Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

Damn that tommy tarifart, I knew he was problem poster! Wales bastard!

Tommy will have to buy extra strength Immodium AD. Wales as far as I know voted Leave. Trying to get that result at the Guardian.

ETA: Bingo! Wales voted Leave.
Once again we see the inherent failings of democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be subject to a ‘referendum’ and a ‘simple majority,’ allowing fear, bigotry, and stupidity to decide the matter rather than facts and reason.
Right. In America it would be decided by bribery and lobbyists.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Your avatar is funny as shit :laugh:
Take England back!!! British independence!!! God Bless the Queen!


BBC reporting a "Remain" campaign source is saying they think it's all but over and "Leave" will win. Many parts of England that were predicted to be 52% "Remain" turned out 51% "Leave".

People are tired of the open border nonsense.

Nationalism is dawning again.


Yes, I keep my fingers crossed for my Patriotic British friends.

European Patriots want this so much for our British friends.
Your country of Austria? Will it leave too?

This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...
9.8M out.....9.5M stay

The Leave side is now exactly 600,000 votes ahead.
Hopefully your home country will bote the same soon enough. What a great day!

Yes my party, the FPÖ, our leader Heinz-Christian Strache has said if Britain votes Leave, then Austria wants out also, we so want our British friends to take CONTROL of their OWN nation.
God willing, I hope this vote gives the austrian people the courage to vote for the best for their nation. Breaking the hold political correctness has had on your country as well as most of the West.
This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...
The EU has already stated they will negotiate a "fee trade agreement" with the UK if they leave. So your argument is moot.
9.8M out.....9.5M stay

The Leave side is now exactly 600,000 votes ahead.
Hopefully your home country will bote the same soon enough. What a great day!

Yes my party, the FPÖ, our leader Heinz-Christian Strache has said if Britain votes Leave, then Austria wants out also, we so want our British friends to take CONTROL of their OWN nation.

This is such an important moment in time. Lucy, I believe if Leave wins your world will change as will all of ours. For the better. For sanity. For sovereignty. For the rights of people not to be ruled by Brussels.

I'm really praying over here. :)

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