Holy crap - this has to stop!

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I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?

Not in the baseball shooters case. He was 66 years old.
Yes, but that isn't common is it?

I know this is the internet and people can lie, but many of the leftists here admit to being elderly. It's not directly proportional to age. Are there not young Republicans as well? And if so, why are they not acting out in violent ways if what you claim is true?

How many of those leftists have expressed support for violence? I suspect there are more young leftists then young Republicans.

Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony

Obama Invites Black Lives Matter Leader to White House Again for Discussion on Race
I'd like to make a couple of points. The left is more likely to be young and more likely to be deeply passionate, impatient and get out of control. The right are more likely to be older, more experienced in how things work and likely to work through institutions to effect change. Do you think that is accurate?

Not in the baseball shooters case. He was 66 years old.
Yes, but that isn't common is it?

I know this is the internet and people can lie, but many of the leftists here admit to being elderly. It's not directly proportional to age. Are there not young Republicans as well? And if so, why are they not acting out in violent ways if what you claim is true?

How many of those leftists have expressed support for violence? I suspect there are more young leftists then young Republicans.

Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony

Obama Invites Black Lives Matter Leader to White House Again for Discussion on Race
= "they started it"
The blacklist came into being in 1947, both houses of the 80th Congress between 1947 and 1949 were controlled by Republicans.

The blacklist included entertainers, writers, singers, actors...who were unable to find work and who's work was outlawed. A dozen or so political songs by Tom Leher were black listed and my parents got his records overseas (they were illegal in the US).

Don't you think that's the rightwing coming down on free speech?

Not when most Congress people (Dems and Repubs) voted on it. Communism then is like Islamic terrorists today. Would you say would be limiting leftist free speech in Hollywood if Congress acted on Hollywood leftist Islamic extremists?

A rightwing controled Congress severely limited the free speech and employment of hundreds of Americans. That's a fact.

Yeah, and just because of some irrelevant criteria like they were communist who were helping a foreign enemy overthrow the country.

My last example is exactly the right (Republicans) coming down against free speech by attempting to control demonstrations at college campus' rather than leave it up to the colleges.

And who comes in to save the day when those protests turn into destroying and burning down things? That's right, the local and state police. It's very costly. As we've seen in the past, cities that suffered riots spent millions of dollars to combat it.

You have Republicans passing bills to restrict free speech on college campus'.

You can't spin that away.

How has the left limited free speech?

What Republican bill has restricted free speech on campus? The only people restricting people's speech are the snowflakes. That's indisputable.
So the Republicans attempting to curtail demonstrations and take control away from the colleges are snowflakes? I agree. Well said.

Where have Republicans tried to "curtail demonstrations," unless you mean by arresting thugs who damage property and assault people?

These universities have demonstrated that they are hostile to freedom of speech, so why should control be left in their hands?
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We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The violence was against Republicans, not "insert political party." I know you want to edit it out because like a true liberal, you think it's okay to equate instead of truthfully do the math.

Actually it's because people like you choose to ignore the violence from your side. Kind of the root of the problem.

What violence?
Libs want conservatives to accept every freakish and disjoint lifestyle and manner of conduct but they can't accept the results of an election
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Not in the baseball shooters case. He was 66 years old.
Yes, but that isn't common is it?

I know this is the internet and people can lie, but many of the leftists here admit to being elderly. It's not directly proportional to age. Are there not young Republicans as well? And if so, why are they not acting out in violent ways if what you claim is true?

How many of those leftists have expressed support for violence? I suspect there are more young leftists then young Republicans.

Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony

Obama Invites Black Lives Matter Leader to White House Again for Discussion on Race
= "they started it"
yes they did............and now want us to remain calm and defuse the situation after a lunatic tried to gun down the GOP.

That is not saying that it is those posting here...........

Over and over again.........they say we need to tone down our opinions......we need to stay civil................stay within the law...................while their protests violate the law over and over again.............and while they set up protests were they brag that it's sole purpose is to shut down those who don't agree with them..........using violence as a means to an end..............and violating the law.................

Then try to reverse the tables saying WE are the ones trying to shut down Free Speech and deny them of their rights as they give no respect to those against them.

It is ridiculous............now look into........................

"It" won't stop. Pelosi did not last 24 hours. The radical anti-American board marxist are already leaking back to normal, despite pleading "this has to stop". They want violence in the streets. They will not stop until they get it. They will have to be obliged.
"It" won't stop. Pelosi did not last 24 hours. The radical anti-American board marxist are already leaking back to normal, despite pleading "ghis has to stop". They want violence in the streets. They will not stop until they get it. They will have to be obliged.
It has been proven that they are using this as a strategy.
Yes, but that isn't common is it?

