Homophobe gets violent at DFW Airport

For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?

Yeah, imagine making a stink just because some drunk redneck yells at you and then kicks you in the balls.
Yeah...that guy in the pink shirt should have apologized for making a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING.
What gives you people the right to LABEL people homophobes?

you all don't like to labeled anything else but, gay

You want to see bigots look in a mirror

I'm sorry that your cousin was shown drunk at the airport on this video. But when you are that loud, ignorant and hostile, you will be noticed.

I think you're the one that's drunk. Look at your loud, ignorant and hostile post to me
I wasn't speaking to you in my post
You have no clue what transpired before the tape started to roll. You keep pretending you do, but you don't. Simple as that. We don't know why he was so angry, but you keep wanting to push is was a gay bashing.
His actions speak louder than any of your pretend suppositions.

As far as your bit above about no one calling it a hate crime- if he attacked that man, verbally and physically because he was gay and wearing a pink shirt, as you keep claiming over and over- that is a HATE Crime.
It doesn't become a sex crime until the courts rule it a hate crime. He was drunk, so that might be the major reason his phobias came out in public. The courts may rule it more a drunk's ranting since he obviously did not critically hurt the other person. I don't recall anyone calling it a hate-crime except you, and you're desperately trying to prove that it isn't, but nobody has said it was.

They were fighting before we can see the video start and the drunk used bigoted obscenities AFTER he says he sat something on the line and that is why he is pissed ( first thing out of his mouth when he was asked by the guy in the cowboy hat) and After he complains the man was photographing him- it does not mean he attacked him because he was wearing a pink shirt or thought he was gay.
What he said after he was asked what his problem was, does. He claims that queers and faggots are his problem. If you don't think that is the reason why he is mad then you probably know more about his reasons than he does.

It's really not that hard to comprehend. Like I said anything can be taken from half a video and you sure are trying to spin it into a an attack on a gay man for wearing a pink shirt- a hate crime which would have been broadcasted all over the news for the past week - if true. Simple.

Again, it was not broadcasted all over the news because it didn't get to the point where he physically hurt anyone. That he was obviously a homophobe perturbed by people whose lifestyle have nothing to do with him is obvious. That you want to make it into something else is obvious too.

You are being disingenuous. The first words out of his mouth were "I sat it on the line" then he says he is upset about being photographed by queers and even pantomimes a camera and then he goes off on the guy who was filing him after he laughed at him. I also find of note, before he even goes off on the guy in the red or pink and white stripped shirt, he took off his coat was going after the guy in the cowboy hat at first.
Anyway after all that speculation it was not about "queers". He started a fight with the ticket agent according to cops and the guy in the pink shirt told him to knock it off and then the fight started:

According to witnesses, Benham was verbally assaulting and being "belligerent" toward a ticket agent at the airport before security arrived. She reportedly asked him if he had been drinking and he replied, "Yes, 100 drinks."

The man in the pink shirt told police that he was asking Benham to calm down when Benham assaulted him. Then he verbally assaulted others and the guy in the pink shirt.

Police Airport assault suspect was drunk

DFW Airport Homophobe Caught on Video Is McCleish Christmas Benham from Tennessee Dallas Observer
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?
I don't like fat bald guys that wear cowboy hats to hide their comb overs. Can I call them out and challenge them for being hairless slobs?
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?
I don't like fat bald guys that wear cowboy hats to hide their comb overs. Can I call them out and challenge them for being hairless slobs?
Sure. It's perfectly legal. Maybe even healthy.

I'd advise you against attacking any of them, though.
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?
I don't like fat bald guys that wear cowboy hats to hide their comb overs. Can I call them out and challenge them for being hairless slobs?
Sure. It's perfectly legal. Maybe even healthy.

I'd advise you against attacking any of them, though.

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

So, given the facts ( see links in post 144) , it seems we can put this claim by Mertex to bed, the guy was not attacked because the drunk guy disapproved of homosexuality but because the drunk guy was attacking many that day, the ticket agent, the guy in pink and the guy in the cowboy hat.

This is a problem, we see it all the time, people jump to conclusions before having all the facts.
Shocker, Mertex started an idiot thread that absolutely has nothing to do with whatever weird point she's making.

I'm stunned, I tell you. Stunned.
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?
I don't like fat bald guys that wear cowboy hats to hide their comb overs. Can I call them out and challenge them for being hairless slobs?
Sure. It's perfectly legal. Maybe even healthy.

I'd advise you against attacking any of them, though.

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

So, given the facts ( see links in post 144) , it seems we can put this claim by Mertex to bed, the guy was not attacked because the drunk guy disapproved of homosexuality but because the drunk guy was attacking many that day, the ticket agent, the guy in pink and the guy in the cowboy hat.

