Homeless Isaac Victim: Romney Told Me To 'Go Home And Call 211'

Bush did almost the exact same thing after Katrina, and he was president. I believe it was Mississippi Bush was touring. Someone came up to Bush and asked about assistance. Bush seemed a little bewildered by the question and said that he was pretty sure there was a Red Cross near by that the person could go to and get assistance. I could not believe he had just said that but then again by that time not much was beginning to surprise me about Bush. Romney has the same mindset. Unless it is someone like himself the just can't relate to someone else's pain.

Romney is campaigning... He isn't passing out Government Cheese to disaster victims.
I'm beginning to think that Hurricane Isaac was very desirable to Democrats... Anything to keep attention off Obama's horrendous record.

Yeah, he got that 211 number hooked up and declared the state a disaster area.
I'm beginning to think that Hurricane Isaac was very desirable to Democrats... Anything to keep attention off Obama's horrendous record.

Yeah, he got that 211 number hooked up and declared the state a disaster area.

I'm looking forward to hearing about all the Romney Mormon donations to Isaac victims.

Also, I wonder if Ryan will try to hold up disaster relief in the House - like he's done in the past?
oh dear, I forgot to get my panite in a bunch over this faux outrage of the day

Wow, Romie, you're doing a heck of a job! Bet they were sure glad you came!

What would you have him do? He isn't the President, and last I checked isn't in charge of relief efforts. You really are a dim bulb.

So why is he there, wasting people's time? Oh right, he's pandering for votes.
Wow, Romie, you're doing a heck of a job! Bet they were sure glad you came!

What would you have him do? He isn't the President, and last I checked isn't in charge of relief efforts. You really are a dim bulb.

So why is he there, wasting people's time? Oh right, he's pandering for votes.

the same thing obama does when he goes, the same you all accused Bush of doing
Wow, Romie, you're doing a heck of a job! Bet they were sure glad you came!

What would you have him do? He isn't the President, and last I checked isn't in charge of relief efforts. You really are a dim bulb.

So why is he there, wasting people's time? Oh right, he's pandering for votes.

A full 72 hours before Barack begins his pandering.
Wow, Romie, you're doing a heck of a job! Bet they were sure glad you came!

What would you have him do? He isn't the President, and last I checked isn't in charge of relief efforts. You really are a dim bulb.

So why is he there, wasting people's time? Oh right, he's pandering for votes.

As If Romney could ever do the right thing on your eyes. You Bitched about him "Partying the Night before the Storm" Now you Bitch because he went to Tour the Damage, But if he didn't go you would Bitch about that too. Catching the Theme yet?

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Mr. Romney let the cat out of the bag yesterday, when he misspoke and called our country "a company."

No mere slip of the tongue. It is a mindset, a way of life.

It follows that the American people, at least the little ones, are employees--with luck, working only for minimum wage with no benefits and, for Pete's sake, no unions to make the first two less likely.

Thus, telling this woman to go home and phone 211 makes perfect sense. Romney too used government subsidies and loopholes at Bain whenever he could find them. Only a stupid man turns down resources, for Pete's sake.

Only thing, the woman had better make that phone call soon. If Romney is elected, that emergency number and resources behind it, will be disconnected. Only the little people need such resources. The others live on hills, well above the floodwaters.

Romney. He's running for president, for Pete's sake.

good post :)
but, Mittens is a great leader, he knows how to tell people to ask for govt. help.
Ah, yes...another day and another Lakhota HuffPo piece!

Gee, guys...if HuffPo says it's true...it MUST be true because as we all know, The Huffington Post is one of the most unbiased news sources out there!!!

Seriously...why waste board space on this meaningless pap? We have serious issues to address in this country and you're reading the freakin' Huffington Post and quoting it like it MEANS something?
More distracting.

Unemployment for Blacks has shot up to about 15% since Obama took office. FIFTEEN PERCENT!

Isn't that more important? Why do Obama and the MSM hate black people?

According to RWers, blacks don't work and are all on welfare, for, ahem, income redistribution.
Ah, yes...another day and another Lakhota HuffPo piece!

Gee, guys...if HuffPo says it's true...it MUST be true because as we all know, The Huffington Post is one of the most unbiased news sources out there!!!

Seriously...why waste board space on this meaningless pap? We have serious issues to address in this country and you're reading the freakin' Huffington Post and quoting it like it MEANS something?

yes, like the rights love of beirbert.

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