I know this is the internet and people can lie, but many of the leftists here admit to being elderly. It's not directly proportional to age. Are there not young Republicans as well? And if so, why are they not acting out in violent ways if what you claim is true?

How many of those leftists have expressed support for violence? I suspect there are more young leftists then young Republicans.

Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony

Obama Invites Black Lives Matter Leader to White House Again for Discussion on Race
= "they started it"
yes they did............and now want us to remain calm and defuse the situation after a lunatic tried to gun down the GOP.

That is not saying that it is those posting here...........

Over and over again.........they say we need to tone down our opinions......we need to stay civil................stay within the law...................while their protests violate the law over and over again.............and while they set up protests were they brag that it's sole purpose is to shut down those who don't agree with them..........using violence as a means to an end..............and violating the law.................

Then try to reverse the tables saying WE are the ones trying to shut down Free Speech and deny them of their rights as they give no respect to those against them.

It is ridiculous............now look into........................


"If you ever want to know what liberals are up to, just note what they accuse conservatives of."
Rush Limbaugh
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party
Imbecile... that would be the Bible Belt ... the bastion of conservatism...
Bwahahaha!!! Stupid...in 1870...the entire nation was the "Bible Belt". Everyone had a deep faith and subscribed to a rigid religious doctrine. The South was dominated by the Dumbocrats.

We can add history to economics, business, politics, current events, basic math, and grammar as the list of things that Faun Over Men doesn't have the first clue about. :laugh:
You prove again to be the USMB village idiot. The north and west was never known in this country as the "Bible Belt." The north was progressive and the regressive south was conservative.
Of course it's changed ... the south is now mostly Republican.

Notice how Faun can't get his story straight? In post #1214 he claims that the KKK wasn't created by Dumbocrats because it was (and I quote) "in the Bible Belt" and yet he states in post #1211 that (and I quote again) "it's changed...the south is now mostly Republican". That admission acknowledges that he realizes that the south wasn't Republican at all during the time the KKK was created.

First Pogo and now Faun. The Dumbocrats dimwits are having one hell of a time keeping their stories straight this evening. That's what happens with liars.
Poor, demented, Buttplug. I never said, "the KKK wasn't created by Dumbocrats, " as you falsely ascribed to me. See that? Your illiteracy once again causes you to fail. :badgrin:
It's a continuation of the previous. Sorry the simple navigation of a message board nest is beyond your ken. As I said when you learn to read perhaps you can catch up......

You quoted yourself quoting yourself quoting another member but it's not only my fault for failing to understand your logic, you accuse me of being illiterate. LOL

Now, back to the discussion of extremists who never accept responsibility for their actions, attack anyone who disagrees with them and, in general, are just plain old assholes.
Of course it's changed ... the south is now mostly Republican.

Notice how Faun can't get his story straight? In post #1214 he claims that the KKK wasn't created by Dumbocrats because it was (and I quote) "in the Bible Belt" and yet he states in post #1211 that (and I quote again) "it's changed...the south is now mostly Republican". That admission acknowledges that he realizes that the south wasn't Republican at all during the time the KKK was created.

First Pogo and now Faun. The Dumbocrats dimwits are having one hell of a time keeping their stories straight this evening. That's what happens with liars.
Poor, demented, Buttplug. I never said, "the KKK wasn't created by Dumbocrats, " as you falsely ascribed to me. See that? Your illiteracy once again causes you to fail. :badgrin:
That's exactly what you said. It's why you kept mentioning the "Bible Belt". Otherwise, there was absolutely no reason to mention the Bible Belt.

Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

It's all just escalating. If you watch the UK parliament, they're booing and shouting all the time. The point is -- that moment at the baseball park was NOT the time to do it. And this 2 way finger pointing is what is leading us straight to the bottom of our existence.. We may LOSE the country if it continues. Because if ALL that happens is a power shift the OTHER WAY -- you guys have now set the bar SOO LOW -- the opposition will ALWAYS be just a mindless, useless resistance of fools.

I'm fine with this. Because Dems have spent all their good will and capital doing NOTHING but scheming and attacking.. And both sides are gonna face mighty wrath at the next elections. Don't think we're gonna need term limits as legislation anymore. The "big middle" is now fully nauseated and fucking scared of tanking the whole Republic with the bad and absent leadership on display. I know the LParty is gonna run Indies instead of party candidates in a lot of key races and draft them from superstar achievers and doers with track records of problem solving in govt.