This is a problem, we see it all the time, people jump to conclusions before having all the facts.
No, the part about him having a problem with "faggots" and kicking him in the nuts. yah, no big whoop...

what the the ...

are YOU drunk???
Carry a stun gun. In Utah, a conceal carry permit allows you to have almost everything except an air to surface missile or RPG.

Somebody bellows in your face, drop him.

Just make sure the bastard hits the ground in Utah. :thup:

:eusa_shhh: If he misses, just scoot 'im across the line with your boot!​
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?
I don't like fat bald guys that wear cowboy hats to hide their comb overs. Can I call them out and challenge them for being hairless slobs?
Sure. It's perfectly legal. Maybe even healthy.

I'd advise you against attacking any of them, though.

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

So, given the facts ( see links in post 144) , it seems we can put this claim by Mertex to bed, the guy was not attacked because the drunk guy disapproved of homosexuality but because the drunk guy was attacking many that day, the ticket agent, the guy in pink and the guy in the cowboy hat.

This is a problem, we see it all the time, people jump to conclusions before having all the facts.
No, the part about him having a problem with "faggots" and kicking him in the nuts. yah, no big whoop...

what the the ...

are YOU drunk???

LOL yet another who wants to push this was some guy starting a fight with someone he thought was Gay because he was dressed in pink. It's obvious from the news he had already picked a fight with the flight attendant, and was verbally assaulting her according to the articles. Then the guy in the stripped shirt stepped in and started to record and told him to knock it off and they were fighting and they ALL exchanged words BEFORE the video starts. Something which even the drunk guy says pissed him off and the fact he 'sat something on the line" and then gets pissed the guy in the stripped shirt is recording him and lets lose hateful words. Let's also forget he took his jacket off and was going for the guy in the cowboy hat too- of course this was all fueled by the drunk guy "wanting to attack a gay guy", GMAB.

Take the agenda elsewhere. The guy is an asshole with a foul mouth, this was not some hate crime or an attack against a gay guy cause he was wearing a pink shirt. As alleged over and over. lol
Do gay people not like being called out? Sensitive, ain't they?

And why wouldn't people feel like they have a right to call people out and challenge them? Have they lost that right somewhere?

Challenge them to what, exactly? :dunno: A duel?

Broadswords in a steel cage?

:dunno: Celebrity backgammon?​
For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?

Yeah, imagine making a stink just because some drunk redneck yells at you and then kicks you in the balls.

oh? are they someone SPECIAL like a congress person or something? I must of missed how important they are

No, but if it was Sarah Palin or one of her kids, I bet you would be squawking like a chicken with it's head cut off....:)
What gives you people the right to LABEL people homophobes?

you all don't like to labeled anything else but, gay

You want to see bigots look in a mirror

Does the word offend you? Try not being one.
You are being disingenuous. The first words out of his mouth were "I sat it on the line" then he says he is upset about being photographed by queers and even pantomimes a camera and then he goes off on the guy who was filing him after he laughed at him. I also find of note, before he even goes off on the guy in the red or pink and white stripped shirt, he took off his coat was going after the guy in the cowboy hat at first.

I'm being disingenuous? I reported the story just like it was provided. That you have come up with a completely different angle is really funny, and disingenuous. Why are you going to such lengths to try and change what is obvious? Does the word homophobe make you uncomfortable? You can say whatever you want, nobody seems to be agreeing with you.
Shocker, Mertex started an idiot thread that absolutely has nothing to do with whatever weird point she's making.

I'm stunned, I tell you. Stunned.

Oh look, she's back. The person that keeps knocking this place just can't stay away.....

Try staying on topic, KKKgrl, but since it appears you don't even understand the OP, that would be rather difficult.
LOL yet another who wants to push this was some guy starting a fight with someone he thought was Gay because he was dressed in pink. It's obvious from the news he had already picked a fight with the flight attendant, and was verbally assaulting her according to the articles. Then the guy in the stripped shirt stepped in and started to record and told him to knock it off and they were fighting and they ALL exchanged words BEFORE the video starts. Something which even the drunk guy says pissed him off and the fact he 'sat something on the line" and then gets pissed the guy in the stripped shirt is recording him and lets lose hateful words. Let's also forget he took his jacket off and was going for the guy in the cowboy hat too- of course this was all fueled by the drunk guy "wanting to attack a gay guy", GMAB.

Take the agenda elsewhere. The guy is an asshole with a foul mouth, this was not some hate crime or an attack against a gay guy cause he was wearing a pink shirt. As alleged over and over. lol

Want to keep it all under the rug, eh? Well, too bad....this homophobe let it all hang out and now all the homophobes are coming out in droves to try and prove that he is not a homophobe, but just a drunk. It is apparent that the fact that many states moving toward allowing same-sex marriage is bringing out the worst in the homophobes...they seem to be so angry they are willing to make it physical. And, when they let it all hang out and it is broadcast for all to see, it embarrasses them, and embarrasses everyone else that feels the same way they do. Too bad.

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