Homeless Isaac Victim: Romney Told Me To 'Go Home And Call 211'

Romney is in over his head. He should go home and call 211.
Mr. Romney let the cat out of the bag yesterday, when he misspoke and called our country "a company."

No mere slip of the tongue. It is a mindset, a way of life.

It follows that the American people, at least the little ones, are employees--with luck, working only for minimum wage with no benefits and, for Pete's sake, no unions to make the first two less likely.

Thus, telling this woman to go home and phone 211 makes perfect sense. Romney too used government subsidies and loopholes at Bain whenever he could find them. Only a stupid man turns down resources, for Pete's sake.

Only thing, the woman had better make that phone call soon. If Romney is elected, that emergency number and resources behind it, will be disconnected. Only the little people need such resources. The others live on hills, well above the floodwaters.

Romney. He's running for president, for Pete's sake.

good post :)

I'm sure if Obama had been there he would of given the person some of his money...oh wait, he would of offered to give him OUR MONEY

good post:lol:
Mr. Romney let the cat out of the bag yesterday, when he misspoke and called our country "a company."

No mere slip of the tongue. It is a mindset, a way of life.

It follows that the American people, at least the little ones, are employees--with luck, working only for minimum wage with no benefits and, for Pete's sake, no unions to make the first two less likely.

Thus, telling this woman to go home and phone 211 makes perfect sense. Romney too used government subsidies and loopholes at Bain whenever he could find them. Only a stupid man turns down resources, for Pete's sake.

Only thing, the woman had better make that phone call soon. If Romney is elected, that emergency number and resources behind it, will be disconnected. Only the little people need such resources. The others live on hills, well above the floodwaters.

Romney. He's running for president, for Pete's sake.

good post :)

I'm sure if Obama had been there he would of given the person some of his money...oh wait, he would of offered to give him OUR MONEY

good post:lol:

and if it were you asking for help, you would turn it down, since it's our money?
Ah, yes...another day and another Lakhota HuffPo piece!

Gee, guys...if HuffPo says it's true...it MUST be true because as we all know, The Huffington Post is one of the most unbiased news sources out there!!!

Seriously...why waste board space on this meaningless pap? We have serious issues to address in this country and you're reading the freakin' Huffington Post and quoting it like it MEANS something?

yes, like the rights love of beirbert.

Let's play a little game, Moonie. We'll total up how many times progressives here cite The Huffington Post and then we'll total up how many times conservatives cite Andrew Breitbart's site. I'm predicting right now that we're going to have about a 20 to 1 ratio of HuffPo's to Breitbart's. Care to take me up on that?
Why are you trying to deflect from the subject?

This "go home and call 211" was Mitten's admission that government works. And in this case, FEMA is running smoothly under Obama.

The "go home" bit was just asinine.
Ah, yes...another day and another Lakhota HuffPo piece!

Gee, guys...if HuffPo says it's true...it MUST be true because as we all know, The Huffington Post is one of the most unbiased news sources out there!!!

Seriously...why waste board space on this meaningless pap? We have serious issues to address in this country and you're reading the freakin' Huffington Post and quoting it like it MEANS something?

Another wingnut too stupid to realize it was an AP article.
Ah, yes...another day and another Lakhota HuffPo piece!

Gee, guys...if HuffPo says it's true...it MUST be true because as we all know, The Huffington Post is one of the most unbiased news sources out there!!!

Seriously...why waste board space on this meaningless pap? We have serious issues to address in this country and you're reading the freakin' Huffington Post and quoting it like it MEANS something?

yes, like the rights love of beirbert.

Let's play a little game, Moonie. We'll total up how many times progressives here cite The Huffington Post and then we'll total up how many times conservatives cite Andrew Breitbart's site. I'm predicting right now that we're going to have about a 20 to 1 ratio of HuffPo's to Breitbart's. Care to take me up on that?

HuffPo usually provides proof and sources; Breitbart just makes shit up.
Mr. Romney let the cat out of the bag yesterday, when he misspoke and called our country "a company."