All that has to happen is to MOCK AND RIDICULE this horrendous death match that's gonna drag on for 3 years. Just keep hitting on the NEW LOWS that the 2 brand name parties have brought us to...

Press and polls won't even see it coming. They'll still be in the pig sty trying to kill each other...
Next time, don't let a fat guy strip tease on the convention floor.

Sure.. We can have a 100 Image consultants and focus groups handle that. More balloons, more vetting, more control... Pretty soon, it'll be just as phony as the "niormal" conventions. There was TONS of more debate, more choices, and more solutions offered at THAT convention -- than any other that year.

We COULD I suppose go negative on the Brand Name tribes and make BIG HUGE headlines. But we decided (unfortunately) not to DO that. NEXT TIME --- all you're gonna hear from us is about the blood in the streets, the chaos, the phony news, the derilection of DUTY -- that is gonna be the "track record" for BOTH your corrupt and debased dynasty parties that need to die... Won't NEED money or a podium at the debates to make that case...

You guys are making it WAAAAAY too easy...
Of course it's changed ... the south is now mostly Republican.

Notice how Faun can't get his story straight? In post #1214 he claims that the KKK wasn't created by Dumbocrats because it was (and I quote) "in the Bible Belt" and yet he states in post #1211 that (and I quote again) "it's changed...the south is now mostly Republican". That admission acknowledges that he realizes that the south wasn't Republican at all during the time the KKK was created.

First Pogo and now Faun. The Dumbocrats dimwits are having one hell of a time keeping their stories straight this evening. That's what happens with liars.
Poor, demented, Buttplug. I never said, "the KKK wasn't created by Dumbocrats, " as you falsely ascribed to me. See that? Your illiteracy once again causes you to fail. :badgrin:
That's exactly what you said. It's why you kept mentioning the "Bible Belt". Otherwise, there was absolutely no reason to mention the Bible Belt.

You poor thing, bless your heart. Either you can quote me saying that (with a link) or you once again prove me right when I point out you are the USMB village idiot.

I said the KKK started in the racist south which was the hotbed of American conservatism, known as the Bible Belt. I said nothing of anyone's political party, you did.

Dayam, are you ever lucky there isn't a minimum intelligence required to post here; you would have been banned long ago for being sooo fucking stupid.

Get a load of this.................A play in the park depicting Trump getting assassinated..................Some have pulled sponsorship others now so much..............Like the NY Times and American Express....................

A freaking play that shows our current POTUS being killed in it.........................and the left thinks we are the ones with the problem.

The more I see of this.............the more I'm ready to tell them to :anj_stfu:

AmEx, Trump death play don't budge after Delta, BofA bolt

Shortly after Delta Airlines and Bank of America (BofA) pulled their sponsorship of the New York City Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar that depicted President Donald Trump as the slain emperor, American Express (AmEx) refused to pull its funding and the theater company will not budge after the public’s backlash.

Much of the play’s tragedy stems from the characters’ neglect of private feelings and loyalties in favor of what they believe to be the public good. Similarly, characters confuse their private selves with their public selves, hardening and dehumanizing themselves or transforming themselves into ruthless political machines...
Cassius can be seen as a man who has gone to the extreme in cultivating his public persona. Caesar, describing his distrust of Cassius, tells Antony that the problem with Cassius is his lack of a private life—his seeming refusal to acknowledge his own sensibilities or to nurture his own spirit. Such a man, Caesar fears, will let nothing interfere with his ambition. Indeed, Cassius lacks all sense of personal honor and shows himself to be a ruthless schemer.

SparkNotes: Julius Caesar: Themes, Motifs & Symbols

Julius Caesar is an exploration of political machinations and what happens when they go too far. It's not as much about killing Caesar as taking a hard look at why the conspirators did it, the real motivations for it.
Take a look at some of the Sparks Notes above. Notice anything timely in there that sounds like what we are discussing here, now? At least in my opinion, the conspirators do NOT come out of this smelling like a rose.
Maybe it is a good year to be putting on Julius Caesar. Watch the play with a Roman toga'd Caesar if it makes you feel better, and then get back to us on how it's a leftie plot of violence against our POTUS.

Setting Shakespeare's plays in the modern world is a common directorial decision. He is still relevant; there is nothing new under the sun; we still behave pretty much the same as we always have.

