Holy crap - this has to stop!

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By hosting Hamas, Qatar is whitewashing terror | Opinion

Qatar is also Hamasā€™s ATM. In 2012, the former Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani traveled to Gaza and pledged $400 million to the Hamas government. After the 2014 war, Qatar pledged $1 billion over several years to a reconstruction fund for Gaza (more than any other nation). Hamas has reportedly used those funds to rebuild its network of terror tunnels.

Less than half of Qatarā€™s billion-dollar pledge has been paid out. But earlier this year, Haniyeh announced that Qatarā€™s new emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani would pay out $100 million to Hamas-controlled Gaza in 2017 alone. And when a recent feud between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority created a massive energy crisis, and sparked protests against Hamas in the Gaza strip, Qatar stepped in and provided Hamas with $12 million for fuel.

The Taliban also benefits from Qatarā€™s whitewashing operations. In 2013, when the Taliban decided to open up its first ā€œembassy,ā€ it did so in Doha. It was a convenient location because many of the Talibanā€™s leaders lived there already. After the government of Afghanistan protested, the ā€œembassyā€ was closedā€”in name only.

In 2015, senior Taliban officials traveled to Doha to negotiate the prisoner swap between American Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl and the notorious Taliban Five, high-level prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. Today, the Taliban Five live luxuriously (but under a travel ban) in Doha. The Qataris reportedly paid for the lavish homes of Taliban leaders, and U.S. officials have even quietly met with Taliban leaders there as recently as October 2016.

So what are you trying to say bud?
Do you live on planet earth.....................they ally with the same ones killing our people............SO YEAH............KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.......If they don't then pull our base out and let them be with their buddies the terrorists.....................

We don't need QATAR............
Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation.

No, it doesn't come up every four years, it comes up when Democrats lose an election because the are not graceful losers and have been brainwashed by their leaders they've been cheated somehow.

EVERY FOUR YEARS we have this discussion ---- whether you're actually listening to it or not is irrelevant.

It arises on that timetable because every four years is exactly when the Electoral College is at all relevant --- the six-week period between a Presidential election and the formal EC vote. The rest of the time --- it doesn't exist.

Again, whether you're paying attention at any particular quadrennial six-week discussion period based on whether or not it serves the interest of Numero Uno has no bearing whatsoever on the existence OF that discussion. This tired old "if I never heard of it, it doesn't exist" mentality is amusing but impotent.

I never hear or read anybody bringing it up when a Democrat wins. DumBama won twice and silence from the left.
Maine also splits its electoral vote by Congressional district, which makes it at least partially independent of the Electoral College's effect of paving over the voices of those in the state who vote outside of the majority. Unfortunately only one other state does that. In all other states the votes of those who vote outside of the majority are effectively cancelled --- which means there's no reason for anyone to vote in the first place because it's not going to make a damn bit of difference. With that going on it's a small miracle that even a shabby 55% of the electorate bothers to vote (that's what it was in 2016 -- 45% of us said, "what's the point?"

When we have millions upon millions of votes being cancelled simply because voters 400 miles away went another direction, that's state mob rule. And if the state in question is already known to tilt "red" or tilt "blue", the only reason to vote is to make a tiny tiny statement against the system by casting a third party vote --- which by definition of that state already being locked in means that 3P vote is going nowhere anyway.

Whether designed to or not the 'winner take all' aspect of the EC system ensures that no third party may ever challenge the Duopoly, which is why we've been stuck with it for a century and a half. I don't know why we all can't see that.

As someone described above a voter may detest candidate A but detest candidate B even more, leading them to vote for A solely to block B like a giant game of tic tac toe. That's not a good reason to vote for A but the Duopoly knows this and it completely removes their burden of running competent candidates and the whole thing becomes nothing more than a giant horse race the Duopoly wins every time.

And every four years we figure this out, and every four yeas we do nothing about it, and the next time around we do the same thing, expecting different results.

