Homophobe gets violent at DFW Airport

So? is this suppose to be a "special big deal" or what

those poor poor homosexuals. How do they ever get through life

No, this is a thread where you can come in and expose your homophobic tendencies and try and twist the incident so that somehow it was the guy in the pink shirt's fault, because that is what we have come to expect from you.
I saw this a few days ago.

Asshole Texan. Just sees a guy in pink and decides to kick him in the balls.

And the anti-gays think it is the the gays always "shoving it down their throats" ---
gays and even those who look like gays have been putting up with this shit ...forever.

Glad the asshole was reduced to nothingness with his asscrack blazing off in the viral sunset.
It is breast cancer awareness month
Many men wear pink to commemorate mothers, wives or sisters who battled breast cancer

Has nothing to do with being gay

Well, to a homophobe, and there seem to be plenty of those, that would be a clear sign that the person must be gay and therefore needs to be demeaned, embarrassed and made an example.

That drunken dunce would have made a serious mistake if he pulled that nonsense with me.
What would you have done? Attack him? Remind me again how yelling at someone is a crime.

If you only saw yelling then you saw an edited video. The drunk physically assaulted the man. No one really went after the drunk until he attacked the man physically.

Dallas Airport Fight Caught On Video As Crowd Takes Down Angry Ranting Homophobe
"There is no evidence that the drunk started his taunts because he was being recorded."

Sure there is he says it right on your video. AND your supposed gay man is recording THE MOMENT your video starts.
There is no evidence that the drunk started his taunts because he was being recorded....only that he doesn't like the fact that he is being recorded after he started his taunts. Sure, he says it, and sure the guy in the pink shirt is recording him, but that is only because he had already started taunting him.

And your supposed gay man walks up on the drunk guy with his camera in the air recording him which drunk guy try's to bat away- then guy in cowboy hat says what's wrong and he says "I sat it on the line" - (he was probably fighting about being line cut IMO) while trying to stop your supposed "gay guy: from filming him was fighting with him about whatever drunk dude 'sat on the line" and says he is pissed because he is being filmed....

There is no law that says you can't record/video someone. Sure he is pissed that he is being recorded, but there is no evidence that shows that is what caused him to yell the insults. And, even if what you say is true, telling someone they are homosexual is a means of insult for homophobes, and that is what he did.

That's all you got, it is NOT a homophobic attack. Who cares what the Daily Kos labeled it? Seriously, the Kos, Mertex? And something written by someone named "librarisingnsf"? Some anonymous guy who does not even know if the guy is actually gay? But decided to label him gay because he MAY be in a pink and white shirt? Come on.

Come on, Cafe, surely you don't think all the people in the airport that jumped on the drunk are conspiring against the homophobe and made the whole thing up. The Daily Kos is way more believable than Faux News, yet many conservatives rely on Faux News to keep up with what is happening in the world.

I suppose your claim is that he never even uttered the words "Queers" and "faggots" and "blacks". In Texas, it would be more likely that people would have chimed in with the drunk, so you making it seem like it was all made up is comical.

You have no clue what happened prior. Period. The source you linked to is not even sure the guy in the "pink" shirt is gay, it says possibly gay. I've never said it was made up and you know it. I've never said he did not say those things.
It doesn't matter if the guy in the pink shirt is gay or not. The drunk thought he was and attacked him. That's what we're objecting to.

I said it once and ill say it again, the language was deplorable, his behavior was as well. But what I see is someone using the bigoted words to verbally attack someone he is in a conflict with. The same way I see it on this forum daily. "Oh you fag", "you fucking queer", etc.

I don't think so. He went on to say:
"Queers is what I'm upset about!" the man tells him loudly. "This [expletive] right here."
Crowd takes down man in homophobic attack in Dallas airport - UPI.com

He was telling that to others, not the man, so your suggestion is lame.

It's obvious the fight was going on prior to camera's rolling. We have no clue what started it. seems to me it had something to do with line cutting.