I'm sorry that your so entirely committed to the resistance that you're attempting to JUSTIFY a major repetitive, sponsored event that depicts the assassination of a sitting president. That's the type of academic arrogance that the NYTime Culture pages attempt to sell as EXCUSES for what amounts to nothing more than DEBASED political violence.

It's FINE if you want to go watch Julius Caesar get his due and go orgasmic over a FANTASY IN YOUR MIND about it being a LIVING political opponent. You DO NOT OVERTLY have to flaunt it and rationalize it as "simple literary license".

Even Shakespeare had the judgement and common sense and decency to kill people on stage that were largely ALREADY ---- way dead.

To POGO -- Yes "you guys" --- the severed head, the repeated killing of the President in Central Park, the attempted MASS assassination of Congress people (ESPECIALLY THE BOOING AND JEERING OF THE PREZ at the BBall game) --- IS the predictable acceleration of this "street theatre" and farce. And here "you guys" are -- trying to justify all the lying, scheming, hissy fit driven political tantrums that are turning ugly --- with events from 30 years ago and mostly UNORGANIZED and UNSUPPORTABLE acts from history.

You need to see the trajectory and the acceleration and the monumental SIZE of this tantrum to understand the dangers. Especially with the MainStream Press INVENTING and SPINNING the crap that is needed to SUSTAIN the anger and violence and opposition.

And because "the other side" chooses NOT to engage or fight back doesn't mean you can push this farther BEFORE it takes the country into outright conflict..
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I said the KKK started in the racist south which was the hotbed of American conservatism, known as the Bible Belt. I said nothing of anyone's political party, you did.
Bingo!!! Thank you for amditting it!

And your dumb ass is too ignorant of U.S. history to realize that in the 1860's - that was not the "hotbed of American conservatism". That are was the hotbed of American progressivism. You know - you people who hate blacks. There is a reason they were called "the Southern Democrats".

Get a load of this.................A play in the park depicting Trump getting assassinated..................Some have pulled sponsorship others now so much..............Like the NY Times and American Express....................

A freaking play that shows our current POTUS being killed in it.........................and the left thinks we are the ones with the problem.

The more I see of this.............the more I'm ready to tell them to :anj_stfu:

AmEx, Trump death play don't budge after Delta, BofA bolt

Shortly after Delta Airlines and Bank of America (BofA) pulled their sponsorship of the New York City Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar that depicted President Donald Trump as the slain emperor, American Express (AmEx) refused to pull its funding and the theater company will not budge after the public’s backlash.

Much of the play’s tragedy stems from the characters’ neglect of private feelings and loyalties in favor of what they believe to be the public good. Similarly, characters confuse their private selves with their public selves, hardening and dehumanizing themselves or transforming themselves into ruthless political machines...
Cassius can be seen as a man who has gone to the extreme in cultivating his public persona. Caesar, describing his distrust of Cassius, tells Antony that the problem with Cassius is his lack of a private life—his seeming refusal to acknowledge his own sensibilities or to nurture his own spirit. Such a man, Caesar fears, will let nothing interfere with his ambition. Indeed, Cassius lacks all sense of personal honor and shows himself to be a ruthless schemer.

SparkNotes: Julius Caesar: Themes, Motifs & Symbols

Julius Caesar is an exploration of political machinations and what happens when they go too far. It's not as much about killing Caesar as taking a hard look at why the conspirators did it, the real motivations for it.
Take a look at some of the Sparks Notes above. Notice anything timely in there that sounds like what we are discussing here, now? At least in my opinion, the conspirators do NOT come out of this smelling like a rose.
Maybe it is a good year to be putting on Julius Caesar. Watch the play with a Roman toga'd Caesar if it makes you feel better, and then get back to us on how it's a leftie plot of violence against our POTUS.

Setting Shakespeare's plays in the modern world is a common directorial decision. He is still relevant; there is nothing new under the sun; we still behave pretty much the same as we always have.

I'm sorry that your so entirely committed to the resistance that you're attempting to JUSTIFY a major repetitive, sponsored event that depicts the assassination of a sitting president. That's the type of academic arrogance that the NYTime Culture pages attempt to sell as EXCUSES for what amounts to nothing more than DEBASED political violence.

It's FINE if you want to go watch Julius Caesar get his due and go orgasmic over a FANTASY IN YOUR MIND about it being a LIVING political opponent. You DO NOT OVERTLY have to flaunt it and rational it as literary license.

Even Shakespeare had the judgement and common sense and decency to kill people on stage that were largely ALREADY ---- way dead.

