Holy Shit..now SEVEN WOMEN~Biden says he’ll adjust his physical behavior as three more women show up

Alright Uncle Perv. Just because every family has one doesn’t mean the country needs one running it.
He and others caused this. For power. You can love Gloria Steinem and others but she is worthless as an individual and has played her part in diminishing our nation. But she is rich today. Oy vey...I do not know why!
I'll go WAY out on a limb here and say there is just the TINIEST little possibility that this JUST MAY have JUST A BIT to do with who CERTAIN people MAY be supporting and voting for in the Democratic primaries.

Just maybe. Not sure. Not claiming anything. Don't look at me. I didn't say anything.


You guys support a pussy grabbing sexual aasaulter with 19 women saying he assaulted them. A man known to walk purposefully into rooms of naked teenage girls when in his 50's to sneak a peek. A man cheating on his wife with pornos. Then there is Biden with not one woman claiming an unwanted sexual advance.

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He certainly has been damage by this, and the fact that he came out and said he is going to "change" is an admission of guilt. He may be toast. Reports are that even though he is apologetic publicly he is "seething" and throwing a huge hiss fit behind closed doors. I'll bet he is, and the anger is directed at Bernie Sanders.
We have to listen and believe every single one of these women.

Biden will be spending more time locked up than Hillary.
It's hard to argue that the issue was irrelevant at the time, and that it's only emerging now because Biden is considering a run for president. It's not as if he were an obscure figure at the time these incidents occurred. He was the vice president of the United States.

The only thing that's changed is Biden's opponents. Had the media scrutinized Biden's behavior back then, it would have benefited Republicans and caused headaches for the Obama administration. Now, however, Biden's opponents are a dozen or more Democrats. Given that he's been consistently on top of polls for the 2020 Democratic nomination, all of the rival camps are gunning for him, and hoping to destroy his candidacy before it even gets off the launch pad.

So, it's entirely predictable that the media are suddenly focusing on Biden's touching problem now, even while acknowledging that it was an open secret for years.

Should Biden go on to win the Democratic nomination, expect the media to go back to suddenly not caring about this issue.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...
It's a vetting process. They have to air the skeletons NOW, before these weaknesses are revealed in the general.

They should probably deal with the fact that Kamala Harris is an Anchor baby NOW before it is too late as well. . . . I can't believe they are ignoring this, especially RIGHT NOW?! :20:
I don't buy it.

Look at the woman who crawled out of the woodwork when Trump ran for POTUS. They also magically appeared when Kavanagh was being processed for the SC.

Someone is running another shit show and I hope they find out who.
Where is be the Lib’rals?
Remember, Biden has not officially announced yet. What Bernie and whomever else is behind this wants to convince him to not even bother. It's working. I am not saying Biden isn't guilty of being creepy, and touching little girls and women inappropriately, but why is this coming out now? The timing tells the entire story, and those that are benefiting from it are entirely other Democrats like Bernie.
I don't buy it.

Look at the woman who crawled out of the woodwork when Trump ran for POTUS. They also magically appeared when Kavanagh was being processed for the SC.

Someone is running another shit show and I hope they find out who.
The stories seem legit but at the same time they seem completely harmless.
We're taking this shit to absurd levels.

Being a bit creepy is not sexual assault and it certainly isn't a crime.
Remember, Biden has not officially announced yet. What Bernie and whomever else is behind this wants to convince him to not even bother. It's working. I am not saying Biden isn't guilty of being creepy, and touching little girls and women inappropriately, but why is this coming out now? The timing tells the entire story, and those that are benefiting from it are entirely other Democrats like Bernie.
Yep. These are ugly times in politics, from one end to the other.
Kamala Harris is an Anchor bab

Why does this matter?

Hint: it doesn't. She is an American citizen.

The fact that she fucked and sucked her way into power is an issue as well as her wacked out progressive positions.

Focus on what matters if you want traction not the shit no one cares about.
JoJo NEVER going to live this down...even Kavanaugh only had 4 DemonRAT women make accusations!!!!

Biden addressed critics in a video posted to Twitter as three additional women told The Washington Post on Wednesday about encounters with him that made them feel uncomfortable. Their stories bring the total number of people who have expressed concerns about alleged interactions with Biden to seven.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com

Time to move on to phase 2, bring out the children!!!

Isn't that what got him into trouble in the first place?? ...Kamaltoe and Fauxahontas must be WET over these new allegations!!!
Has he hit 16 yet?
JoJo NEVER going to live this down...even Kavanaugh only had 4 DemonRAT women make accusations!!!!

Biden addressed critics in a video posted to Twitter as three additional women told The Washington Post on Wednesday about encounters with him that made them feel uncomfortable. Their stories bring the total number of people who have expressed concerns about alleged interactions with Biden to seven.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com

Time to move on to phase 2, bring out the children!!!

Isn't that what got him into trouble in the first place?? ...Kamaltoe and Fauxahontas must be WET over these new allegations!!!
Has he hit 16 yet?
If he runs he likely will. That how this bullshit goes now.

I don't think he will run. Why would anyone put their families though this garbage. Running for office has almost become a blood sport at this point.
Facts be damned let's judge based on 100% emotions...

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