It's obvious the guy was upset about his "setting something on the line".
It doesn't matter. You don't yell those kinds of insults at someone, even if the guy in the pink shirt had been a homosexual.

Its equally obvious he was pissed about being recorded and let nasty deplorable, hateful words fly.
If you start insulting people in public, be prepared to be video-taped. That's what we do nowadays....

It is not obvious he was using these words cause he thought the guy was gay. The two guys recording it never even intimate this is a hate crime or an attack on a gay guy.
They weren't producing a docudrama.....they were just recording. We can tell it is a hateful homophobic attack because of the words the drunk was using. Nobody that I know has called it a hate crime, so I don't know where you're getting that. That the drunk is homophobic is evident, that you are trying to downplay it is evident, too.

This happened over a week ago. If it was a hate crime all the major news outlets would be covering it, instead we have bloggers and message forum members pretending they know why the fight started.
Several sources are carrying it. It was on our local news.

When you have the entire fight on video and those present stating why he was upset , get back to me, until then it was a loud mouth drunk fighting and using awful words because he was pissed off.

Half a video, tells half a story.

I don't have to get back to you with anything. I posted the link. Anyone can do their own checking and come to their own conclusions. That those on the right are going to try and downplay it is nothing new.

You have no clue what transpired before the tape started to roll. You keep pretending you do, but you don't. Simple as that. We don't know why he was so angry, but you keep wanting to push is was a gay bashing.

As far as your bit above about no one calling it a hate crime- if he attacked that man, verbally and physically because he was gay and wearing a pink shirt, as you keep claiming over and over- that is a HATE Crime.

They were fighting before we can see the video start and the drunk used bigoted obscenities AFTER he says he sat something on the line and that is why he is pissed ( first thing out of his mouth when he was asked by the guy in the cowboy hat) and After he complains the man was photographing him- it does not mean he attacked him because he was wearing a pink shirt or thought he was gay.

It's really not that hard to comprehend. Like I said anything can be taken from half a video and you sure are trying to spin it into a an attack on a gay man for wearing a pink shirt- a hate crime which would have been broadcasted all over the news for the past week - if true. Simple.
I am not talking about wearing pink in public. I am talking about the ones out in public forcing it down our throats like teaching it to school kids. Keep their sick perversions in the closet.

You think about gay men forcing WHAT down your throat?
You would know more about that.

You're the one that made the statement. You need to clarify.
I am talking about pastors being threatened with jail time for not marrying gays, I am talking about elementary schools teaching gay in schools, stupid stuff like that. If my daughters school did that I would pull her so fast the school would put out a missing child report. My child knows the truth, that gay is abnormal and a sin, period.

Attacking people is a sin, too. I hope you are also re-enforcing that.
Yes. The drunk was wrong and should have been arrested.
Angry drunk guy ? Sure. Homophobic ??? not even. Do people who have real phobias confront what they are really afraid of ? No. They do everything they can to avoid them.
Angry drunk guy ? Sure. Homophobic ??? not even. Do people who have real phobias confront what they are really afraid of ? No. They do everything they can to avoid them.

People afraid of certain things often lash out angrily. This homophobe might be afraid that he might become homosexual if he is around homosexuals. Or, he may have homosexual tendencies and by lashing out, he is trying to prove to himself and others that he is not homosexual, which may mean he doesn't really have a phobia, just a dilemma.
You have no clue what transpired before the tape started to roll. You keep pretending you do, but you don't. Simple as that. We don't know why he was so angry, but you keep wanting to push is was a gay bashing.
His actions speak louder than any of your pretend suppositions.

As far as your bit above about no one calling it a hate crime- if he attacked that man, verbally and physically because he was gay and wearing a pink shirt, as you keep claiming over and over- that is a HATE Crime.
It doesn't become a sex crime until the courts rule it a hate crime. He was drunk, so that might be the major reason his phobias came out in public. The courts may rule it more a drunk's ranting since he obviously did not critically hurt the other person. I don't recall anyone calling it a hate-crime except you, and you're desperately trying to prove that it isn't, but nobody has said it was.