To POGO -- Yes "you guys" --- the severed head, the repeated killing of the President in Central Park, the attempted MASS assassination of Congress people --- IS the predictable acceleration of this "street theatre" and farce. And here "you guys" are -- trying to justify all the lying, scheming, hissy fit driven political tantrums that are turning ugly --- with events from 30 years ago and mostly UNORGANIZED and UNSUPPORTABLE acts from history.

You need to see the trajectory and the acceleration and the monumental SIZE of this tantrum to understand the dangers. Especially with the MainStream Press INVENTING and SPINNING the crap that is needed to SUSTAIN the anger and violence and opposition.

And because "the other side" chooses NOT to engage or fight back doesn't mean you can push this farther BEFORE it takes the country into outright conflict..
Remember when it was Obama lying on the floor with all those knife wounds in him? Good times. Good times.


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"
Get a load of this.................A play in the park depicting Trump getting assassinated..................Some have pulled sponsorship others now so much..............Like the NY Times and American Express....................

A freaking play that shows our current POTUS being killed in it.........................and the left thinks we are the ones with the problem.

The more I see of this.............the more I'm ready to tell them to :anj_stfu:

AmEx, Trump death play don't budge after Delta, BofA bolt

Shortly after Delta Airlines and Bank of America (BofA) pulled their sponsorship of the New York City Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar that depicted President Donald Trump as the slain emperor, American Express (AmEx) refused to pull its funding and the theater company will not budge after the public’s backlash.

Much of the play’s tragedy stems from the characters’ neglect of private feelings and loyalties in favor of what they believe to be the public good. Similarly, characters confuse their private selves with their public selves, hardening and dehumanizing themselves or transforming themselves into ruthless political machines...
Cassius can be seen as a man who has gone to the extreme in cultivating his public persona. Caesar, describing his distrust of Cassius, tells Antony that the problem with Cassius is his lack of a private life—his seeming refusal to acknowledge his own sensibilities or to nurture his own spirit. Such a man, Caesar fears, will let nothing interfere with his ambition. Indeed, Cassius lacks all sense of personal honor and shows himself to be a ruthless schemer.

SparkNotes: Julius Caesar: Themes, Motifs & Symbols

Julius Caesar is an exploration of political machinations and what happens when they go too far. It's not as much about killing Caesar as taking a hard look at why the conspirators did it, the real motivations for it.
Take a look at some of the Sparks Notes above. Notice anything timely in there that sounds like what we are discussing here, now? At least in my opinion, the conspirators do NOT come out of this smelling like a rose.
Maybe it is a good year to be putting on Julius Caesar. Watch the play with a Roman toga'd Caesar if it makes you feel better, and then get back to us on how it's a leftie plot of violence against our POTUS.

Setting Shakespeare's plays in the modern world is a common directorial decision. He is still relevant; there is nothing new under the sun; we still behave pretty much the same as we always have.

I'm sorry that your so entirely committed to the resistance that you're attempting to JUSTIFY a major repetitive, sponsored event that depicts the assassination of a sitting president. That's the type of academic arrogance that the NYTime Culture pages attempt to sell as EXCUSES for what amounts to nothing more than DEBASED political violence.

It's FINE if you want to go watch Julius Caesar get his due and go orgasmic over a FANTASY IN YOUR MIND about it being a LIVING political opponent. You DO NOT OVERTLY have to flaunt it and rational it as literary license.

Even Shakespeare had the judgement and common sense and decency to kill people on stage that were largely ALREADY ---- way dead.

To POGO -- Yes "you guys" --- the severed head, the repeated killing of the President in Central Park, the attempted MASS assassination of Congress people --- IS the predictable acceleration of this "street theatre" and farce. And here "you guys" are -- trying to justify all the lying, scheming, hissy fit driven political tantrums that are turning ugly --- with events from 30 years ago and mostly UNORGANIZED and UNSUPPORTABLE acts from history.

You need to see the trajectory and the acceleration and the monumental SIZE of this tantrum to understand the dangers. Especially with the MainStream Press INVENTING and SPINNING the crap that is needed to SUSTAIN the anger and violence and opposition.

And because "the other side" chooses NOT to engage or fight back doesn't mean you can push this farther BEFORE it takes the country into outright conflict..
Remember when it was Obama lying on the floor with all those knife wounds in him? Good times. Good times.


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Really? Never heard of it. Did it run in Central Park for weeks sponsored by a Major Media company and the financial backing of several Fortune 500 companies? Did the Leftist Press HAIL it as a cerebral adaptation of a theme?
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