Home Depot Seeks Corporate Welfare While Workers Get Stiffed


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
You see there is a hole in the gound on the Home Depot property next to the cemetery where Frank Little and a lot of dead Butte union miners from the Speculator - Granite Mountain disaster are buried under a monument erected in 1917..

And the hole needs a patch before Home Deport can build a its 2,165th box store and parking lot on this spot. And that patch job is going to cost $2 million and Home Depot wants Butte-Silver Bow County to split the cost with them and it looks like a done deal..

So I looked to see what Home Depot was capped at on the New York Stock Exchange and they tell me its $75,630 million dollars. So then I think What if a guy come up to you and asked you for a buck even though he had $75,630 in his wallet. Now you might think that is a little strange.

But I guess that is the way they do things at Home Depot and from what I have been finding out, at the top of the Home Depot totem pole, there are some life styles that burn up a lot of money.

Now Home Depot had a CEO who recently moved on to Chrysler. His name is Robert Nardelli and he was hired by co-founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank in 2000 and a good deal that was for the new CEO whose annual pay at Home Depot was $26 million plus perks..And when Nardelli left in January after five years on the job, his going away package was - now get this - $210 million.

Then there is co-founder Arthur Blank who shelled out $545 million for the Atlanta Falcons football team in 2001. And the other co-founder, Bernie Marcus is pumping $200 million into a downtown Atlanta Aquarium to further promote Bernie's benevolent image..

And besides the life styles there are the politics. And people in the Democratic stronghold of Butte might be interested in that union hating Home Depot is part and parcel of the Republican Party money machine.

From my inquiry I can see that the most glorious event in the history of Home Depot took place in Atlanta on a Sunday afternoon in May, 2004. In his private gym, CEO Nardelli, along with the two Home Depot co-founders, hosted a very pricey dinner for George Bush with 300 chosen guests.The dinner itself cost $15,000 a plate and seats at Bush's table went for an additional $50,000 a couple.The three hour gathering earned the Bush campaign a "phenomenal" $3.4 million. The state GOP chairman called it "the largest private fund-raiser in the history of the state of Georgia."

Now to add to the Republican flavor here I will mention that former Home Depot CEO Nordelli, who was just appointed CEO at Chrysler, is one more example of how the Corporate Republican good old boy network, which has all but ruined the country, really works.

You see Chrysler has been recently taken over by a hedge fund outfit called Cerberus Capital Management. John Snow, formerly Bush's treasury secretary is CEO there. And Snow is the guy who led the country into record deficits while pushing for more tax cuts

Better yet, former Vice-President Dan Quayle, a certified neo-conservative war monger, is Cerberus' chairman of global investments. I am not kidding, the same Dan Quayle of potato spelling fame has a real hiigh-profile job at the place and I swear I am not making up a tale..Also neo-con royalty Donald Rumsfeld is an investor in Cerberus which requires a $1 million buy in.

And there's more. The current CEO at Home Depot,.Francis Blake, was formerly the deputy energy secretary in Bush's first term. And remember Tom Ridge the Homeland Security guy who specialized in color coded alerts.. After leaving Homeland Security, Ridge was appointed to the board of directors at Home Depot.

And we can't forget Ashley's Story which was part of the big Republican TV spending spree during the last three weeks of the 2004 campaign. And Ashley's Story" turned out to be the most expensive TV ad buy of the campaign, which blanketed nine key states -- Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Missouri. Many give it credit for Bush's win over John Kerry.

Jackie Corr: Home Depot Comes to Butte
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You see there is a hole in the gound on the Home Depot property next to the cemetery where Frank Little and a lot of dead Butte union miners from the Speculator - Granite Mountain disaster are buried under a monument erected in 1917..

And the hole needs a patch before Home Deport can build a its 2,165th box store and parking lot on this spot. And that patch job is going to cost $2 million and Home Depot wants Butte-Silver Bow County to split the cost with them and it looks like a done deal..