They were fighting before we can see the video start and the drunk used bigoted obscenities AFTER he says he sat something on the line and that is why he is pissed ( first thing out of his mouth when he was asked by the guy in the cowboy hat) and After he complains the man was photographing him- it does not mean he attacked him because he was wearing a pink shirt or thought he was gay.
What he said after he was asked what his problem was, does. He claims that queers and faggots are his problem. If you don't think that is the reason why he is mad then you probably know more about his reasons than he does.

It's really not that hard to comprehend. Like I said anything can be taken from half a video and you sure are trying to spin it into a an attack on a gay man for wearing a pink shirt- a hate crime which would have been broadcasted all over the news for the past week - if true. Simple.

Again, it was not broadcasted all over the news because it didn't get to the point where he physically hurt anyone. That he was obviously a homophobe perturbed by people whose lifestyle have nothing to do with him is obvious. That you want to make it into something else is obvious too.
For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?
For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?

That sure doesn't make any sense....care to rephrase it?
Dailykos, they can go around calling others names but call one a fag, queer, homo
frikken heads explode with you are bigot, homophobe, blah blah blah
For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?

Yeah, imagine making a stink just because some drunk redneck yells at you and then kicks you in the balls.
For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?

Yeah, imagine making a stink just because some drunk redneck yells at you and then kicks you in the balls.

oh? are they someone SPECIAL like a congress person or something? I must of missed how important they are
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.


This is Adorable... . A drunk makes a fool of himself and this is a point upon which the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality chooses to stand. (Yet another clue as to the intent and potential viability offered by this cult.)

FTR: There is no such thing as a 'homophobe'. The word literally means "Fear of Self". There's also no such thing as "same-sex marriage".

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .
For a group of people who just wants to be, left alone and others stay out bedrooms. They sure make a BIG STINK out of EVERYTHING don't they?

Yeah, imagine making a stink just because some drunk redneck yells at you and then kicks you in the balls.

oh? are they someone SPECIAL like a congress person or something? I must of missed how important they are

Do they need to be special to allow for the humiliation of someone who starts verbally abusing them loudly, in public, and then physically attacks them? It seems to me that humiliating those who do what the drunk did is an excellent way of discouraging such behavior.
FRI OCT 24, 2014 AT 02:49 PM PDT

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With (Possibly) Gay Man

It seems that some homophobes just cannot take the advances the LGBT community is winning nationwide, and some of them seem to have become unhinged (completely) ... such as this man at DFW airport.

The video is dated Thursday, October 23, and shows an unnamed angry man bellowing and threatening another passenger who is wearing a jacket and a pink shirt. A tall man in a black cowboy hat approaches and asks the angry man what he’s upset about.“Queers!” the man shouted. “That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”

Drunk Homophobe Taken Down And Arrested At DFW Airport After Altercation With Possibly Gay Man

I get it that some don't approve of homosexuality and are completely against same-sex marriage, but don't you think attacking people because they appear homosexual in an airport is a tad radical? Why do those who oppose homosexuality feel like they have the right to call gay people out and challenge them? Who died and put them in charge?

Okay, this guy happened to be drunk.....but apparently he has very strong feelings about gays or he wouldn't have acted the way he did whether drunk or not.


This is Adorable... . A drunk makes a fool of himself and this is a point upon which the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality chooses to stand. (Yet another clue as to the intent and potential viability offered by this cult.)

FTR: There is no such thing as a 'homophobe'. The word literally means "Fear of Self". There's also no such thing as "same-sex marriage".

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .

Sorry, but 33 states disagree with you. If you want to define it differently within a religious context, feel free. But by the legal definition, same sex marriage exists in 2/3 of the states in this country.
What gives you people the right to LABEL people homophobes?

you all don't like to labeled anything else but, gay

You want to see bigots look in a mirror
What gives you people the right to LABEL people homophobes?

you all don't like to labeled anything else but, gay

You want to see bigots look in a mirror

I'm sorry that your cousin was shown drunk at the airport on this video. But when you are that loud, ignorant and hostile, you will be noticed.

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