Fifty-five percent participation. That's atrocious. We shouldn't lie back and accept that.
Many months ago, I conversed with a poster here who went into great specifics about a movement to abolish the E.C. It is a real "thing," although it isn't getting much "airtime" anywhere. There's a petition and such.
The "tiny statement made by a 3P vote" is what got us that miserable Governor Paul LePage, most say; it is the reason the majority of voters now want ranked choice voting. The Independent Elliot Cutler got a significant % of votes that most likely would have gone to the Democrat. Why tf we gave LePage a second term is anyone's guess, but I believe it has something to do with a very weak Democratic candidate and the fact that LePage was less combative and irrational in his first term; the devil you know....
As LePage himself says, he was Trump before Trump was Trump. And it's true, but people didn't learn from our mistake.

Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

I dunno what it takes to fix that. I guess we'd have to elect a president who squeaked out an EC majority and then demonstrated what a disaster that choice was. That would serve as a daily reminder of how a demagogue could manipulate the system.

Hmmm.... :eusa_think:

The E.C. is far more democratic than the Representation in the Senate. Gonna "fix" that also? With one party states like California, where they're trying to LOCK UP the entire Democratic Process with hokey and devious election laws, The E.C. becomes FAR more important.

The E.C. is not the issue. NO one is winning races by huge margins. And the margins are gonna become FAR more complex as the party faithful numbers continue to fall. Neither Trump NOR Clinton got more favorable votes than the totals cast against them. UNLESS you're a closed minded drone that doesn't count ALL of votes cast against each candidate individually....
My you're a cantankerous fuck these last 24 hours aintchya.

If you'd care to put that post into English we can take it from there. If you're just here to score points --- piss off.
He IS. I thought at first he was drunk, but no change overnight, so probably not.
Nonetheless, you're condoning a valueless, contentless personal attack on a person simply because you disagree with their politics. I don't agree with many of FlaCalTenn's points either, but that doesn't mean I'll just cuss at him like Pogo did.

Coyote titled and started this thread to discuss how the excesses of political partisanship have devolved into violence. Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.
Many months ago, I conversed with a poster here who went into great specifics about a movement to abolish the E.C. It is a real "thing," although it isn't getting much "airtime" anywhere. There's a petition and such.
The "tiny statement made by a 3P vote" is what got us that miserable Governor Paul LePage, most say; it is the reason the majority of voters now want ranked choice voting. The Independent Elliot Cutler got a significant % of votes that most likely would have gone to the Democrat. Why tf we gave LePage a second term is anyone's guess, but I believe it has something to do with a very weak Democratic candidate and the fact that LePage was less combative and irrational in his first term; the devil you know....
As LePage himself says, he was Trump before Trump was Trump. And it's true, but people didn't learn from our mistake.

Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

I dunno what it takes to fix that. I guess we'd have to elect a president who squeaked out an EC majority and then demonstrated what a disaster that choice was. That would serve as a daily reminder of how a demagogue could manipulate the system.

Hmmm.... :eusa_think:

The E.C. is far more democratic than the Representation in the Senate. Gonna "fix" that also? With one party states like California, where they're trying to LOCK UP the entire Democratic Process with hokey and devious election laws, The E.C. becomes FAR more important.

The E.C. is not the issue. NO one is winning races by huge margins. And the margins are gonna become FAR more complex as the party faithful numbers continue to fall. Neither Trump NOR Clinton got more favorable votes than the totals cast against them. UNLESS you're a closed minded drone that doesn't count ALL of votes cast against each candidate individually....
My you're a cantankerous fuck these last 24 hours aintchya.

If you'd care to put that post into English we can take it from there. If you're just here to score points --- piss off.
He IS. I thought at first he was drunk, but no change overnight, so probably not.
Nonetheless, you're condoning a valueless, contentless personal attack on a person simply because you disagree with their politics. I don't agree with many of FlaCalTenn's points either, but that doesn't mean I'll just cuss at him like Pogo did.

