Homo kid throws hissy fit after his commencement speech cancelled

I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
The valedictorian speech is supposed to be about the future for ALL graduates. It is not an exploration of their personal self discovery.
A guest speaker at graduation generally addresses life after graduation. A valedictorian speech is general a more personal speech where the speaker shares experiences in school, successes and failures and what they have learned.

Suppose a valedictorian gave a speech on the heterosexuality instead- I wouldn't think that would be appropriate either.
I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
I don't think homosexuals discuss or display their bedroom behavior as much as heterosexuals. For every one scene in a movie showing gay sex their are hundreds showing heterosexual sex. Maybe you haven't noticed but holding hands, hugging, and kissing is not considered bedroom behavior these days.
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The valedictorian speech is supposed to be about the future for ALL graduates. It is not an exploration of their personal self discovery.
A guest speaker at graduation generally addresses life after graduation. A valedictorian speech is general a more personal speech where the speaker shares experiences in school, successes and failures and what they have learned.

Suppose a valedictorian gave a speech on the heterosexuality instead- I wouldn't think that would be appropriate either.
The young man's speech was about the obstacles he had to overcome in dealing with his homosexuality in high school. Such would not be the case for a heterosexual student since heterosexuality is the norm.

Most valedictorian speeches tend to be personal and are usually about the student's experiences in high school, successes and failures, sad and happy moments. Key note speeches are the one's students sleep through as someone three times their age drolls on about god and country and the great future ahead that awaits the youth of today.
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I didn't read from your link any mention of "take it in the caboose." Time and again folks on USMB point out your obsession with this.

I did read this, however.

"Meanwhile, depending on the translation, the Bible mentions ‘love’ over 500 times. I sincerely believe that the next generation of Christians will eradicate homophobia in the church and proclaim God’s love to the LGBT community.”
That could happen but it goes against their religion. The bible is clear about homosexuality
Jesus never mentioned it.

Saul does mention it and there is that truly weird story of Lot, but there has to be a million things more important were a person to simply pick up the N.T and read Jesus' words.

Now, I do think that the pendulum has swung too far in regards to baking caked and whatnot, but I see no real reason for Christians to make such a huge deal about it in the first place.
I didn't read from your link any mention of "take it in the caboose." Time and again folks on USMB point out your obsession with this.

I did read this, however.

"Meanwhile, depending on the translation, the Bible mentions ‘love’ over 500 times. I sincerely believe that the next generation of Christians will eradicate homophobia in the church and proclaim God’s love to the LGBT community.”
That could happen but it goes against their religion. The bible is clear about homosexuality
Jesus never mentioned it.

Saul does mention it and there is that truly weird story of Lot, but there has to be a million things more important were a person to simply pick up the N.T and read Jesus' words.

Now, I do think that the pendulum has swung too far in regards to baking caked and whatnot, but I see no real reason for Christians to make such a huge deal about it in the first place.
Homosexuality has always been tolerated throughout history provide it was hidden in the closet. The same was true of the mentally retarded, the disfigured, those with mental illness, children born out wedlock, etc. Over a century ago, we began to accept the idea that there was nothing wrong with being different. Even today, many people have a problem with that.
I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
I don't think homosexuals discuss or display their bedroom behavior as much as heterosexuals. For every one scene in a movie showing gay sex their are hundreds showing heterosexual sex. Maybe you haven't noticed but holding hands, hugging, and kissing is not considered bedroom behavior these days.
You missed the point, but..ok.

And he was so jonesing to practice his opening address for The Democrat National Convention!
I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
I don't think homosexuals discuss or display their bedroom behavior as much as heterosexuals. For every one scene in a movie showing gay sex their are hundreds showing heterosexual sex. Maybe you haven't noticed but holding hands, hugging, and kissing is not considered bedroom behavior these days.
You missed the point, but..ok.
No I see your point. You find it disturbing that homosexuals display their affections in public like heterosexuals. This is your problem not theirs.
What makes a teenager think that the other kids and their families want to hear about his sexual escapades in High School at commencement exercises?

In a situation like this, little Johnny's Uncle Casimir and Aunt Ruth really don't want to hear how the classmate of their nephew likes to take it in the caboose. Yet, on the other hand, due to the nature of this kind of event, leaving is very problematic too.

The school was smart here, but then it was a private school.

High School Valedictorian: School Axed My Commencement Speech Because I Wrote About Being Gay — WATCH - Towleroad Gay News

Summa y'all sure work yerselves up into a froth over what somebody else is doing with their own sex life.

