can find multiple instances of both sides trying to repress free speech either through public actions like violent demonstrations or shouting down speakers yes? Can we agree on that?

I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?
The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

Within that is the assumption being made that on or the other ideology is inherently violent. I disagree with that if it were true we would have been in a constant state of violence for ages and that hasn't happened.
We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

You are absolutely right in condemning those demonstrations that turn into violent assaults and property destruction. I agree. I also disagree with the trend in some universities to limit speakers based on ideology or potential for causing offense and we should speak up about it. On the other hand the university I work for allowed Milo Y to speak. They allowed demonstrations. There was no violence. Milo called out some faculty in a deeply insulting way and wasn't stopped. Our dean and president issued an apology for that, but also pointed out the importance of a tradition in allowing diverse opinions. That's a left wing institution.
Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Demonstrations are free speech. Violence is also free speech. But violence is the point at which we put a limit on free speech. I think you will find most agree with that.
Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
Every time some complain about the actions of DNC rallies turning violent.........someone like you tries to minimize it by throwing the standard KKK argument up and trying to claim the Republicans are KKK.

I know you will attempt to say...........I didn't say that...............but you sure as hell implied it with that post.

I just showed a video...........that most will not watch..........that shows the DNC planning violent protests............which is a crime.................I even stated the code that they should be tried with............

When will the DNC CLEAN IT'S HOUSE UP and stop those who openly try ANARCHY to get their way........I don't see it.........and I sure as hell don't respect it.

I think you missed the point of my post.
Which part of you aiming the KKK line at the Republicans did I miss.................

I pointed out three things. Party and ideology are not the same. Both parties had their associations with the kkk and like. Neither party of today is the party of then. I know of no party platforms that embrace racist elements.

Is that inaccurate?
You can always take extremes and attempt
To make them comparable in a meme.
Absolutely...................Why I did it.........I compared both sides................The Tea Party may have shouted their views............but the dang place and businesses where still intact when they left.............

While the left get arrested.........resort to violence.........and burn the dang neighborhood down................

No need to give the many examples in recent history now is there.................You know its the truth.

The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
Every time some complain about the actions of DNC rallies turning violent.........someone like you tries to minimize it by throwing the standard KKK argument up and trying to claim the Republicans are KKK.

I know you will attempt to say...........I didn't say that...............but you sure as hell implied it with that post.

I just showed a video...........that most will not watch..........that shows the DNC planning violent protests............which is a crime.................I even stated the code that they should be tried with............

When will the DNC CLEAN IT'S HOUSE UP and stop those who openly try ANARCHY to get their way........I don't see it.........and I sure as hell don't respect it.

I think you missed the point of my post.
Which part of you aiming the KKK line at the Republicans did I miss.................

I pointed out three things. Party and ideology are not the same. Both parties had their associations with the kkk and like. Neither party of today is the party of then. I know of no party platforms that embrace racist elements.

Is that inaccurate?
That isn't...........but the wording in your first post is ...........hmmm.........misleading now isn't it.
People say the left is always violent and they will bring up history...but we can't bring up history on the right?
Then do so without having to use ancient history.
It's not ancient if it is still in LIVING memory.
meaning you have to go back decades to give examples...................to try and deflame the violence that has been occurring in more recent times..............

Did you watch the video............hmmm.........these are DNC strategist caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

The left has shown it's violent side for a long time.

And change is being acted upon via the law as we speak regarding conservative values.

We disagree. One side has been more violent for decades.......

Some are still reasonable..............Berkley is insane.

Inciting violence or organizing it is a CRIME......We are a nation of laws....don't you think.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Agree with some disagree with others. The right has its own long history of violence. The kkk is one example, but also the collaboration of law enforcement in covering up and even engaging in violence and murder during the civil rights era.

What I meant is violence IS free speech, but like slander or libel it's an example of where we put limits on it. It's not an unlimited right.
Every time some complain about the actions of DNC rallies turning violent.........someone like you tries to minimize it by throwing the standard KKK argument up and trying to claim the Republicans are KKK.

I know you will attempt to say...........I didn't say that...............but you sure as hell implied it with that post.

I just showed a video...........that most will not watch..........that shows the DNC planning violent protests............which is a crime.................I even stated the code that they should be tried with............

When will the DNC CLEAN IT'S HOUSE UP and stop those who openly try ANARCHY to get their way........I don't see it.........and I sure as hell don't respect it.

I think you missed the point of my post.
Which part of you aiming the KKK line at the Republicans did I miss.................

I pointed out three things. Party and ideology are not the same. Both parties had their associations with the kkk and like. Neither party of today is the party of then. I know of no party platforms that embrace racist elements.

Is that inaccurate?

I would say Black Lies Matter is pretty racist, and they are also associated with the Democrat party.

When Hil-Liar came to campaign here in Cleveland, she was invited to address the Cleveland Police officers. She declined......she didn't have time. But she did meet with the Cleveland BLM leaders in the city.
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