Holy crap - this has to stop!

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They skew the news too, and you know it, Pogo. Why do you always squirm like a worm?

Hey, why did you just conflate opinion with news? :dunno:

Do you really think I can't pull up 1/2 dozen times they have misconstrued the facts?


C'mon dude, I wrote a thread about it last year with multiple examples. It's common knowledge, for you to deny it

Oh good. I like mythbusting. Linkie?

is just you being contrary for contrariness' sake.

Is not. :disagree:

News is news; opinion is opinion. You can't prove a point about the former by using examples of the latter.

I never claimed the 1st post was news. Not running off on a goose chase for your sorry ass, either. :fu:

Uh huh. So you don't have one, and I was right.

Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

this whole "left and right" thing is only partly true.

the "left" worked with bush. that is why we got the iraq resolution and no child left behind, etc.

it was only after the black guy got elected president that the insane right, led by the filthy mcconnel upped the ante and cultivated their nutty wingers who only want politicians who are the political equivalent of internet trolls.
Because they are part of the United States. Some people disagree with him? Oh well, that's part of the job.

Why shouldn't they reach out to him and demand of their own to halt the violence and destruction?

A Year of Hate: 9 Times the Radicalized Left Engaged in Violence in the Trump Era
by ALEX CLARK 18 Jun 2017

Wednesday’s attempted baseball massacre by alleged shooter James Hodgkinson appears to be just the latest in a series of violent outbursts from the Left. Here’s a list of just some of those incidents to highlight a boiling climate of hate that has amplified dramatically during the 2016 election and Donald Trump’s presidency.

1. Protesters Attack Trump Supporters Outside a Rally in San Jose, California

A Year of Hate: 9 Times the Radicalized Left Engaged in Violence in the Trump Era - Breitbart
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Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

this whole "left and right" thing is only partly true.

the "left" worked with bush. that is why we got the iraq resolution and no child left behind, etc.

it was only after the black guy got elected president that the insane right, led by the filthy mcconnel upped the ante and cultivated their nutty wingers who only want politicians who are the political equivalent of internet trolls.

Of course, because it couldn't be that DumBama didn't work with the Republicans, it was the Republicans couldn't work with DumBama.

It's never the Democrats fault. Never, never, ever, ever.
Because they are part of the United States. Some people disagree with him? Oh well, that's part of the job.

Why shouldn't they reach out to him and demand of their own to halt the violence and destruction?

A Year of Hate: 9 Times the Radicalized Left Engaged in Violence in the Trump Era
by ALEX CLARK 18 Jun 2017

Wednesday’s attempted baseball massacre by alleged shooter James Hodgkinson appears to be just the latest in a series of violent outbursts from the Left. Here’s a list of just some of those incidents to highlight a boiling climate of hate that has amplified dramatically during the 2016 election and Donald Trump’s presidency.

1. Protesters Attack Trump Supporters Outside a Rally in San Jose, California

A Year of Hate: 9 Times the Radicalized Left Engaged in Violence in the Trump Era - Breitbart

It's not their job to reach out to HIM. It's his job, as leader, to unify and represent the entire country.
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
Well then you should KNOW that Saudi Arabia has the EXACT SAME defacto "muslim ban" as Trump has proposed. Several other Arab states have posted "their muslim bans" publicly. The latest being Kuwait who lists the same group of states included the Trump travel ban. They must be Islamophobes --- huh???

Ah, yes, Saudi Arabia, that beacon of human rights enlightenment...Let's compare the US to SA....

You're right. But you're wrong. Saudi needs a spanking. Not embraces and hugs from a long chain of Amer. leaders. But we're NOT gonna change them. And shouldn't TRY to change them.

You're wrong if you thought I brought up their "Islamphobic" Muslim ban because I was praising their honor in any way. And you just want to brush it off -- because that DESTROYS your mantra about "Muslim bans".. Not cool to be caught in those conflicts and hypocrisies just to SUPPORT your Blue Team. Better to understand what the issue is REALLY about. The Arabs understand it. And THEY know it's not a "Muslim ban" or Islamphobic to limit migration from those war zones without ABSOLUTE knowledge of the applicants. Are we STUPIDER than they are?
I use Google as a search engine. I don't have an FB account or a news feed or anything else, just USMB and going to links from here. I occasionally google a topic raised here just to see if it's true. So would Google have an idea of what I want to hear? That's pretty messed up, but one day when I requested pics of a snarling dog, I was getting cute puppies, mostly. Do people not take pictures of snarling dogs (I wouldn't, I'd be running the other way) but it did seem weird. Does Google know (or think they know) I'm all sweetness and light and don't really want to see snarling dogs?

