Homeless Isaac Victim: Romney Told Me To 'Go Home And Call 211'

Mitt has tons of money.

he could help people with his money.

Remember money is speach and you and he dont want the government to help people.

Time to prove big money will fill the void

I remember Ed Schultz flying to New Orleans after Katrina, and bringing back two families and helping them get started again. Romney doesn't seem to give a shit about the victims of this storm.
Admiral thing for Mitt to do.

He's showing the people that when he's president, he'll be there for them.
Homeless Isaac Victim: Romney Told Me To 'Go Home And Call 211'

Romney saying that still boggles my mind - telling the woman to go home, to submerged home, and call 211 - the government.

Gee, why aren't Romney and the Mormon church helping those flood victims?
Yep, just ask the gov't for assistance. The very same gov't that I've been telling you doesn't work.
luddly.neddite wrote:
Why did Mittens bother to go there? So he could look good.

What does he do?

Tells a homeless woman to go HOME and call 911.

To be fair to mitt, how was he to know that she doesn't have as many homes and phones as he does?

More excuses for this jackass? Bring 'em on, idiots.

What would you have had him do? What do you think Obama would have done?
Mitt has tons of money.

he could help people with his money.

Remember money is speach and you and he dont want the government to help people.

Time to prove big money will fill the void

And HOW DO YOU KNOW he did not DONATE TO RED CROSS AND SALVATION ARMY . And that is where they TELL US TO DONATE TOO. If he would have helped the guy he would have been painted as a rich guy that can pull out his check book at a drop of a hat. If he does this then he is heartless. Man cant win with you guys
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the final leg of his quest for the White House by visiting storm-battered Louisiana on Friday. He drove through a town that was flooded by Hurricane Isaac in part because it's still outside the vast flooding protection system built with federal funds after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac's flooding.

"He just told me to, um, there's assistance out there," Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. "He said, go home and call 211." That's a public service number offered in many states.​

More: Mitt Romney To Flood Victim: 'Go Home And Call 211'

Another 10 cents for Shitting Bull...
If she were paralyzed, Joe Biden would ask her to walk to the nearest phone.
Ok, so let me get this straight...

After hours of meeting with victims of the flooding and hurricane...something Obama hasn't done yet, because he's campaigning...

A victim asked Romney what she should do about the damages to her home, how its effecting her life, etc....and he told her something to the effect of:

There are programs available to help you. Please call the assistance line where professionals who know EXACTLY which supports you might qualify for and how to get you the help you need far better than I do will be able to help you.

And you have a problem with that answer?????

It seems to me that its just about the perfect answer. He didn't tell her that maybe she should have bought a home in a hurricane/flooding zone. He didn't try to play hero by writing her a check - which would have been read as patronizing and ridiculous by the media. He offered her reasonable, effective advice on how and where to look for the support that is in place to assist her.

In other words, some jack-off Liberal is taking what Romney said and spinning it to make it sound like he doesn't care. What a shocker.
poor hysterical Lakhota, you should get off the Internet...too many visits to the left wing sites is making you look insane
so, Ap considers this National news eh? 211, come on people we aren't that stupid

All the Lamestream media has become a JOKE right up there with the Hufferpost
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More distracting.

Unemployment for Blacks has shot up to about 15% since Obama took office. FIFTEEN PERCENT!

Isn't that more important? Why do Obama and the MSM hate black people?
I'm beginning to think that Hurricane Isaac was very desirable to Democrats... Anything to keep attention off Obama's horrendous record.
I'm beginning to think that Hurricane Isaac was very desirable to Democrats... Anything to keep attention off Obama's horrendous record.

any disaster will do for them and especially if folks died..they then USE them for their twisted agenda

it's a sickness with them
Bush did almost the exact same thing after Katrina, and he was president. I believe it was Mississippi Bush was touring. Someone came up to Bush and asked about assistance. Bush seemed a little bewildered by the question and said that he was pretty sure there was a Red Cross near by that the person could go to and get assistance. I could not believe he had just said that but then again by that time not much was beginning to surprise me about Bush. Romney has the same mindset. Unless it is someone like himself the just can't relate to someone else's pain.
Bush did almost the exact same thing after Katrina, and he was president. I believe it was Mississippi Bush was touring. Someone came up to Bush and asked about assistance. Bush seemed a little bewildered by the question and said that he was pretty sure there was a Red Cross near by that the person could go to and get assistance. I could not believe he had just said that but then again by that time not much was beginning to surprise me about Bush. Romney has the same mindset. Unless it is someone like himself the just can't relate to someone else's pain.

my point proven

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