So I looked to see what Home Depot was capped at on the New York Stock Exchange and they tell me its $75,630 million dollars. So then I think What if a guy come up to you and asked you for a buck even though he had $75,630 in his wallet. Now you might think that is a little strange.

But I guess that is the way they do things at Home Depot and from what I have been finding out, at the top of the Home Depot totem pole, there are some life styles that burn up a lot of money.

Now Home Depot had a CEO who recently moved on to Chrysler. His name is Robert Nardelli and he was hired by co-founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank in 2000 and a good deal that was for the new CEO whose annual pay at Home Depot was $26 million plus perks..And when Nardelli left in January after five years on the job, his going away package was - now get this - $210 million.

Then there is co-founder Arthur Blank who shelled out $545 million for the Atlanta Falcons football team in 2001. And the other co-founder, Bernie Marcus is pumping $200 million into a downtown Atlanta Aquarium to further promote Bernie's benevolent image..

And besides the life styles there are the politics. And people in the Democratic stronghold of Butte might be interested in that union hating Home Depot is part and parcel of the Republican Party money machine.

From my inquiry I can see that the most glorious event in the history of Home Depot took place in Atlanta on a Sunday afternoon in May, 2004. In his private gym, CEO Nardelli, along with the two Home Depot co-founders, hosted a very pricey dinner for George Bush with 300 chosen guests.The dinner itself cost $15,000 a plate and seats at Bush's table went for an additional $50,000 a couple.The three hour gathering earned the Bush campaign a "phenomenal" $3.4 million. The state GOP chairman called it "the largest private fund-raiser in the history of the state of Georgia."

Now to add to the Republican flavor here I will mention that former Home Depot CEO Nordelli, who was just appointed CEO at Chrysler, is one more example of how the Corporate Republican good old boy network, which has all but ruined the country, really works.

You see Chrysler has been recently taken over by a hedge fund outfit called Cerberus Capital Management. John Snow, formerly Bush's treasury secretary is CEO there. And Snow is the guy who led the country into record deficits while pushing for more tax cuts

Better yet, former Vice-President Dan Quayle, a certified neo-conservative war monger, is Cerberus' chairman of global investments. I am not kidding, the same Dan Quayle of potato spelling fame has a real hiigh-profile job at the place and I swear I am not making up a tale..Also neo-con royalty Donald Rumsfeld is an investor in Cerberus which requires a $1 million buy in.

And there's more. The current CEO at Home Depot,.Francis Blake, was formerly the deputy energy secretary in Bush's first term. And remember Tom Ridge the Homeland Security guy who specialized in color coded alerts.. After leaving Homeland Security, Ridge was appointed to the board of directors at Home Depot.

And we can't forget Ashley's Story which was part of the big Republican TV spending spree during the last three weeks of the 2004 campaign. And Ashley's Story" turned out to be the most expensive TV ad buy of the campaign, which blanketed nine key states -- Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Missouri. Many give it credit for Bush's win over John Kerry.

Jackie Corr: Home Depot Comes to Butte

its called negotiation, not welfare. if the municipality doesn't want to do the deal, they can tell Home Depot to pound sand and get the hell out.

Businesses are supposed to be profitable, and to do that they should try to get the best deal possible. If the town doesn't like it, Home Depot will build somewhere else.
Giving free rides on the backs of taxpayers is welfare. if you read the article this deal is laced with Republican bribery.
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Giving free rides on the backs of taxpayers is welfare. if you read the article this deal is laced with Republican bribery.

all I see is a political hack with an axe to grind. What caused the hole? Is it due to any action by the previous owners or even the town itself? instead he goes on a typical screed about how evil corporations are. nevermind it will create jobs, and those jobs will have people pay taxes, and the store will generate sales taxes, and the land will generate property taxes. how long do you think it will take the government to recoup the $1M cost?

Again, if they don't want to fix the hole, they dont have to pay, and Home Depot can leave.

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