Home From School: The Children of Carlisle

Over 500 boarding schools. Over 10,000 children murdered.
Remind me again what makes America great for all people.

Because America didn't exterminate entire peoples, like every other country on the planet you ignorant boob.
American history is full of examples of this.
Oh yeah?

Give us some examples in American history, where the American Christian people of this nation, participated in the genocide of women and children, by the tens of thousands. . . . .

I see it just fine.

Do your own research.
There was an old saying, connected to these native boarding schools, and the philosophy of integrating the natives to American culture. . . “kill the Indian, save the man.”

So, with that said, if your definition of "genocide," is the same as 1948 Genocide Convention, which specifically states;

" . . . in its definition of genocide the separation of children from families with the intention to destroy the identity of a group, in part or in whole. To the extent to which the boarding schools were specifically designed to “kill the Indian, save the man,” their assimilationist ambitions were explicitly genocidal."

Then? Only in such context can America's policy toward the native population be considered genocidal, yes, I have no quarrel with you.

However, let's not be absurd, or go to extremes here. The history is bad enough, without lying and fabricating about it. There were no mass murders, and no intentions to kill masses of children. We do a grave disservice to the victims of this history, by lying about what happened. There is no need to make up lies and by creating a distortion of our joint history.

What is needed now is healing and not more agitation & division.

The native American community served in our armed forces, and defended America, in a greater percentage as a goup, than any other ethnic group in this nation. They are as much, nay, more a part of the fabric of this nation as all others.

stahp already.
Why are we still not treated as equals?
I have no idea, I ask that question myself, often.

Native culture is the background for American culture, yet, it is treated abysmally IMO.

The Founding Fathers’ consultation with the Iroquois​


Why are we still not treated as equals?

We are, moron. Native Americans who choose to be failures will be. But you have to CHOOSE to do that.

You fake Indians though, I despise you and your theft of my culture for your infantile desires.
By whom?

U.S.–Native American treaties​

"From 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes;[25] all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the U.S. government,[26][27][28][29] with Native Americans and First Nations peoples still fighting for their treaty rights in federal courts and at the United Nations.[27][30]. . . "
I have no idea, I ask that question myself, often.

Native culture is the background for American culture, yet, it is treated abysmally IMO.

The Founding Fathers’ consultation with the Iroquois​

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The sins of the past that were committed against the various tribes were truly horrendous.

However, over the last 50 years the only people holding anybody back are the race hustlers who make money by continuing the idea that Native Americans are helpless.

They aren't.

And they are waking up to the fact that they have been held down, and taken advantage of, by those who claimed to be helping them.

U.S.–Native American treaties​

"From 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes;[25] all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the U.S. government,[26][27][28][29] with Native Americans and First Nations peoples still fighting for their treaty rights in federal courts and at the United Nations.[27][30]. . . "

"why are we still not treated as equals" implies currently.
But thanks for the history lesson.
"why are we still not treated as equals" implies currently.
But thanks for the history lesson.
That's true.

Everything the Deep State is doing to Trump, they already did to Leonard Peltier. The left had said a long while ago, that the establishment would do what ever it wanted to assert its power, but no one listened when they offed MLK and JFK.

Now that shit is coming home to roost. The Deep State doesn't give two shits about partisan politics, only its own power.

It treats everyone that threatens its power like dog shit, don't it? :dunno:

The sins of the past that were committed against the various tribes were truly horrendous.

However, over the last 50 years the only people holding anybody back are the race hustlers who make money by continuing the idea that Native Americans are helpless.

They aren't.

And they are waking up to the fact that they have been held down, and taken advantage of, by those who claimed to be helping them.
The corporate banks, the institutional investors, and the establishment that robbed those nations? It hasn't changed.

Those are the same folks that are attacking Trump now.

Wise up.
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Indians had a tough time under a series of biased and corrupt administrations in the late 19th century. Too bad it took more than 125 years to get a book published about it.
The corporate banks, the institutional investors, and the establishment that robbed those nations? It hasn't changed.

Those are the same folks that are attacking Trump now.

Wise up.

The Native Americans have figured out how to play the white man's game. Why do you think Vegas is hurting? Indian casinos have taken a huge bite out of Nevadas gaming take.

Now the big casinos are buying into the Indian casinos.

And the swamp, at the behest of the corporations that have bought them, have been at war against the middle class for decades.

We are simply in the endgame.

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