Coyote titled and started this thread to discuss how the excesses of political partisanship have devolved into violence. Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.
Well, that certainly was not my intention. There was plenty of hostility flying in both directions yesterday, which is kind of unusual for FCT. Just an observation, not a declaration of war on anyone!
Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation.

No, it doesn't come up every four years, it comes up when Democrats lose an election because the are not graceful losers and have been brainwashed by their leaders they've been cheated somehow.

EVERY FOUR YEARS we have this discussion ---- whether you're actually listening to it or not is irrelevant.

It arises on that timetable because every four years is exactly when the Electoral College is at all relevant --- the six-week period between a Presidential election and the formal EC vote. The rest of the time --- it doesn't exist.

Again, whether you're paying attention at any particular quadrennial six-week discussion period based on whether or not it serves the interest of Numero Uno has no bearing whatsoever on the existence OF that discussion. This tired old "if I never heard of it, it doesn't exist" mentality is amusing but impotent.

I never hear or read anybody bringing it up when a Democrat wins. DumBama won twice and silence from the left.

"Silence from (insert side of political spectrum here)". ---- Fucking Borghead moron.

Again, the fact that Numero Uno isn't aware of it or isn't paying attention has no effect on its existence. Get over yourself already.
"A bit personal"? Excuse me, dd you just say "a bit personal" after the way you lied you ass off about me yesterday? And still haven't come up with any justification threof, A BIT PERSONAL??

Go sleep it off, Nutbag.
Tu quoque; a version of an Ad Hominem logical fallacy AKA the "You too!" fallacy.

Ad Hominem (Tu quoque)

In short, arguments like this go on forever. People like Pogo are like the Hatfield's and McCoys; they'll never, ever let anything go until all of their enemies are dead. It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.
Many months ago, I conversed with a poster here who went into great specifics about a movement to abolish the E.C. It is a real "thing," although it isn't getting much "airtime" anywhere. There's a petition and such.
The "tiny statement made by a 3P vote" is what got us that miserable Governor Paul LePage, most say; it is the reason the majority of voters now want ranked choice voting. The Independent Elliot Cutler got a significant % of votes that most likely would have gone to the Democrat. Why tf we gave LePage a second term is anyone's guess, but I believe it has something to do with a very weak Democratic candidate and the fact that LePage was less combative and irrational in his first term; the devil you know....
As LePage himself says, he was Trump before Trump was Trump. And it's true, but people didn't learn from our mistake.

Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

I dunno what it takes to fix that. I guess we'd have to elect a president who squeaked out an EC majority and then demonstrated what a disaster that choice was. That would serve as a daily reminder of how a demagogue could manipulate the system.

Hmmm.... :eusa_think:

The E.C. is far more democratic than the Representation in the Senate. Gonna "fix" that also? With one party states like California, where they're trying to LOCK UP the entire Democratic Process with hokey and devious election laws, The E.C. becomes FAR more important.

The E.C. is not the issue. NO one is winning races by huge margins. And the margins are gonna become FAR more complex as the party faithful numbers continue to fall. Neither Trump NOR Clinton got more favorable votes than the totals cast against them. UNLESS you're a closed minded drone that doesn't count ALL of votes cast against each candidate individually....
My you're a cantankerous fuck these last 24 hours aintchya.

If you'd care to put that post into English we can take it from there. If you're just here to score points --- piss off.
He IS. I thought at first he was drunk, but no change overnight, so probably not.
Nonetheless, you're condoning a valueless, contentless personal attack on a person simply because you disagree with their politics. I don't agree with many of FlaCalTenn's points either, but that doesn't mean I'll just cuss at him like Pogo did.

Coyote titled and started this thread to discuss how the excesses of political partisanship have devolved into violence. Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.

Hey look, I bite back. Anybody who sits here and posts lies about me is going to get the blowback he deserves. I don't take that shit lying down, PERIOD.