No mere slip of the tongue. It is a mindset, a way of life.

It follows that the American people, at least the little ones, are employees--with luck, working only for minimum wage with no benefits and, for Pete's sake, no unions to make the first two less likely.

Thus, telling this woman to go home and phone 211 makes perfect sense. Romney too used government subsidies and loopholes at Bain whenever he could find them. Only a stupid man turns down resources, for Pete's sake.

Only thing, the woman had better make that phone call soon. If Romney is elected, that emergency number and resources behind it, will be disconnected. Only the little people need such resources. The others live on hills, well above the floodwaters.

Romney. He's running for president, for Pete's sake.

good post :)

I'm sure if Obama had been there he would of given the person some of his money...oh wait, he would of offered to give him OUR MONEY

good post:lol:

Obama isn't the one going around claiming that government doesn't work and then telling people to call the government for help. In this case, Jindal took the cake for hypocrisy.

But nice speculative strawman you manufactured. You have no idea how Obama would handle something like this. You're quite a clown.
Sigh, yet another liberal unsubstaniate post. How about this, let's stick to facts we know to be true? Like the 8+ unemployment, the price of gasoline, and the national debt. Or maybe who runs this board could start another section for just things like what you posted. Should get a lot of unicorn posts.
Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac’s flooding.

“He just told me to, um, there’s assistance out there,” Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. “He said, go home and call 211.” That’s a public service number offered in many states.

Mitt Romney tells woman who lost her home in Hurricane Isaac to call 211 | Tea Baggers Of America

The Associated Press: Romney starts fall campaign visiting storm victims
So if I understand this correctly, the conservatives are refusing to believe this story simply because they believe the source unreliable? How convenient.

I'd be willing to bet that if this same source reported that Obama told this unfortunate woman the same thing, it'd be another roasting session. What's even more amusing is that it would be the liberals denying the source.

2 sides of the same coin lol.
Did he steal Mittens cell phone and call or do the Nazi's already have him surrounded by The Whispering Meatheads ?

hey Gordo?....how come you never talk about Costa Rica Politics?.....do they have a General or a Civilian in charge down there?.....what happens if you speak out against them?.....can you yell at El Presidante that he is an asshole without going to prison?....there.... there is a few questions you can answer for all of us.....
From the comments below the article:

You lost your home so go home and call someone for help.

That's like telling someone with Alzheimer's to go and shop around for the least expensive medical care.


When did the Republicans become so anti American? Government is at the core of how the American community comes together and how we take care of each other. We have control over our government through our "unsuppressed votes". And Republicans want to end that? I'm speechless.

its also like telling you Dean to help the White folks out down there......
Homeless Isaac Victim: Romney Told Me To 'Go Home And Call 211'

Romney saying that still boggles my mind - telling the woman to go home, to submerged home, and call 211 - the government.

Gee, why aren't Romney and the Mormon church helping those flood victims?

if Romney did ....dipshits like you and Dean and "TruthTellsLies" would say that he is doing it to buy votes......he is not sincere........am i right?....

Feel free to use if you like!

Woman following Romney's instructions as she searches for her submerged home and telephone to call 211 for government help.
So if I understand this correctly, the conservatives are refusing to believe this story simply because they believe the source unreliable? How convenient.

I'd be willing to bet that if this same source reported that Obama told this unfortunate woman the same thing, it'd be another roasting session. What's even more amusing is that it would be the liberals denying the source.

2 sides of the same coin lol.

The morons won't even admit that this was not a Huffington Post story, but an AP reported story. You're argument doesn't make much sense in context.
Sigh, yet another liberal unsubstaniate post. How about this, let's stick to facts we know to be true? Like the 8+ unemployment, the price of gasoline, and the national debt. Or maybe who runs this board could start another section for just things like what you posted. Should get a lot of unicorn posts.

Anything linked from Huff Po is a joke. The only sources the left wing nutbars use are HP Mother Jones and Media Matters.

And then they have the gall to turn around and with great disdain diss Fox News.


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