Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

9.8M out.....9.5M stay

The Leave side is now exactly 600,000 votes ahead.
Hopefully your home country will bote the same soon enough. What a great day!

Yes my party, the FPÖ, our leader Heinz-Christian Strache has said if Britain votes Leave, then Austria wants out also, we so want our British friends to take CONTROL of their OWN nation.

This is such an important moment in time. Lucy, I believe if Leave wins your world will change as will all of ours. For the better. For sanity. For sovereignty. For the rights of people not to be ruled by Brussels.

I'm really praying over here. :)

We can work together, our nations work together, for the best for our peoples and our respective nations.

We also have the bigger picture, that's our CONTINUED fight to destroy the fucking EU.

Fuck The EU, Long Live Europa!
'Brexit': 'Leave' camp widens lead with 70% of votes counted
Jane Onyanga-Omara, and Kim Hjelmgaard, USA TODAY
7 minutes ago

LONDON — The British pound fell to a 31-year low as the "leave" camp appeared to be on course to win a dramatic and historic referendum on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union.

With more 70% of votes counted, the "leave" side was ahead by about half a million votes.


The Manchester Town Hall is the setting for the national count in the EU referendum, in Manchester, Britain, June 23. 2016.
Results from the British referendum — also known as "Brexit" — are still too incomplete to draw any solid conclusions. There were 118 districts still to declare with "leave" holding 51.3% of the votes counted and "remain" at 48.7%.

The British currency initially soared to a 2016 peak of $1.50 amid signs that "remain" was winning the day, but then moved lower with losses accelerating. It fell from $1.50 to below $1.35 as results suggested a strong possibility the U.K. would vote to quit the bloc.

Asian stock markets proved volatile as well, with Tokyo stocks and U.S. futures plunging as early vote results showed a tight race.

Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independence Party said that "dawn was breaking on an independent U.K." He is not an official member of the "leave" campaign, but supports an exit from the bloc. Earlier in the evening he said he thought the "remain" side would "edge it."
This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...

STFU Pro-Globalisation man whore.

BBC reporting a "Remain" campaign source is saying they think it's all but over and "Leave" will win. Many parts of England that were predicted to be 52% "Remain" turned out 51% "Leave".

People are tired of the open border nonsense.

Nationalism is dawning again.


Yes, I keep my fingers crossed for my Patriotic British friends.

European Patriots want this so much for our British friends.
Your country of Austria? Will it leave too?

We're going to try to yes.
9.8M out.....9.5M stay

The Leave side is now exactly 600,000 votes ahead.
Hopefully your home country will bote the same soon enough. What a great day!

Yes my party, the FPÖ, our leader Heinz-Christian Strache has said if Britain votes Leave, then Austria wants out also, we so want our British friends to take CONTROL of their OWN nation.

This is such an important moment in time. Lucy, I believe if Leave wins your world will change as will all of ours. For the better. For sanity. For sovereignty. For the rights of people not to be ruled by Brussels.

I'm really praying over here. :)

We can work together, our nations work together, for the best for our peoples and our respective nations.

We also have the bigger picture, that's our CONTINUED fight to destroy the fucking EU.

Fuck The EU, Long Live Europa!

The EU must be absolutely and irrevocably destroyed forever. What madness this institution has wrought. I was reading that the tipping point for many in Britain was the potential inclusion of Turkey and the proposal of an EU Army. That sent cold chills down my spine.

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