You want to wimp out if you're falsely accused, that's on you. I don't.
Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

I dunno what it takes to fix that. I guess we'd have to elect a president who squeaked out an EC majority and then demonstrated what a disaster that choice was. That would serve as a daily reminder of how a demagogue could manipulate the system.

Hmmm.... :eusa_think:

The E.C. is far more democratic than the Representation in the Senate. Gonna "fix" that also? With one party states like California, where they're trying to LOCK UP the entire Democratic Process with hokey and devious election laws, The E.C. becomes FAR more important.

The E.C. is not the issue. NO one is winning races by huge margins. And the margins are gonna become FAR more complex as the party faithful numbers continue to fall. Neither Trump NOR Clinton got more favorable votes than the totals cast against them. UNLESS you're a closed minded drone that doesn't count ALL of votes cast against each candidate individually....
My you're a cantankerous fuck these last 24 hours aintchya.

If you'd care to put that post into English we can take it from there. If you're just here to score points --- piss off.
He IS. I thought at first he was drunk, but no change overnight, so probably not.
Nonetheless, you're condoning a valueless, contentless personal attack on a person simply because you disagree with their politics. I don't agree with many of FlaCalTenn's points either, but that doesn't mean I'll just cuss at him like Pogo did.

Coyote titled and started this thread to discuss how the excesses of political partisanship have devolved into violence. Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.
Well, that certainly was not my intention. There was plenty of hostility flying in both directions yesterday, which is kind of unusual for FCT. Just an observation, not a declaration of war on anyone!
I didn't see yesterday's "hostility", but if people keep dragging it on forever, regardless of the thread, topic or forum, then 1) there's no reason to expect them to change a year from now...unless one's dead and 2) those who egg them are are as guilty as the preacher who egged on a back-shooting abortion doctor murderer in Pensacola, FL.
"A bit personal"? Excuse me, dd you just say "a bit personal" after the way you lied you ass off about me yesterday? And still haven't come up with any justification threof, A BIT PERSONAL??

Go sleep it off, Nutbag.
Tu quoque; a version of an Ad Hominem logical fallacy AKA the "You too!" fallacy.

Ad Hominem (Tu quoque)

That's referring to an argument. A false accusation is not making any kind of point. It doesn't apply..

You know what else it isn't? Any of your god damned business. You just said yourself you didn't even see it.
Hey look, I bite back. Anybody who sits here and posts lies about me is going to get the blowback he deserves. I don't take that shit lying down, PERIOD.

You want to wimp out if you're falsely accused, that's on you. I don't.
It looks to me, sir, like you're just biting. Your last comment is a good example of my point.

As for not taking "that shit lying down, PERIOD", I'm sure you've resorted to violence in the past and that you will do it again.
"A bit personal"? Excuse me, dd you just say "a bit personal" after the way you lied you ass off about me yesterday? And still haven't come up with any justification threof, A BIT PERSONAL??

Go sleep it off, Nutbag.
Tu quoque; a version of an Ad Hominem logical fallacy AKA the "You too!" fallacy.

Ad Hominem (Tu quoque)

In short, arguments like this go on forever. People like Pogo are like the Hatfield's and McCoys; they'll never, ever let anything go until all of their enemies are dead. It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.
I think you're way, way off on that one, bud. Pogo is one of the most thoughtful and reasonable posters here, but everyone has the right to lose their temper sometimes. FCT is usually pretty in control, too. I'm not in Junior High anymore, so I no longer carry the backup knife to protect my sister at the rumble. Let's not do teaming here. Let's hope both of these guys are feeling better in the morning.
That's referring to an argument. A false accusation is not making any kind of point. It doesn't apply..

