Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

Cardiff in Wales voted heavy to stay in....101K-60K

Wales has voted to LEAVE THE EU, 52% 48% ha ha ha ha.
What's with the Scotts voting to stay? Is this about Braveheart with them?

From what I gather it's this strange twist on independence. The leadership believed it was wrong for Great Britain to be the deciding vote to take Scotland out of the EU. Very garbled logic.

Here it is, exactly One Million votes ahead.



View attachment 79230 View attachment 79231
Okay Bucs. Let's not go overboard on the Redcoat paintings. We are Americans after all.

They are our allies. If they hadn't been such tax loving bitches in the 1700s we'd still be with them.

But....they've been a loyal friend the past 100 years and they....like us....are being invaded by hordes of violent immigrants.

They need Captain Simcoe to clean it up

Whoooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo! I think we can call today Independence Day for our friends in Britain! This is big. Really big.

I want to hear the lamentations of the Merkel.


View attachment 79230 View attachment 79231
Okay Bucs. Let's not go overboard on the Redcoat paintings. We are Americans after all.

They are our allies. If they hadn't been such tax loving bitches in the 1700s we'd still be with them.

But....they've been a loyal friend the past 100 years and they....like us....are being invaded by hordes of violent immigrants.

They need Captain Simcoe to clean it up

View attachment 79239
Bring back General Gage.
This could signify the end of the European Union as a whole. A failed experiment that "big wigs" loved, but their people hated.

Now, what does this do to world currency? I see the DOW (futures) is already down 600. Today will be interesting for the "swells" on Wall and Broad.....
Note also the Remain vote failed by about a 4% margin, which is a pretty strong loss for them and a win for the Euroskpetics despite saying the Remain vote was 7% ahead less than a week ago in polls, which were utterly bullshit to persuade the weak minded.

Nice cheerleading Europeans getting out of union, but we still have an impending TPP alliance to deal with if hillary becomes prez.
So....now all the Muslims staying in England with passports from Greece or Turkey....can be kicked the fuck out!!!

Hey Merkel....open wide bitch....Old England has some camel jockeys coming your way!!
Referendum of the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union
Last updated Jun 23 at 10:07 PM
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
29.6% Reporting
Remain a member of the European Union
Leave the European Union

"Stay" is gaining ground. Dang it.
Damn it.
Whoooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo! I think we can call today Independence Day for our friends in Britain! This is big. Really big.

I want to hear the lamentations of the Merkel.


I felt Britain would vote to Leave the EU. This is because all of my English friends, not one of them said they were voting to Remain, even friends I've got who are solid Labour voters were saying they were voting to Leave, I knew then that the Leave side would win.

Also the side that went the heaviest for Leave was actually the heavy Labour areas in England.
Whoooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo! I think we can call today Independence Day for our friends in Britain! This is big. Really big.

I want to hear the lamentations of the Merkel.


I felt Britain would vote to Leave the EU. This is because all of my English friends, not one of them said they were voting to Remain, even friends I've got who are solid Labour voters were saying they were voting to Leave, I knew then that the Leave side would win.
Let's not speak so soon. Don't want to jinx the outcome.
obama has made some pretty serious threats to Britain. He will likely have something to say.

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