Why would you boast about your ignorance of current events? Most folks here, both right and left seem to do at least a rudimentary amount of reading even if it is their own views.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
This is Obama's legacy.
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.
A comedian having the bad taste to use Trumps severed head as a skit rightfully provoked mass outrage and disgust.

But multiple instances of Obama effigies, of a lynched strung up negro man, something with powerful historic symbolism, did not.

This hate and and anger isn't new, it's been building. But as long as it gets justified nothing will change.

It used to be unthinkable to portray a president in these ways.

On the Trump play....I think it's only crime is bad timing. It was an attempt to portray the current political crisis as analogous to Julius Caesar. I have not seen it but that is the impression I get. A bit like Piss Christ, if you read what the artists INTENT was. I think this play is being used as a device now to stoke further outrage, and like the lefts demonstrations against Milo speaking at universities, the right has crashed, disrupted and protested productions.

I'm a fairly well-informed news junkie. In all honesty, I did not see any representations of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama as having been lynched. Some far left publications did caricatures of the couple but nothing outrageous. Yes, I'm certain a Bing search will find many but they never hit the mainstream like the tramp Kathy Griffin. There was also no feature, award-winning movie about the assassination of George Bush.
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.

I think he did hijack it...they did NOT want him...emphatically...and his win for candidate was a sucker punch.
You're right. But you're wrong. Saudi needs a spanking. Not embraces and hugs from a long chain of Amer. leaders. But we're NOT gonna change them. And shouldn't TRY to change them.

You're wrong if you thought I brought up their "Islamphobic" Muslim ban because I was praising their honor in any way. And you just want to brush it off -- because that DESTROYS your mantra about "Muslim bans".. Not cool to be caught in those conflicts and hypocrisies just to SUPPORT your Blue Team. Better to understand what the issue is REALLY about. The Arabs understand it. And THEY know it's not a "Muslim ban" or Islamphobic to limit migration from those war zones without ABSOLUTE knowledge of the applicants. Are we STUPIDER than they are?

Dunno. How stupid do you have to be to always be supporting a regime that funds 2000 fundie madrasses. So you shouldn't change SA, but you should change Iran? WTF is the difference?
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.

I think he did hijack it...they did NOT want him...emphatically...and his win for candidate was a sucker punch.
Agreed his nomination was a punch to the gut of the RNC but still disagreed about hijacking.

Hijacking means taking by force. Trump won by votes. If anything it was the majority of Republican members who hijacked control of the party away from the ruling elite. Too bad the Democrat voters couldn't do that to their party, eh?
A comedian having the bad taste to use Trumps severed head as a skit rightfully provoked mass outrage and disgust.

But multiple instances of Obama effigies, of a lynched strung up negro man, something with powerful historic symbolism, did not.

This hate and and anger isn't new, it's been building. But as long as it gets justified nothing will change.

It used to be unthinkable to portray a president in these ways.

On the Trump play....I think it's only crime is bad timing. It was an attempt to portray the current political crisis as analogous to Julius Caesar. I have not seen it but that is the impression I get. A bit like Piss Christ, if you read what the artists INTENT was. I think this play is being used as a device now to stoke further outrage, and like the lefts demonstrations against Milo speaking at universities, the right has crashed, disrupted and protested productions.

I'm a fairly well-informed news junkie. In all honesty, I did not see any representations of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama as having been lynched. Some far left publications did caricatures of the couple but nothing outrageous. Yes, I'm certain a Bing search will find many but they never hit the mainstream like the tramp Kathy Griffin. There was also no feature, award-winning movie about the assassination of George Bush.

I saw effigies of Obama hanging in a noose hit mainstream news because they were pretty awful. What Griffin did (and she's just a comedian) was also beyond the pale. I think the Obama effigies should have been condemned as strongly as what Griffin did. I don't see any difference there. I hate to think what Trump's young son thought when he saw that, or what Obama's young daughters though also. Pretty aweful stuff.
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.

I think he did hijack it...they did NOT want him...emphatically...and his win for candidate was a sucker punch.

True, but on the other hand they didn't have to accept him just because he won primaries.

They didn't do it in 1912.
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.

What MAKES him "a Republican"? Has he written any policy that truly Conservative? He said several times that the US should leverage with MORE debt.

He cut down every one of the 16 candidates --- one by one -- with one liners and insults. Didn't NEED party support or money. He Hijacked them. At best -- he's an Indie candidate. He just LEASED the GOP and put the mgt into his servitude.

Similar deal over at the DNC. It was dynasty time. No need to encourage 17 Dems on a stage competing on the basis of abiility, leadership, honesty, etc..

Both parties are HUGELY fractured. That's why "the resistance" is now turning into a hot war. Because THEY are losing the duopoly franchise. AND they're desperate....
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