Holy Shit..now SEVEN WOMEN~Biden says he’ll adjust his physical behavior as three more women show up

JoJo NEVER going to live this down...even Kavanaugh only had 4 DemonRAT women make accusations!!!!

Biden addressed critics in a video posted to Twitter as three additional women told The Washington Post on Wednesday about encounters with him that made them feel uncomfortable. Their stories bring the total number of people who have expressed concerns about alleged interactions with Biden to seven.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com

Time to move on to phase 2, bring out the children!!!

Isn't that what got him into trouble in the first place?? ...Kamaltoe and Fauxahontas must be WET over these new allegations!!!
Has he hit 16 yet?
Well since Trumps accusers were also all DemonRAT women....ROTFLMFAO!

As were Roy Moores, Herman Caines, and Judge Kav's accusers....HMMMM!
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His racism concerns me more than the accusations. Yes he likes to touch women, but... so what. The age of the women he likes to touch rises some additional concerns, but his racism towards Americans still is what sinks the boat.

On the other hand, he is still a much better candidate than the fake Indian. If they run her, it will be a blast.
Kamala Harris is an Anchor bab

Why does this matter?

Hint: it doesn't. She is an American citizen.

The fact that she fucked and sucked her way into power is an issue as well as her wacked out progressive positions.

Focus on what matters if you want traction not the shit no one cares about.

It matters because most Americans believe she shouldn't be a citizen, let alone the president. As she shouldn't be.
Friday morning, The New York Times ran a story pointing out Biden’s inconsistent record on abortion, and his public struggles earlier in his career to reconcile his Catholicism with being pro-choice. Biden, of course, hasn’t been talking much about his record on abortion rights because that would require campaigning, which he won’t do.
Does anyone think if Herman Cain, Brett Kavanaugh, or President Trump held a press conference and declared, "Ok - I see your point about unwanted sexual advances - I GET IT - I CAN / WILL CHANGE" anyone on the Left would have said / say, 'That makes it all better" like some are trying to do with Joe?

Joe Biden touched my shoulders
Donald Trump grabbed my pussy and forced his tongue down my throat

This is going to be an interesting election
Does anyone think if Herman Cain, Brett Kavanaugh, or President Trump held a press conference and declared, "Ok - I see your point about unwanted sexual advances - I GET IT - I CAN / WILL CHANGE" anyone on the Left would have said / say, 'That makes it all better" like some are trying to do with Joe?


It's only an admission of guilt.
You know, I tell myself, Biden is of another era, when women actually liked compliments and touchy, feely...
But then again, I find some of what he has done as rather creepy.
it's the sniff thing. if he didn't look like he was trying to lick them like a lolly pop, maybe it would be a bit more normal. but that is fking creeeeeeeepy as hell.
Gotta love Conservatives

Couldn’t wait to approve Kavanaugh who was accused of sexual assault

But they are outraged that Biden kissed the back of a woman’s head
Gotta love Conservatives

Couldn’t wait to approve Kavanaugh who was accused of sexual assault

But they are outraged that Biden kissed the back of a woman’s head
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by women that had never met him. Biden has been grabbing and sniffing women for decades. There are hundreds of photographs of Biden getting handsey. Democrats have always known this. Democrats have made up their collective minds that the nominee this time will not be a white man. There's no outrage. Just curiosity as to why Biden was encouraged to run.

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