I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
I don't think homosexuals discuss or display their bedroom behavior as much as heterosexuals. For every one scene in a movie showing gay sex their are hundreds showing heterosexual sex. Maybe you haven't noticed but holding hands, hugging, and kissing is not considered bedroom behavior these days.
You missed the point, but..ok.
No I see your point. You find it disturbing that homosexuals display their affections in public like heterosexuals. This is your problem not theirs.
Wrong. I don't like any kind of sexual display from anyone. And I mean SEXUAL. Not holding hands or a light peck on the cheek or hugging....as you so conveniently tried to suggest that I said which I didn't. This also includes heterosexuals. I guess I am old fashioned. Stuff that goes above and beyond public displays of that is not something I want to see. From anyone. Period. I also don't see why they demand we accept it. Yes, DEMAND. Not all, but many. And at parades...why be tacky and sleazy? What does that do for them? Nothing, but make people pull away. And that is what I was saying to begin with, but you chose to see it differently what I said. Which is your problem, not mine.



What exactly is the purpose of this behavior? Why do people take their kids to such an event??
It's gross and disgusting IN PUBLIC. Period. And if you see nothing wrong with this...something is wrong with you.
Such displays are personal and private between the two people who love each other...whether it is man man or woman woman or man woman. It is not for public display. So their message is lost due to the antics of some truly warped individuals.
I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
I don't think homosexuals discuss or display their bedroom behavior as much as heterosexuals. For every one scene in a movie showing gay sex their are hundreds showing heterosexual sex. Maybe you haven't noticed but holding hands, hugging, and kissing is not considered bedroom behavior these days.
You missed the point, but..ok.
No I see your point. You find it disturbing that homosexuals display their affections in public like heterosexuals. This is your problem not theirs.
Wrong. I don't like any kind of sexual display from anyone. And I mean SEXUAL. Not holding hands or a light peck on the cheek or hugging....as you so conveniently tried to suggest that I said which I didn't. This also includes heterosexuals. I guess I am old fashioned. Stuff that goes above and beyond public displays of that is not something I want to see. From anyone. Period. I also don't see why they demand we accept it. Yes, DEMAND. Not all, but many. And at parades...why be tacky and sleazy? What does that do for them? Nothing, but make people pull away. And that is what I was saying to begin with, but you chose to see it differently what I said. Which is your problem, not mine.
Accept what? To do the same things heterosexuals do in public? If you don't like what they do at Gay Pride parades, don't go.

I'm sure you'd like to see them go back in the closet so you can pretend they don't exist but that's not going to happen.
I still can't get past the "need" for gays to talk about their private bedroom behavior...even if not in the bedroom. Hold your honey's hand, hug, kiss....do what all do that are in love. But why the need to make it a big deal with speeches, parades, etc???
I don't think homosexuals discuss or display their bedroom behavior as much as heterosexuals. For every one scene in a movie showing gay sex their are hundreds showing heterosexual sex. Maybe you haven't noticed but holding hands, hugging, and kissing is not considered bedroom behavior these days.
You missed the point, but..ok.
No I see your point. You find it disturbing that homosexuals display their affections in public like heterosexuals. This is your problem not theirs.
Wrong. I don't like any kind of sexual display from anyone. And I mean SEXUAL. Not holding hands or a light peck on the cheek or hugging....as you so conveniently tried to suggest that I said which I didn't. This also includes heterosexuals. I guess I am old fashioned. Stuff that goes above and beyond public displays of that is not something I want to see. From anyone. Period. I also don't see why they demand we accept it. Yes, DEMAND. Not all, but many. And at parades...why be tacky and sleazy? What does that do for them? Nothing, but make people pull away. And that is what I was saying to begin with, but you chose to see it differently what I said. Which is your problem, not mine.
Accept what? To do the same things heterosexuals do in public? If you don't like what they do at Gay Pride parades, don't go.

I'm sure you'd like to see them go back in the closet so you can pretend they don't exist but that's not going to happen.
You can stay in the closet or come out of it, Flopper. I really don't care.



What exactly is the purpose of this behavior? Why do people take their kids to such an event??
It's gross and disgusting IN PUBLIC. Period. And if you see nothing wrong with this...something is wrong with you.
Such displays are personal and private between the two people who love each other...whether it is man man or woman woman or man woman. It is not for public display. So their message is lost due to the antics of some truly warped individuals.
The purpose pride parades is to send out the message to gay people still in the closet that there is a place in which you can be openly be gay, even flamboyantly so, without fear. This seems like a simple message, and if you are not yourself part of this community it would be easy to undervalue it.

It is important to understand that even today many homosexuals grow up in communities and families that lack tolerance and understanding for who they are. Coming out of the closet, carries with it the fear of being disowned by friends and family. In this context many homosexual youths, begin to feel that they will never be able to be who they are. This is a significant contributor to the horrifying rate of suicide and depression among homosexual teens.

The parades are a loud and vibrant demonstration that not all places share the close minded and bigoted views that these kids are growing up with. It shows them that if they can deal with the stress for a few years they will be able to move to another place and finally be able to be who they are and expect to be accepted for it. This is a huge light at the end of the tunnel for many people who are currently experiencing immense self hatred and suffering. This is easily worth any of the backlash that occurs, especially when you factor that much of that backlash is actually only from people who never would have supported gay rights in the first place.

