Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain



Nationalism is returning to the west! A beautiful day it is when globalism takes a major hit. I think PM Cameron is going to have to resign... He probably will want to anyway. This is going to be messy.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

It's mathematically impossible for the Remain to now win.

Birmingham UK's SECOND biggest city has voted to Leave and only 7 London areas left to declare.

It's now over, UK has voted to LEAVE the EU.

Nearly One Million votes ahead now.


I can see England being its own entity. I'm sure they'll survive not being responsible for Greece. And when England can't say no to the president or euro government. I'd rather be my own independent boss.
Reporter in Brussels-They are calling for 2'years of negotiations to leave
Markets Jolted Worldwide as Brexit Votes Pile Up; Yen, Gold Jump

Global markets buckled, with stocks plunging from Tokyo to London and Chicago, after results from Britain’s referendum on membership of the European Union put the "Leave" campaign ahead. The pound fell the most on record, while haven assets jumped.

Sterling tumbled as much as 9.5 percent, the euro slid by the most since it was introduced in 1999 and the yen surged to its strongest level since 2013. South Africa’s rand led losses among the currencies of commodity-exporting nations, sliding more than 5 percent as oil sank below $48 a barrel and industrial metals slumped. Gold soared with U.S. Treasuries as investors piled into haven assets. Futures on the FTSE 100 Index plunged with S&P 500 Index contracts as benchmark stock gauges slid across Asia.
Cardiff in Wales voted heavy to stay in....101K-60K

Wales has voted to LEAVE THE EU, 52% 48% ha ha ha ha.
What's with the Scotts voting to stay? Is this about Braveheart with them?

From what I gather it's this strange twist on independence. The leadership believed it was wrong for Great Britain to be the deciding vote to take Scotland out of the EU. Very garbled logic.


The polling said Stay was likely to win. I have my doubts and think Britain is fed up being dictated to by Eurocrats. If the market tanks tomorrow it will be a great buying opportunity.

They say a lot of Scotland votes are coming in late and they are more pro-stay....so this thing might turn quickly at the end.

Scotland as a whole I read has voted 64% to Remain in EU, it's not enough.

This now means that pretty much only London can do damage to Leave, and London is going to have to have a massive Remain vote, something between 75%-80%.

This is a glimmer of hope for Europe.

If England closes it's borders to the invaders....they'll flood in greater numbers to France and Germany. And THOSE citizens will demand it stops.

The domino effect of this will be fantastic.

Obama will take the overflow of refugees even if he has to use our entire air force and navy to get them here asap.
The Leave side is now exactly 600,000 votes ahead.
Hopefully your home country will bote the same soon enough. What a great day!

Yes my party, the FPÖ, our leader Heinz-Christian Strache has said if Britain votes Leave, then Austria wants out also, we so want our British friends to take CONTROL of their OWN nation.

This is such an important moment in time. Lucy, I believe if Leave wins your world will change as will all of ours. For the better. For sanity. For sovereignty. For the rights of people not to be ruled by Brussels.

I'm really praying over here. :)

We can work together, our nations work together, for the best for our peoples and our respective nations.

We also have the bigger picture, that's our CONTINUED fight to destroy the fucking EU.

Fuck The EU, Long Live Europa!

The EU must be absolutely and irrevocably destroyed forever. What madness this institution has wrought. I was reading that the tipping point for many in Britain was the potential inclusion of Turkey and the proposal of an EU Army. That sent cold chills down my spine.

Yes to EVERYTHING you comment.
Not sure it's the best timing, but it's definitely a kick to globalist testicles.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

It's mathematically impossible for the Remain to now win.

Birmingham UK's SECOND biggest city has voted to Leave and only 7 London areas left to declare.

It's now over, UK has voted to LEAVE the EU.

Nearly One Million votes ahead now.


I can see England being its own entity. I'm sure they'll survive not being responsible for Greece. And when England can't say no to the president or euro government. I'd rather be my own independent boss.

The British will survive, just like ALL of us will survive when we ALL get out of the EU, to remain in the EU means our nations being destroyed by Globalisation and Mass Immigration against the wishes of our peoples.
Scotland voted to remain as well as a firm majority in Northern Ireland, while Wales and England seem substantially decided to leave.

And dont count the Corporate Crony network out yet; there are still plenty of ballot boxes to stuff as of yet.

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