You know what else it isn't? Any of your god damned business.
I think you're a powder keg waiting to explode on someone. Displaced Aggression is commonly referred to as "Kick the cat syndrome". You seem a likely candidate to have been arrested for domestic violence or assault.
I think you're way, way off on that one, bud. Pogo is one of the most thoughtful and reasonable posters here, but everyone has the right to lose their temper sometimes. FCT is usually pretty in control, too. I'm not in Junior High anymore, so I no longer carry the backup knife to protect my sister at the rumble. Let's not do teaming here. Let's hope both of these guys are feeling better in the morning.
I disagree, ma'm. He's obviously emotionally out of control now and, having witnessed many of his past posts, cannot agree with you that he's "one of the most thoughtful and reasonable posters here".

Agreed about not teaming here and that maybe they'll feel better in the morning.
Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence

It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.

Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.

No- YOU are the egger here -- you just accused two of us of being mass murderers, sticking your nose into some exchange you yourself admitted you didn't even see.

FYI I've never committed an act of violence in my life, but you're making a strong case for me to reconsider.
Now fuck off and go MYOB.

I hope the mods clean this shit up. Gadfly instigators like this are exactly the problem here.
"A bit personal"? Excuse me, dd you just say "a bit personal" after the way you lied you ass off about me yesterday? And still haven't come up with any justification threof, A BIT PERSONAL??

Go sleep it off, Nutbag.
Tu quoque; a version of an Ad Hominem logical fallacy AKA the "You too!" fallacy.

Ad Hominem (Tu quoque)

In short, arguments like this go on forever. People like Pogo are like the Hatfield's and McCoys; they'll never, ever let anything go until all of their enemies are dead. It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.
I think you're way, way off on that one, bud. Pogo is one of the most thoughtful and reasonable posters here, but everyone has the right to lose their temper sometimes. FCT is usually pretty in control, too. I'm not in Junior High anymore, so I no longer carry the backup knife to protect my sister at the rumble. Let's not do teaming here. Let's hope both of these guys are feeling better in the morning.

Thanks, you Maineiac. :)

Dodo wants me to sit down and shut up, exactly because I bring those thoughts. Apparently not here to contribute anything, just here to shut people up and start shit.

As in a previous example, he's a gadfly trying to play "let's you and him fight" just so he can watch. He's a parasite.
Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence

It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.

Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.

No- YOU are the egger here -- you just accused two of us of being mass murderers, sticking your nose into some exchange you yourself admitted you didn't even see.

FYI I've never committed an act of violence in my life, but you're making a strong case for me to reconsider.
Now fuck off and go MYOB.

I hope the mods clean this shit up. Gadfly instigators like this are exactly the problem here.
He's projecting, for some reason. Don't take it personally.
And here I was enjoying this thread.
Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence

It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.

Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.

No- YOU are the egger here -- you just accused two of us of being mass murderers, sticking your nose into some exchange you yourself admitted you didn't even see.

FYI I've never committed an act of violence in my life, but you're making a strong case for me to reconsider.
Now fuck off and go MYOB.

I hope the mods clean this shit up. Gadfly instigators like this are exactly the problem here.
He's projecting, for some reason. Don't take it personally.
And here I was enjoying this thread.

I know, right? It's certainly had moments of insight. Too bad trolls have to treat it like a toy.
I'm putting him on Ignore since he's got nothing to add. He can embarrass himself invisibly.
Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence

It wouldn't surprise me to read someone shot up a church or a Tea Party meeting and Pogo is never seen on this forum again.

Pogo's exemplifies the sort of person who'd commit violence and you, ma'm, are egging him on.

No- YOU are the egger here -- you just accused two of us of being mass murderers, sticking your nose into some exchange you yourself admitted you didn't even see.

FYI I've never committed an act of violence in my life, but you're making a strong case for me to reconsider.
Now fuck off and go MYOB.

I hope the mods clean this shit up. Gadfly instigators like this are exactly the problem here.
He's projecting, for some reason. Don't take it personally.
And here I was enjoying this thread.

I know, right? It's certainly had moments of insight. Too bad trolls have to treat it like a toy.
I'm putting him on Ignore since he's got nothing to add. He can embarrass himself invisibly.

Cheers, guy. Gotta go.
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