One of the misconceptions is that Pride is inherently sexual. It’s definitely not. While some Pride parades and festivities highlight freedom of sexual expression, Pride is not an inherently sexual event. Most Pride festivals have community guidelines in order to keep Pride parades and festivals acceptable for all ages. These guidelines often include dress codes, where and when alcohol can be consumed, and if there are any adult-only events. Generally the web sites about pride make it very clear as what to expect so parents can judge for themselves.



What exactly is the purpose of this behavior? Why do people take their kids to such an event??
It's gross and disgusting IN PUBLIC. Period. And if you see nothing wrong with this...something is wrong with you.
Such displays are personal and private between the two people who love each other...whether it is man man or woman woman or man woman. It is not for public display. So their message is lost due to the antics of some truly warped individuals.
The purpose pride parades is to send out the message to gay people still in the closet that there is a place in which you can be openly be gay, even flamboyantly so, without fear. This seems like a simple message, and if you are not yourself part of this community it would be easy to undervalue it.

It is important to understand that even today many homosexuals grow up in communities and families that lack tolerance and understanding for who they are. Coming out of the closet, carries with it the fear of being disowned by friends and family. In this context many homosexual youths, begin to feel that they will never be able to be who they are. This is a significant contributor to the horrifying rate of suicide and depression among homosexual teens.

The parades are a loud and vibrant demonstration that not all places share the close minded and bigoted views that these kids are growing up with. It shows them that if they can deal with the stress for a few years they will be able to move to another place and finally be able to be who they are and expect to be accepted for it. This is a huge light at the end of the tunnel for many people who are currently experiencing immense self hatred and suffering. This is easily worth any of the backlash that occurs, especially when you factor that much of that backlash is actually only from people who never would have supported gay rights in the first place.

One of the misconceptions is that Pride is inherently sexual. It’s definitely not. While some Pride parades and festivities highlight freedom of sexual expression, Pride is not an inherently sexual event. Most Pride festivals have community guidelines in order to keep Pride parades and festivals acceptable for all ages. These guidelines often include dress codes, where and when alcohol can be consumed, and if there are any adult-only events. Generally the web sites about pride make it very clear as what to expect so parents can judge for themselves.

Oh, I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement. They are "loud and proud" and demonstrative when they are given a public forum/platform. In 1998, I took off a day during the week in late August before school started to take my kids to Six Flags figuring that the wait time for rides wouldn't be so bad. I just so happened to take them there on "Six Flags Gay Day". It was disgusting and it taught me that "lewdness laws" didn't apply for these freaks. I had to drive my kids home and we got bathing suits to go to "Wet n Wild" but only after I called to make sure that it wasn't "Queer Day" there as well. Save me the "preachy bullshit" about being close-minded or that I am "homophobic". I wouldn't want to see lewd, public displays of affection between straights where children will be either. Queers do not practice modesty anywhere they congregate en masse. Why we even put up with this shit simply tells me that we have allowed this by not standing up to condemn it.
What makes a teenager think that the other kids and their families want to hear about his sexual escapades in High School at commencement exercises?

In a situation like this, little Johnny's Uncle Casimir and Aunt Ruth really don't want to hear how the classmate of their nephew likes to take it in the caboose. Yet, on the other hand, due to the nature of this kind of event, leaving is very problematic too.

The school was smart here, but then it was a private school.

High School Valedictorian: School Axed My Commencement Speech Because I Wrote About Being Gay — WATCH - Towleroad Gay News

If the speech was about sex, I bet it got pulled. No one, well most of the parents and the administration, wanted to hear from the head cheerleader about her experiences with it in her caboose either.

Do you see a difference in his caboose vs hers?
There was nothing in his speech about his sexual escapades.

What the school probably found objectionable is the overtly political and combative nature of the speech. He could have found a way to talk about being gay without the finger pointing.
Apparently you don't get it, mikey. You and your USMB Troll Buddies. You don't make the rules anymore. Squeal like a Chinese over stuffed pig. mikey likes Froot Loops.
We never did make the rules, we do however live under the ones stated in the bill of rights. Liberals don't.
No never cease to amase , mikey. You don't Own the Bill of Tights. We Do.
Burn traitor.

Already have. And in case you have forgotten,

  1. a student, typically having the highest academic achievements of the class, who delivers the valedictory at a graduation ceremony.

This smart, educated young man is going to be alright.

You may be right. The kid is only 17 or 18, he certainly has time to turn his life around. Wouldn't it be cool if he successfully decided to switch orientations, and become as straight as the day is long? And then denounced sodomy?

Wouldn't that show a lot of courage?
Turn his life around- spoken like a true knuckle dragging piece of shit. The kids the best in his class and probably has a college scholarship... lol stfu and go back to your hole.

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